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place in that admirable treatise. I have also regarded the whole subject from a stand-point somewhat different from that occupied by the German Professor.

To name all the books and journals from which I have derived assistance would be tedious and absurd; they are sufficiently indicated in the notes and references1.

I have tried to rest every important statement on firsthand authority. When chemistry is regarded from the point of view of the great workers therein, it wears an aspect very different from that with which it confronts the mere text-book-taster.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part is occupied with the statement and discussion of the atomic and molecular theory, and the applications thereof to such subjects as allotropy, isomerism, and the classification of elements and compounds. Somewhat full accounts are also given, in this part, of thermal, optical, and other departments of physical chemistry, in so far as the results and methods of these branches of the science are applicable to the questions regarding the composition of chemical systems which are connoted by the term Chemical Statics.

The second part of the book is devoted to the subjects of dissociation, chemical change and equilibrium, chemical affinity, and the relations between chemical action and the distribution of the energy of the changing system. These, and cognate questions, I have ventured to summarise in the expression Chemical Kinetics.

I have been much aided in my task by my friends Mr C. Slater, B.A., of St John's College, and Mr R. Threlfall,

1 The full titles of the various journals referred to are given on pp. xxi, xxii.

M. C.


B.A., Scholar of Gonville and Caius College. The former has read considerable portions of the proofs and has made many valuable suggestions; the latter has read all, except the first chapter of Book I, and by his criticisms and remarks has helped me to make many important points much clearer and more accurate than they would otherwise have been.


CAMBRIDGE, October 1884.

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The Berzelian double atom.

Dumas's attempts to determine molecular and atomic weights
Notation, and system of Laurent and Gerhardt

The atom, the molecule, and the equivalent differentiated
The molecular theory of the constitution of matter
Application of Avogadro's law to determine relative weights of

Table of molecular weights of elements

Precautions to be observed in determining molecular weights
Correction of values obtained

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Table of data for finding maximum atomic weights of elements

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Limitations to application of law of Dulong and Petit

Comparison of law of Avogadro with that of Dulong and Petit as

aids in finding values of atomic weights

Mitscherlich's law of isomorphism

Groups of isomorphous elements

Di-, tri- and poly-morphism

Application of this law to determine values of atomic weights
Chemical methods for finding molecular and atomic weights
Comparison of chemical with physical methods for determining
these constants

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Reaction against dualism led by Dumas, Laurent and Gerhardt
Conception of compound radicle retained by the new School
Classification by use of typical substances

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Further explanation of expression valency of an atom

Deduction (from data) of values to be assigned to this constant for

different elements

Consideration of possible meanings of expression 'bonds' or 'units

of affinity' as applied to atoms

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Chemical stability of a molecule is the result of balance between
functions of various parts of the molecule
Many physical properties of compounds are also correlated with
such molecular balance

Thomsen's thermal investigation of the 'dynamical values of the

carbon bonds'

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