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PROFESSOR ALEXANDER AGASSIZ's address, delivered in Saunders' Theatre, Cambridge, which we print in full on another page, must be considered one of the most important events of the great Boston meeting.

In his position as Vice-President of the Biological Section nothing could be more appropriate than the expression of his views upon the direction which modern biological research is taking. Animated by his own experience and convictions, his address was a deliberate and able attack upon the prevailing tendency towards too rapid generalization—a tendency which has been increasing during the last fifteen years, and is clearly the outgrowth of the intense desire of modern biologists to break down each and every barrier which obstructs our view in the history of development. Natural and laudable as is the desire to leave no stone unturned

in our knowledge of the relationships of the different branches of the animal kingdom, it can only result in the obstruction of future investigators if it is not kept strictly within the limits of the truth. Phylogenetic inquiries add greatly to the zest of study, but should not be carried so far as to hamper or obscure the real end in view, which is, of course, truth and precision of statement, with the line sharply defined between what is actually seen and that which it is inferred ought to be seen.

Prof. Agassiz based his conclusions upon his comprehensive study of the sea-urchin. Stating as a premise the now well-known fact that in their embyological development the modern forms repeat the stages through which their ancestors passed in fossil history, he carefully traced the parallelism in a number of modern and fossil forms, giving an outline of his recent study. The results have been in all cases in positive confirmation of the above premise, and show the very close affiliation of the oldest and most recent forms, in general characters. But while the sea-urchins, with a comparatively

small number of existing species, and with a comparatively complete fossil record, offer a tempting field for speculation, Prof. Agassiz denied his right to group the genera into anything like a complete genealogical tree. "If," he concluded, "when we take one of the most limited groups of the animal kingdom, we find ourselves engaged in a hopeless task, what must be the prospect should we attack the problem of other classes or groups of the animal kingdom, where the species run into thousands, while they number only tens in the case we have attempted to carry out? Shall we say 'ignorabimus' or 'impavidi progrediamus,' and valiantly chase a phantom we can never hope to seize?"

It was hardly to be expected that such an attack as this would pass unnoticed, and in fact, one of the features of the meetings of the Biological Section was a debate growing out of it, which took place on the following day. Prof. Cope had been reading an able paper upon the succession of the extinct Felidæ, pointing to the modifications of the teeth as a basis for forming a complete genetic series. At the close of his paper he called Prof. Agassiz's attention to the fact that here, in the cat family, was an instance leading in quite an opposite direction to that which Prof. Agassiz had assumed in his address the day before. An interesting discussion followed. Prof. Agassiz said he did not object to the grouping of genera into lines of descent where the structural characters were sufficiently homologous, but he did object to regardhypothetical links into other parts of the chain, ing such affinity as justifying the introduction of and he did not see that the modifications of a single character, the teeth, warranted the phylogenetic conclusions which Prof. Cope had just reached. Prof. Burt Wilder added that, in his own study upon he had found the fallacy of hasty generalization the pectoral muscles of the dog and other animals, for genetic inferences, drawn from the muscles alone, would widely differ from the facts of actual relationship. Prof. Cope replied that in such questions all must admit that different values should be assigned to different parts of the animal frame, and among the hard parts, of course, he ranked, first, the limbs, then, he said, came the teeth. In justification of his arrangement of the extinct cats into two lines of descent from a common ancestor, he said that the complication of the brains confirmed the history told by the teeth. Prof. Agassiz emphatically repeated his statement of the day before and the discussion closed. We hope this address will be widely circulated and read; if received in the spirit in which Prof. Agassiz intended it, its

effect will be admirable. The reaction from the

theory of special creation is running strongly in every quarter, and in a day when we find ingenious speculations advanced even in small memoirs, every one must admit the necessity of a more conservative spirit. There is no danger of going into the old and opposite extreme, nor does Prof. Agassiz's address encourage the return movement. It is a re-statement of the old piece of advice-do not attempt to run before you are sure you can walk.




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Since the publication of the 'Poissons Fossiles" by Agassiz and of the "Embryologie des Salmonidées" by Vogt, the similarity, traced by the former between certain stages in the growth of young fishes and the fossil representatives of extinct members of the group, has also been observed in nearly every class of the animal kingdom, and the fact has become a most convenient axiom in the study of paleontological and embryological development. This parallelism, which has been on the one side a strong argument in favor of design in the plan of creation, is now, with slight emendations, doing duty on the other as a newly discovered article of faith in the new biology.

But while in a general way we accept the truth of the proposition that there is a remarkable parallelism between the embryonic development of a group and its paleontological history, yet no one has attempted to demonstrate this, or rather to show how far the parallelism extends. We have up to the present time been satisfied with tracing the general coincidence, or with striking individual cases.

The resemblance between the pupa stage of some Insects and of adult Crustacea, the earlier existence of the latter, and the subsequent appearance of the former in paleontological history, furnished one of the first and most natural illustrations of this parallelism; while theoretically the necessary development of the higher tracheate insects from their early branchiate aquatic ancestors seemed to form an additional link in the chain, and point to the Worms, the representatives of the larval condition of Insects, as a still earlier embryonic stage of the Articulates.

Indeed, there is not a single group of the animal kingdom in which embryology has not played a most important part in demonstrating affinities little suspected before. The development of our frogs, our salamanders, has given us the key to much that was unexplained in the history of Reptiles and Batrachians. The little that has been done in the embryology of Birds has revolutionized our ideas of a class which at the beginning of the century seemed to be the most naturally circumscribed of all. Embryology and paleontology combined have led to the recognition of a natural classification uniting Birds and Reptiles on the one side and Batrachians and Fishes on the other. It is to embryology that we owe the explanation of the affinities of the old Fishes in which Agassiz first recognized the similarity to the embryo of Fishes now living, and by its aid we may hope to understand the relationship of the oldest representatives of the class. It has given us the only explanation of the early appearance of the Cartilaginous Fishes, and of the probable formation of the earliest vertebrate limb from the lateral embryonic fold, still to be traced in the young of the Osseous Fishes of to-day.

Embryology has helped us to understand the changes aquatic animals must gradually undergo in order to become capable of living upon dry land. It has given us pictures of swimming-bladders existing as rudimentary lungs in Fishes with a branchial system; in Batrachians it has shown us the persistence of a branchial system side by side with a veritable lung. We find among the earliest terrestrial Vertebrates, types having manifest affinities with the Fishes on one side and Batrachians on the other, and we call these types Reptiles; but we should nevertheless do so with a reservation, looking to embryology for the true meaning of these half-fledged Reptiles, which lived at the period of transition between an aquatic and terrestrial life, and must therefore always retain an unusual importance in the study of the development of animal life.

When we come to the embryology of the marine Invertebrates, the history of the development of the barnacles is too familiar to be dwelt upon, and I need only allude to the well-known transformations of the Echinoderms, of the Acalephs, Polyps, in fact of every single class of Invertebrates, and perhaps in none more than in the Brachiopods, to show how far-reaching has been the influence of embryology

in guiding us to a correct reading of the relations between the fossils of successive formations. There is scarcely an embryological monograph now published dealing with any of the later stages of growth which does not speak of their resemblance to some type of the group long ago extinct. It has therefore been most natural to combine with the attempts constantly made to establish the genetic sequence between the genera of successive formations, an effort to establish also a correspondence between their paleontolog. ical sequence and that of the embryonic stages of development of the same, thus extending the mere similarity first observed between certain stages to a far broader generali. zation.

It would carry me too far to sketch out, except in a most general way, even for a single class, the agreement known to exist in certain groups between their embryonic develin the succession of animal life of any period we may take opment and their paleontological history. It is hinted at up, and perhaps cannot be better expressed than by comparing the fauna of any period as a whole with that of following epochs-a zoological system of the Jura, for instance, compared with one made up for the Cretaceous: next, one for the Tertiary, compared with the fauna of the present day. In no case could we find any class of the animal kingdom bearing the same definitions or characterized in the same manner. But apply to this comparison the data obtained from the embryological development of our present fauna, and what a flood of light is thrown upon the meaning of the succession of these apparently disconnected animal kingdoms, belonging to different geological periods, especially in connection with the study of the few ancient types which have survived to the present day from the earliest times in the history of our earth!

Although there is hardly a class of the animal kingdom in which some most interesting parallelism could not be drawn, and while the material for an examination of this parallelism is partially available for the Fishes, Mollusks, Crustacea, Corals, and Crinoids, yet for the illustration and critical examination of this parallelism I have been led to choose to-day a very limited group, that of Sea-urchins, both on account of the nature of the material and of m, own familiarity with their development and with the living and extinct species of Echini. The number of living species is not very great-less than three hundred-and the number of fossil species thus far known is not, according to Zittel, more than about two thousand. It is therefore possible for a specialist to know of his own knowledge the greater part of the species of the group. It has been my good fortune to examine all but a few of the species now known to exist, and the collections to which I have had access contain representatives of the majority of the fossil species. Sea-urchins are found in the oldest fossiliferous rocks; they have continued to exist without interruption in all the strata up to the present time. While it is true tha: our knowledge of the Sea-urchins occurring before the Jurassic period is not very satisfactory, it is yet complete enough for the purposes of the present essay, as it will enable me, starting from the Jurassic period, to call your attention to the paleontological history of the group, and to compare the succession of its members with the embryological development of the types now living in our seas. Ample material for making this comparison is fortunately at hand; it is material of a peculiar kind, not easily obtained, and which thus far has not greatly attracted the attention of zoologists.

Interesting and important as are the earliest stages of embryonic development in the different classes of the animal kingdom, as bearing upon the history of the first appearance of any organ and its subsequent modifications, they throw but little light on the subject before us. What we need for our comparisons are the various stages of growth through which the young Sea-urchins of different families pass from the time they have practically become Sea-urchins until they have attained the stage which we now dignify with the name of species. Few embryologists have carried their investigations into the more extended field of the changes the embryo undergoes when it begins to be recognized as belonging to a special class, and when the knowledge of the specialist is absolutely needed to trace the bearing of the changes undergone, and to understand their full meaning. Fortunately the growth of the

young Echini has been traced in a sufficient number of families to enable me to draw the parallelism between these various stages of growth and the paleontological stages in a very different manner from what is possible in other groups of the animal kingdom, where we are overwhelmed with the number of species, as in the Insects or Mollusks, or where the paleontological or the embryological terms of comparison are wanting or very imperfect.

Beginning with the paleontological history of the regular Sea-urchins of the time of the Trias, when they constituted an unimportant group as compared with the Crenoids, we find the Echini of that time limited to representatives of two families. One of these, the genus Cidaris, has continued to exist, with slight modifications, up to the present time, and not less than one-tenth of all the known species of fossil Echini belong to this important genus, which in our tropical seas is still a prominent one. It is interesting here to note that in the Cidarida the modifications of the test are not striking, and the fossil genera appearing in the successive formations are distinguished by characters which often leave us in doubt as to the genus to which many species should be referred. In the genus Rhabdocidaris, which appears in the lower Jura, and which is mainly characterized by the extraordinary development of the radioles, we find the extreme of the variations of the spines in this family. From that time to the present day, the most striking differences have existed in the shape of the spines, not only of closely allied genera, but even in specimens of the same species; differences which in some of the species of to day are as great as in older geological periods. The oldest Cidaridæ are remarkable for their narrow poriferous zones. It is only in the Jura that they widen somewhat; subsequently the pores become conjugated, and only later, during the Cretaceous period, do we find the first traces of any ornamentation of the test (Temnocidaris) so marked at the present day in the genus Goniocidaris. As far, then, as the Cidaridæ are concerned, the modifications which take place from their earliest appearance are restricted to slight changes in the poriferous zone and in the ornamentation of the test, accompanied with great variability in the shape of the primary radioles. We must except from this statement the genera Diplocidaris and Tetracidaris, to which I shall refer again. The representatives of the other Triassic family become extinct in the lower tertiaries. The oldest genus, Hemicidaris, undoubtedly represents the earliest deviations from the true Cidaris type; modifications which affect not only the poriferous zone, but the test, the actinal and the abactinal systems, while from the extent of these minor changes we can trace out the gradual development of some of the characteristics in families of the regular Echini now living. The genus Hemicidaris may be considered as a Cidaris in which the poriferous zone is narrow and undulating, in which the granules of the ambulacral system have become minute tubercles in the upper portion of the zone and small primary tubercles in its actinal region, in which many of the interambulacral granules become small secondaries, in which the plates of the actinal system have become reduced in number, and the apical system has become a narrow ring, and finally in which the primary radioles no longer assume the fantastic shapes so common among the Cidaridæ.

We can trace in this genus the origin of the modifications of the poriferous zone, leading us, on the one side, through genera with merely undulating lines of pores to more or less distinct corfluent arcs of pores, formed round the primary ambulacral tubercles, and, on the other, to the formation of open arcs of three or more pairs of pores. The first type culminates at the present day with the Arbaciada, the other with the Diadematidæ, Triplechinidæ, and Echinometradæ. This specialization very early takes place, for already in the lower jura Stomechinus has assumed the principal characteristics of the Triplechinidæ of to-day.

Although in Hemicidaris the number of the coronal plates has increased as compared with the Cidaridæ, and while we find that in many genera, even of those of the present day, the number of the coronal plates is still comparatively small, yet, as a general rule, the more recent formations contain genera in which the increase in number of the interambulacral plates is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the number of plates of the interambulacral area so characteristic thus far of the Cidaridæ and

Hemicidaridæ, a change also affecting the size of the primary ambulacral tubercles. This increase in the number of the coronal plates is likewise accompanied by the development of irregular secondary and miliary tubercles, and the disappearance in this group of the granular tuberculation, so important a character in the Cidarida. With the increase in the number of the interambulacral coronal plates, the Pseudodiadematidæ still retain prominent primary tubercles, recalling the earlier Hemicidaridæ and Cidaridæ, and, as in the Cidaridæ proper, the test is frequently ornamented by deep pits or by ridges formed by the junction of adjoining tubercles. The genital ring becomes narrower, and the tendency to the specialization of one of its plates, the madreporite, more and more marked.

With the appearance of Stomechinus, the Echinidæ proper already assume in the Jura the open arcs of pores, the large number of coronal interambulacral plates, the specialization of the secondary tubercles, and the large number of primary tubercles in each plate. With the appearance of Sphærechinus in the early Tertiary come in all the elements for the greater multiplication of the pairs of pores in the arcs of the poriferous zones, while the gigantic primary spines of some of the genera (Heterocentrotus), and the small number of primary tubercles are structural features which had completely disappeared in the group preceding the Echinometradæ, to which they appear most closely allied.

Going back again to the Hemicidaridæ, it requires but slight changes to pass from them to Acrosalenia and to the Saleniæ proper; the latter have continued to the present day, and have, like the Cidarida, retained almost un changed the characters of the genera which preceded them, combined, however, with a few Cidaridian and Echinid features which date back to the Triassic period. We can thus trace the modifications which have taken place in the poriferous zone, the apical and actinal systems, the coronal plates, the ambulacral and interambulacral tubercles, as well as in the radioles, and in the most direct manner possible indicate the origin of the peculiar combination of structural features which we find at any geological horizon. On taking in succession the modifications undergone by the different parts of the test, we can trace each one singly, without the endless complication of combinations which any attempt to trace the whole of any special generic combination would imply.

Leaving out of the question for the moment the Palachinidæ, we find no difficulty in tracing the history of the characters of the genera of the regular Echini which have existed from the time of the Trias and are now living, provided we take up each character independently. Nothing can be more direct than the gradual modification of the simple, barely undulating poriferous zone, made up of numerous ambulacral plates covered by granules, such as we find it among the Cidarida of Trias, first into the slightly undulating poriferous zone of the Hemicidaridæ, next into the indistinct arcs of pores of the Pseudodiadematidæ, then into the arcs with a limited number of pores of the Triplechinidæ, and finally to the polyporous arcs of the Echinometradæ. What can be more direct than the gradual modification to be traced in the development of the primary ambulacral tubercles, such as are characteristic of the Echinidæ of the present day, from their first appearance at the oral extremity of the ambulacral system of the Hemicidaridæ, and the increase in the number of primary interambulacral tubercles, accompanied by the growth of secondaries and miliaries, which we can trace in Hemicidaridis, Acrosalenia, and Stomechinus,-the increase in number of primary and secondary tubercles being accompanied by a reduction in the size of the radioles and a greater uniformity in their size and shape?

But while these modifications take place, the original structural feature may be retained in an allied group. Thus the Cidaridæ retain unchanged from the earliest time to the present day the few primary tubercles, the secondary granules, the simple poriferous zone, the imbricating actinal system, and the few coronal plates, with the large apical system and many-shaped radioles; while in the Salenidæ the primary internambulacral tubercles, the secondary granules, the radioles, the genital ring, are recognized features of the Cidaridæ, associated, however, with an Echinid actinal and anal system, Hemicidarid primary ambulacral

tubercles, and an Echinid poriferous zone. In the same way in the Diadematidæ, the large primary internambulacral tubercles are Cidaridian features, while the structure of the ambulacral tubercles is Hemicidaridian. The existence of two kinds of spines is another Cidaridian feature, while the apical and actinal systems have become modified in the same direction as that of the Echinidæ. The more recent the genus, the greater is the difficulty of tracing in a direct manner the origin of any one structural feature, owing to the difficulty of disassociating structural elements characteristic of genera which may be derived from totally different sources. This is particularly the case with genera having a great geological age. Many of them, especially among the Spatangoids, show affinities with genera following them in time, to be explained at present only on the supposition that, when a structural feature has once made its appearance, it may reappear subsequently, apparently as a new creation, while in reality it is only its peculiar combination with structural features with which it had not before been associated (a new genus), which conceals in that instance the fact of its previous existence. A careful analysis, not only of the genera of the order, but sometimes of other orders which have preceded this combination in time, may often reveal the elements from which have been produced apparently unintelligible modifications.

There is, however, not one of the simple structural features in the few types of the Triassic and Liassic Echini from which we can so easily trace the origin of the structural features of all the subsequent Echinid genera, which is not also itself continued to the present day in some generic type of the present epoch, fully as well characterized as it was at the beginning. In fact, the very existence to-day of these early structural features seem to be as positive a proof of the unbroken systematic affinity between the Echini of our seas and those of the Trias, as the uninterrupted existence of the genus Pygaster or Cidaris from the Trias down to the present epoch, or of the connection of many of the genera of the Chalk with those of our epoch (Salenia, Cyphosoma, Psammechinus, etc.).

Passing to the Clypeastridæ, we find there as among the Desmosticha that the earliest type, Pygaster, has existed from the Trias to the present time; and that, while we can readily reconstruct, on embryological grounds, the modifications the earliest Desmosticha-like Echini should undergo in order to assume the structural features of Pygaster, yet the early periods in which the precursors of the Echinoconidæ and Clypeastridæ are found have thus far not produced the genera in which these modifications actually take place. But, starting from Pygaster, we naturally pass to Holectypus, to Discoidea, to Conoclypus, on the one side, while on the other, from Holectypus to Echinocyamus, Sismondia, Fibularia, and Mortonia, we have the natural sequence of the characters of the existing Echinanthidæ, Laganidæ, and Scutellidæ, the greater number of which are characteristic of the present epoch. If we were to take in turn the changes undergone in the arrangement of the plates of the test, as we pass from Pygaster to Holectypus, to Echinocyamus, and Echinanthidae, we should have in the genera which follow each other in the paleontological record an unbroken series showing exactly what these modifications have been. In the same way, the modifica. tions of the abactinal and anal systems, and those of the poriferous zone, can equally well be followed to Echinocyamus, and thence to the Clypeastride; while a similar sequence in th modifioations of these structural features can be followed from Mortonia to the Scutellida of the present period.

Passing finally to the Petalosticha, we find no difficulty in tracing theoretically the modifications which our early Echinoconidæ of the Lías should primarily undergo previous to the appearance of Galeropygus. The similarity of the early Cassiduloid and Echinoneoid types points to the same systematic affinity, and perhaps even to a direct and not very distant relationship with the Palachinidæ. For if we analize the Echinothuria of the present day, we find in genera like Phormosoma many structural features, such as the shape of the test the character of the spines, the structure of the apical system, that of the poriferous zone, indicative of possible modifications in the direction of Pygaster or of Galeropygus, which have as yet not been taken into


Adopting for the Petalosticha the same method of tracing the modifications of single structural features in their paleontological succession, we trace the comparatively little modified paleontological history of the Echinoneida of the present day from the Pyrina of the lower Jura. This, in its turn, has been preceded by Hyboclypus and Galeropygus, while the Echinolampada of the present day date back, with but trifling modifications, to the Echinobrissus of the Lias, itself preceded by Clypeus; and they have been subject only to slight generic changes since that time, Echinobrissus being still extant, while such closely allied genera as Catopygus and Cassidulus of the earlier Cretaceous are still represented at the present day; the modifications taking place in the actinal system, in the ambulacal zones of the Echinoconidæ and of the Echinolampada showing the closest possible systematic affinity in these families. Starting again from Hyboclypus, with its elongate apical system, we naturally pass to Collyrites and the strange Dysasteride forms which, in their turn, are closely allied to the Holasteridæ. From Holaster on the one side, and from Toxaster on the other, we find an unbroken sequence of structural characters uniting the successive genera of Holasteridæ, such as Cardiaster, Öffaster, Stenonia, Ananchytes, and Asterostoma, with Paleopneustes, Homolampas and the Pourtalesiæ of the present day, while from the genera of the Toxasterida we naturally pass to the cretaceous Hemiaster; in the genus and the subsequent Micraster we find all the elements necessary for the modifications which appear in the Spantanginæ from the time of the Chalk to the present day. These modifications result in genera in which we trace the development of the fascioles, of the actinal, anal, and abactinal plastrons, of the beak, the formation of the petaloid ambulacra, first flush with the test, and little by little changed into marsupial pouches, the growth of the anterior groove and the manifold modifications of the ambulacral system in Spatangus Agassizia, and Echinocardium, often recalling in some of its features structural characters of families which have preceded this in time.

Apparently in striking contrast with the Echini of the secondary period and those which have succeeded them stand the Paleozic Echini; but when we have examined the embryology of Echini, we shall be better prepared to understand their structure and the affinities of the Palachinidæ with the Echini of the present day and their immediate predecessors.

Taking up now the embryological development of the several families which will form the basis of our comparisons, beginning with the Cidarida, we find that in the earliest stages they very soon assume the characters of the adult, the changes being limited to the development of the abactinal system, the increase in number of the coronal plates, and the modifications of the proportionally gigantic primary radioles.

In the Diadematidæ the changes undergone by the young are limited to the gradual transformation of the embryonic spines into those which characterize the family, to the changes of the vertical row of pores in the ambulacral area into arcs of three or four pairs of pores, and to the specialization of the actinal and abactinal systems.

In the Arbaciada the young stages are remarkable for the prominent sculplure of the test, for the flattened spines, for their simple poriferous zone, for their actinal system, and for their genital ring. The anal plates appear before the genital ring.

In the Echinometrade the young thus far observed are characterized by the small number of their primary tubercles, the large size of the spines, the simple vertical row of pores, the closing of the anal ring by a single plate, and the turban-shaped outline of the test. Little by little, the test loses with increasing age this Cidaris-like character; it reminds us, from the increase in the number of its plates, more of Hemicidaris; then, with their still greater increase, of the Pseudodiadematidæ; and, finally, of the Echinometradæ proper. The spines, following pari passu the changes of the test, lose little by little their fantastic embryonic, or rather Cidaris-like appearance, and become more solid and shorter, till they finally assume the delicately fluted structure characteristic of the Echinometradæ. The vertical poriferous zone is first changed into a series of connected vertical arcs, which become disjointed, and form, with increas

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