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Isomerism, hypothesis by which ex- Law, Berthelot's, of maximum work,

meaning of term, 134

plained, 135


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of, by Cayley, 140 note

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thermally considered, 172 et

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[blocks in formation]

periodic (see also periodic law),
223 et seq.

LEHMANN, his work on molecular com-
pounds, 215

his work on physical isomer-
ism, 185 et seq.

his work on the hydration
and dehydration of salts,


LIEBIG, his views regarding acids, 112
Links, or bonds, use of term, in theory
of valency (see also bonds), 124
LOSSEN, his criticism of theory of bonds,
124, 194 et seq.

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illustrations of his views re-
garding valency, 127

his investigations in connec.
tion with specific volume of
the group CH2, 339

MALLET, his determination of the den-
sity of the vapour of hydro-
fluoric acid, 121 note

MARIGNAC, his work on the supposed
element hyponiobium, 70

Masses of reacting substances, influence
of, in chemical operations, 294, 381
MAXWELL, CLERK, on the 'constitution
of bodies', 465

MENDELEJEFF, his researches in con-
nection with the periodic law, 230 et

MENSCHUTKIN's investigation of etheri-
fication-values of alcohols and acids,
348 et seq., 399

Metals, action of acids on, 92 et seq. 102
action of acids on, considered
thermally, 270

Metamerism, 138

MEYER, L., his calculation of the spe-
cific heat of beryllium, 59

his work in connection with
the periodic law, 223 et


his work in connection with
specific volumes, 346

MEYER, V., his experiments on the

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vapour density of fer-
rous chloride, 75 note
his experiments on the
vapour density of phos-
phorus and arsenic, 137


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heat of solid compounds,
helps to determine atomic
weights of elements, 55
heat of solid compounds,
meaning of expression, 51


phenomena dealt with by
statistical methods, 91 note
structure, 133, 149 note, 385
structure, connection be
tween, and absorption-
spectra, 331

structure, connection be-
tween, and affinity, 468
structure, connection be-
tween, and etherification-
values, 35

structure, connection be-
tween, and optical ac-
tivity, 322 et seq.

structure, connection be-
tween, and thermal
changes, 172 et seq.
structure, connection

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tween, based
tions, 97 et seq.



atomicity of elementary,
table, 42

attempts to measure ther-
mal changes accompany-
ing separation of, into
atoms, 269, 300

in which isomerism may

Occur, 141

of hydrogen, &c., separate
into parts during chemical
changes, 29

saturated and unsaturated,
use of terms, 129

size of, 27

Monovalent atoms, formula for finding
maximum number of, in a molecule,
Morphotropic relations, use of expres-
sion by Groth, 170

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tween, and various con-
stants, 170, 352 note
structure, examples of de-
pendence of function of
part of a molecule on
arrangement of all the
parts, 158 et seq.
structure, examples of pre-
sence of certain atomic
groups in molecules, 146

et seq.
structure, further examples
of (chiefly physical), 170

et seq.
structure of solids compared
with that of liquids and
gases, 462

theory, general sketch of, 25
et seq.

weight of a gas, definition of,
weight of a gas, examples

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ical stand-point, 391

considered thermally,

270 et seq.

examples of, 88

explanation of, given

by the molecular
theory, 89

general remarks on
use of the expres-
sion, 105

Traube's experiments

on, 97 et seq.

state of compounds, 90
NASINI, his work on refraction-equi-
valents, 314

NAUMANN, his work bearing on the
subject of molecular compounds, 204
note, 208, 212

NEUMANN, his extension of the law of
Dulong and Petit, 46

NEWLANDS, his work in connection
with the periodic law, 223

NILSON and PETTERSSON, their deter-
mination of the specific heat of beryl-
lium, 58

NILSON and PETTERSSON, their work

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Specific heats of some elements deter-
mined indirectly, 51 et seq.

Specific refractive energy, meaning of
expression, 307

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rotatory power, determination
of, 321

rotatory power, meaning of
expression, 320

unipolarity, use of expression
by Berzelius, 109

volume of a compound proba-
bly equal to sum of volumes
of elementary constituents,
335, 34, 345

volume of carbon and of oxy-
gen varies according to the
valency of the atom of each
element, 336 et seq.

volume, meanings of expres-

sion, 334, 417 note

volumes of atoms in molecules
vary according to distribu-
tion of interatomic reac-
tions, 338

volumes of compounds, con-
sidered kinetically, 470
volumes of hydrated and de-
hydrated salts, 343

volumes of solid compounds,

SPRING, his experiments in connection
with allotropy, 137 note

Stability, meaning of term as used by
Ostwald in his work on
affinity, 426

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vagueness of the term, 179,
383 note

Stable phases, use of expression by
Gibbs, 395

STÆDEL, his experiments on specific
volumes of carbon compounds, 340
Statics, chemical, questions of, studied
by physical methods, 249
chemical, use of expression, ex-
plained and illustrated, 6,
353, 473

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periodic arrangement of ele.
ments, 225, 240

specific heats of elements, 48
thermo-atomic weights (Reg.
nault), 47

Tellurium, atomic weight of, fixed by
application of the periodic law, 238
Tetravalent, the atom of carbon is,
meaning of expression, 127

Thermal chemistry, attempts made in,
to distinguish between the
two parts of a chemical
change, 268, 296, 300
chemistry, Berthelot's three
principles of, 297

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chemistry, illustrations of me-
thods of calculation used in,
258 et seq.

chemistry, need of considering
action of excess of reacting
substances in, 294

chemistry, need of considering
physical conditions of chang-
ing systems in, 288, 293
chemistry, notation used in,
251 et seq.

chemistry, principles on which
based, 257

chemistry, the law of maxi-
mum work in, 297 et seq.,
445 note

data, applied to action of acids
on metals, 270 et seq.
data, applied to action of anti-
mony pentachloride as chlo-
rinating agent, 268

data, applied to action of con-
centrated and dilute hydri-
odic acid, 265

data, applied to action of sul-
phuretted hydrogen on me-
tallic salts, 266 et seq.
data, applied to allotropy, 273
data, applied to classification
of acids and bases, 279 et

data, applied to classification
of compounds, 275 et seq.
data, applied to classification
of elements, 274

data, applied to study of affin-
ity, 298, 433, 443, 448
data, applied to study of iso-
merism, 172 et seq., 302

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