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...м i л л -, BD Professor of Arabic in the University. In the Pro», ííítcD for t{)c Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, MA late Kegius Professor of Greek in the University. A new Edition printed on Demy 4to. Writing Paper, with... | |
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...Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of London. Octavo, 1i. Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in parallel columns on the same Page. Edited, for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, by Professor ScuOLEriELD. Third Edition, Tt. &I.... | |
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...Explaining the New Testament. Edited by THOMAS TURTON, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. Octavo. 8*. The Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns on the same Page. Edited by Professor SCHOLEFIELD. Third Edition. 7*. 6d. The Cambridge Greek Testament. 3*. Qd. LONDON: JOIIN... | |
| Richard Chenevix Trench (abp. of Dublin.) - 1851 - 376 pages
...Explaining the New Testament. Edited by THOMAS TUBTON, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. Octavo. 8*. The Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns on the same Page. Edited by Professor SCHOLEFIELD. Third Edition. 7*. G</. By Julius Charles Hare, MA Archdeacon of Lewes. Mission... | |
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...Plautus, with Notes by J. Hildyard, BD, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. 7». 6rf. each. Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns on the same Page. Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, by Professor Scholcfield. Cheap'er Edition. 7«.... | |
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...Plautus, with Notes by J. Hildyard, BD, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. 7*. 6d. each. Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns on the same Page. Edited for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, by Professor Scholefield. Cheaper Edition. 7s. 6d.... | |
| Hugo Grotius, William Whewell - International law - 1853 - 470 pages
...John Hey, DD Third Edition, by T. TUBTON, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. Two Volumes, Octavo. 30*. Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns,...late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Third Edition. Small 8vo. 7*. 6d. Cambridge Greek Testament. Small Octavo, 3s. 6d. WORKS EDITED FOR... | |
| Hugo Grotius - International law - 1853 - 544 pages
...John Hey, DD Third Edition, by T. TURToN, DD, Lord Bishep of Ely. Two Volumes, Octavo. 30<r. Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns,...the same page. Edited by J. SCHoLEFIELD, MA, late Regins Professor of Greek in the University. Third Edition. Small 8vo. 7л Gd. In Preparation. The... | |
| Hugo Grotius - International law - 1853 - 480 pages
...John Hey, DD Third Edition, hy T. TURTON, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. Two Volumes, Octavo. 30*. Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns, on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELD, ALA., late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Third Edition. Small 8vo. 7*. 6d. Cambridge... | |
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...DD Third Edition, by Т. Тидток, DD, Lord Bishop of Ely. Two Volumes, Octavo. 30*. Cambridge Greek and English Testament, in Parallel Columns, on the same page. Edited by J. SCHOLEFIELB, MA, late Regius Professor of Greek in the University. Third Edition. Small 8vo. 7*. 6d.... | |
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