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Element, the old conception of, 1, 248


Elements, atomic heats of, 56

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atomic weights of, data for
finding, tables, 37 et seq.,
78 et seq.

atomic weights of, table, 45
atomic volumes, curve of, 226
atoms of, have definite re-
placing values, 117

atoms of, valency of (see also

valency of atoms), 121
classification of, by help of
thermal data, 274

classification of, in accord-

ance with their atomic
heats, 56

classification of, in accord-
ance with the periodic law,
fusibility of, 228
isomorphism of, 67
periodic connection between
atomic weights and pro-
perties of, 223 et seq.
specific heats of, law of Du-
long and Petit regarding,46
specific heats of some, deter-
mined indirectly, 51 et seq.
specific heats of, table, 48
study of properties of, by help
of the periodic law, 233
unknown, properties of, pre-
dicted by the periodic law,

Elementary gases, table of molecular
weights of, 31

Endothermic and exothermic changes,
meaning and application of terms,
254, 446

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methods of determin-
ing, 350

FARADAY, his electro-chemical investi-
gations, 112, 451, 455

FISCHER, his work in connection with
the atomic theory, 7
Fluorine, specific heat of, 52

Forms of oxides and salts as determined
by application of the periodic law, 243
Formulae, chemical, of gases compared
with those of solids, 43,
chemical, structural, examples
of methods of obtaining,
144 et seq.

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chemical, structural, general-
isations usually made in
obtaining, 151 et seq.
chemical, structural, regarded
from kinetical point of
view, 466

FRANKLAND recognises a substituting
value for each elementary atom, 117,

122 note

Fusibility of elements, connection be-
tween, and atomic weights, 228

Gallium, identical with eka-aluminium,

GARNIER and CANNIZZARO, their gene-

M. C.


ralisation regarding specific heats of
compounds, 47, 55

Gases, formulæ of, compared with those
of solids, 43, 462

GAY-LUSSAC, Berzelius modifies the law
of, 17

Dalton refuses to accept

the law of, 12

his law regarding volu-

metric combinations of
gases, 12

GEOFFREY, his tables of affinity, 401
GERHARDT, his law of even numbers,
76, 200

his reasons for changing

the equivalents of carbon,
&c., 21

GIBBS, his investigation of the equili
brium of heterogeneous systems, 394

et seq.

GLADSTONE, his investigations on chemi-
cal change, 398

GLADSTONE and DALE, their investiga-
tions on refraction-equivalents of
carbon-compounds, 307 et seq.
GLADSTONE and TRIBE, their investiga-
tions in connection with the electro-
lysis of acids, 93

GMELIN, his system of notation, 20
GOLDSTEIN, his investigations on the

connection between boiling points and
molecular structure, 305

GRAHAM, his work on colloidal and
crystalloidal matter, 216,
398 note

his work on water of crystal-
lisation, 343

GROTH, his investigations regarding
morphotropic relations, 170

Group, use of term in nomenclature of
the periodic law, 224

their theory of chemical affinity, 407

et seq.
their theory of chemical affinity ap-
plied by Ostwald, 416 et seq.
their theory of chemical change, 373
GUTHRIE, his work on cryohydrates,


Halogens, hydracids and oxyacids of,
considered thermally, 279
HARCOURT and ESSON, their investiga-
tion of conditions of chemical change,
HARTLEY, his investigation of relations
of molecular structure to absorption-
spectra, 331
Heat, connection between quantities of,
evolved in chemical changes,

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vestigations, 455

his thermodynamical con-
siderations regarding
chemical change, 446
his use of the terms free
and bound energy, 446
HERMANN, R., his work in connection
with specific heats, 47

HICKS, his treatment of dissociation-
phenomena, 393

HOFF, J. H. VAN'T, his hypothesis re-
garding optically active compounds,
323 et seq.

HOOD, his experiments on the influence
of temperature on the rate of chemical
change, 391 note

HORSTMANN, his treatment of dissocia-
tion-phenomena, 361, 393

Hydration and dehydration of salts,
210, 215, 217, 343

Hydrofluoric acid, density of vapour of,

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