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ing this time, from a complaint in his from upsetting. The weight at the end of eyes; and, of the inadequate leisure thus the rod is arranged so as to afford secure left him, part even of that was dedicated to footing for two persons, should that numwhat may be deemed accomplishment; forber reach it; and there are, also, as was said he acquired, among other things, a knowl- before, large rope beckets, through which edge of music. When he exchanged his others can thrust their head and shoultrade for the superintendence of a charity ders, till assistance is rendered. At the school, his hours were not much more at top of the mast is fixed a port-fire, calcuhis own disposal. It was at this time that lated to burn about twenty minutes, or doctor Jonathan Scott furnished him with half an hour: this is ignited, most ingean Arabic grammar; and he had then, for niously, by the same process which lets the first time in his life, the pleasure of the buoy fall into the water; so that a conversing upon the study in which he, man, falling overboard at night, is directwas engaged. To this circumstance, and ed to the buoy by the blaze on the top of the wonderful proficiency of Mr. Lee (for its pole or mast, and the boat sent to resin a few months he was capable of read- cue him also knows in what direction to ing, writing and composing, both in Ara- pull. The method by which this excelbic and Persian), we may attribute Mr. lent invention is attached to the ship, and Lee's subsequent engagement with the dropped into the water in a single instant, church missionary society, his admission is, perhaps, not the least ingenious part at Queen's college, Cambridge, and his of the contrivance. The buoy is generalordination as a minister of the established ly fixed amid-ships, over the stern, where church. When he entered at Cambridge, it is held securely in its place by being he was unacquainted with the mathemat- strung, or threaded, as it were, on two ics, but, in one fortnight, qualified him- strong perpendicular rods, fixed to the self to attend a class which had gone tafferel, and inserted in holes piercing the through several books in Euclid, and soon frame work of the buoy. The apparatus after discovered an error in a Treatise on is kept in its place by what is called a slipSpherical Trigonometry, usually bound stopper, a sort of catch-bolt

, or detent, up with Simpson's Euclid, the fourteenth which can be unlocked at pleasure by proposition of which he disproved. Mr. merely pulling a trigger: upon withLee's chief attention, however, has been drawing the stopper, the whole machine turned to theological and philological slips along the rods, and falls at once into pursuits ; and he has made great progress the ship's wake. The trigger, which unin translating the Scriptures into various locks the slip-stopper, is furnished with a Oriental languages. In 1819, he was ap- lanyard, passing through a hole in the pointed Arabic professor to the university stern, and having, at its inner end, a large of Cambridge.

knob, marked “LIFE-Buoy:" this alone Leslie, sir John, died in November, is used in the day-time. Close at hand is 1832, having been knighted a few monthis another wooden knob, marked "Lock," previous to his death.

fastened to the end of a line fixed to the Life-Buoy. The life-buoy, now com- trigger of a gun-lock primed with powder, monly used in the British navy, is the in- and so arranged that, when the line is vention of lieutenant Coots, of the royal pulled, the port-fire is instantly ignited ; navy. It consists of two hollow copper while, at the same moment, the lite-buoy vessels connected together, each about as descends, and floats merrily away, blazing large as an ordinary sized pillow, and of like a light-house. The gunner, who has buoyancy and capacity sufficient to sup- charge of the life-buoy lock, sees it freshly port one man standing upon them. Should and carefully primed every evening at there be more than one person requiring quarters, of which he makes a report to the support, they can lay hold of rope beck- captain. In the morning, the priming is ets, fitted to the buoy, and so sustain taken out, and the lock upcocked. Durthemselves. Between the two copper ing the night, a man is always stationed vessels, there stands up a hollow pole, or at this part of the ship; and every half mast, into which is inserted, from below, hour, when the bell strikes, he calls out, an iron rod, whose lower extremity is “Life-Buoy!" to show that he is awake loaded with lead, in such a manner that," and at his post, exactly in the same manwhen the buoy is let go, the iron slips ner as the look-out men abaft, on the down to a certain extent, lengthens the beam and forward, call out, “Starboard lever, and enables the lead at the end to quarter!” “ Starboard gangway!" “ Staract as ballast. By this means the mast board bow!” and so on, completely round is kept upright, and the buoy prevented the ship, to prove that they are not nap



ping. (Captain Basil Hall's Fragments of Voyages; second series.)

LINDEN-TREE. (See Lime.)

LINDSEY, Theophilus, a celebrated divine of the Unitarian persuasion, was born at Middlewich, in Cheshire, June 20, 1723. His father was an eminent salt proprietor; and Theophilus, the second of his three children, took that name from his godfather Theophilus, earl of Huntingdon. He received his grammar education at Middlewich and Leeds, and, at the age of eighteen, was admitted a scholar at St. John's college, Cambridge. Having taken orders, by the recommendation of the earl of Huntingdon, he was appointed domestic chaplain to the duke of Somerset, and, in 1754, accompanied earl Percy to the continent. On his return, he married the daughter of archdeacon Blackburne, and was presented to a living in Dorsetshire, which he exchanged, in 1764, for the vicarage of Catterick, in Yorkshire. In 1771, he zealously coöperated with archdeacon Blackburne, doctor John Jebb, Mr. Wyvil, and others, to obtain relief in matters of subscription to the thirty-nine articles. Having long entertained a doubt of the doctrine of the Trinity, in 1773, he honorably resigned his livings, and went to London, where, in April, 1774, he performed divine service in a room in Essex street, Strand, which was conducted according to the plan of a liturgy, altered from that of the establishment by the celebrated doctor Samuel Clarke. About the same time, he published his Apology, of which several editions were called for in a few years. This was followed by a larger volume, entitled a Sequel to the Apology, in which he replies to the various answers given to his first work. In 1778, he was enabled, by the assistance of friends, to build a regular chapel in Essex street, the service of which he conducted, in conjunction with doctor Disney, until 1793, when he resigned the pulpit, but continued as active as ever with the pen. In 1802, he published his last work, entitled Considerations on the Divine Government. He died Nov. 3, 1803, in his eightieth year. Besides the works already mentioned, he wrote on the Preface to St. John's Gospel, on Praying to Christ, an Historical View of the State of the Unitarian Doctrine and Worship from the Reformation, and several other pieces. Two volumes of his sermons have also been published since his


LINNET. (See Finch.)
LITHARGE. (See Lead.)

LOBLOLLY. (See Pine.)

LOCHABER-AXE. (See Highlands.)
LODOMIRIA. (See Galicia.)
LOOKING-GLASS. (See Mirror.)
LOOMING. (See Mirage.)
LORI. (See Lemur.)

LOUPS-GAROUX. (See Lycanthropy.)
LOVE-APPLE. (See Tomato.)


MAAS. (See Meuse.)

MACKINTOSH, sir James, died in London, May 30, 1832. (See North American Review for October, 1832.)

MAGIC LANTERN. (See Lantern.) MAHON, VISCOUNT. (See Stanhope, Henry Philip.)

MAKI. (See Lemur.) MALINES. (See Mechlin.) MALLARD. (See Duck.) MANDRILL. (See Baboon.) MARO. (See Virgil.) MARTIN. (See Swallow.) MARTYRS, ERA OF. (See Epoch.) MATTHISSON died at Wörlitz, near Dresden, in March, 1831. MAY-BUG. (See Cockchaffer.) MELVILLE, VISCOUNT. (See Dundas, Henry.)

MENAGERIE. The literal meaning of the word menagerie points out one of the principal objects of a collection of various living animals. Ménagerie is derived from the French word ménager, from which we derive our English verb to manage. The name ménagerie was originally applied to a place for domestic animals, with reference to their nurture and training: it now means any collection of animals. Daubenton and other distinguished naturalists have believed that the ferocity of many of the carnivorous animals may be entirely conquered in the course of time; that they only flee from man through fear, and attack and devour other animals through the pressing calls of hunger; and that the association with human beings, and an abundant supply of food, would render even the lion, the tiger and the wolf, as manageable as our domestic animals. In support of this theory, it may be observed that, although the tiger and the domestic cat have many properties in common, the conquest of the latter species is now complete; and further, that some of the most ferocious animals which have been bred in a state of confinement, or taken exceedingly young, have become perfectly tractable and harmless with

those who have rightly understood their a very fine collection of such quaarupeds as natures. The accidents which have some- are more capable of domestication, and of times occurred to the attendants of wild birds, in Windsor great park, at a lodge beasts, and which are attributed to the called Sand-pit gate. Before the establishtreachery of their dispositions, have gen- ment of the gardens of the zoological socierally proceeded from an ignorance of ety, this royal collection offered almost the their habits. But if it be too much to only opportunity of seeing many of the hope that the ferocious animals may be rarer species of animals in their natural subdued to our uses, through the educa- condition. In this menagerie they are tion which well-conducted menageries not pent up in miserable dens, but have would afford, it cannot be doubted that large open sheds, with spacious paddocks such establishments offer most interesting to range in, water in plenty, and spreadopportunities for observing the peculiari- ing trees to shade them from the noonties of a great variety of creatures, whose day sun. The collection is open to the instincts are calculated to excite a rational public gratuitously; and here may be curiosity, and to fill the mind with that seen the giraffe, various species of antepure and delightful knowledge wbich is lopes and deer, kangaroos in great numto be acquired in every departinent of the bers, zebras, quaggas, ostriches and emeus study of nature. The most common ani- rearing their young as fearless as the mals offer to the attentive observer objects barn-door fowl. The duke of Devonof the deepest interest. The menagerie shire has, at bis villa at Chiswick, a small of the Tower is now very flourishing. It collection, which, as in the instance of contains some extremely fine specimens the Windsor park menagerie, offers the of more than forty quadrupeds, and of delightful exhibition of several quadruvarious birds and reptiles. The dens in peds and birds exercising their natural which the animals are kept are tolerably habits almost without restraint. At Chiscommodious, and great attention is paid wick, there was, for many years, a parto their cleanliness. This collection has ticularly sagacious female elephant, which lately been made the subject of a very followed her keeper about the field, in interesting volume. But the Tower me- which her spacious hut was placed, knelt nagerie was not always as valuable as at down at his bidding, and bore him on her the present time. In 1822, the collection neck in the manner which we read of in comprised only an elephant, a bear, and books of Oriental history or travel. This two or three birds. It bad gradually de- interesting animal died in 1828. The esclined in value for balf a century; in tablishment of the ménagerie at the Jardin some degree, perhaps, from the force of des Plantes has afforded opportunities popular prejudice, which was accustomed for the study of natural history, which to consider it only an occupation and have advanced the branch of the science amusement for children to make a visit to that relates to quadrupeds in a most rethe “lions in the Tower.” In the barba- markable degree. The accurate descriprous ages, and till within the last century, tions of Cuvier, of Geoffroy, of Desmabeasts of prey were considered the es- rest, and of other distinguished natural

pecial property of kings, as something ists of France, are principally to be · typical of their power and greatness. In ascribed to their diligent studies in this the fortress where the crown of the an- school. The value of menageries, not cient English monarchs was kept, were only for popular but for scientific study, also confined their lions. These were depends, however, very much upon generally maintained at the expense of the arrangements which determine their the people, and sometimes of the civic construction and regulation. The great officers of London, by special writ; and object should be, as far as possible, to the keeper of the lions was a person of exhibit the animals in their natural state. rank attached to the court. Gradually, It has been a favorite plan with many this exertion of the royal prerogative fell naturalists to establish a garden, in which into decay; and if a foreign potentate the animal should find himself surroundpresented a tiger or a leopard to the king, ed by his natural food—where the beaver as was often the case with the rulers of should live amidst a rivulet and a bank the maritime states of Africa, the animal of poplars, and the reindeer browse upon was given to the keeper of the menagerie, his native lichen. Great difficulties, of to add to his stock of attractions for the course, present themselves to the complepublic. The beasts of prey which are pre- tion of such a project; and though its sented to the king are, in nearly every case, execution were compatible with any reasent to the Tower: but George IV formed sonable expense, the difficulty of adjust

ing the temperature of our climate to the plant and the animal would be very considerable. Yet, in a good menagerie, much ought to be attempted, gradually but systematically, to realize such a desirable object as the exhibition of animals in their natural habits. If the cat tribe are pent up in close dens, what idea can be formed of the crouch and the spring which characterize both their sport and their seizure of prey? With every regard to their security, they might have a sufficient range to exhibit this peculiar property. We can acquire no adequate notion of the kangaroo in a cage; but in a paddock, its remarkable bound at once fixes our attention and curiosity. In a very interesting book (Waterton's Wanderings in South America), there is an account of the sloth, which shows that we can know nothing of some animals, unless we see them in their natural condition. This traveller delights in wonderful stories, which he tells in a style approaching to exaggeration; but there is no reason to doubt the general accuracy of his descriptions of natural objects. The sloth is usually described as slow in his movements, and as in a perpetual state of pain; and from his supposed inaction his name is derived. And why is this? He had not been seen in his native woods by those who described him: he was resting upon the floor of some place of confinement. His feet are not formed for walking on the ground; they cannot act in a perpendicular direction; and his sharp and long claws are curvéd. He can only move on the ground by pulling himself along by some inequalities on the surface, and, therefore, on a smooth floor he is perfectly wretched. He is intended to pass his life in trees; he does not move or rest upon the branches, but under them; he is constantly suspended by his four legs, and he thus travels from branch to branch, eating his way, and sleeping when he is satisfied. To put such a creature in a den is to torture him. If the sloth be placed in a menagerie, he should have a tree for his abode; and then we should find that he is neither habitually indolent nor constantly suffering.

MERCURIALS. (See Advocate.)
MERLIN. (See Hawk.)

MERY. (See Barthélemy and Méry, in this Appendix.)

MIDDLESEX, EARL OF. (See Sackville,


MILFOIL. (See Yarrow.)
MILLIGRAMME. (See Gramme.)

MILLING. (See Fulling.)

MILT. (See Spleen.)

MIRACLES, in the drama. (See Mysteries.) MITCHILL, doctor Samuel Latham, was born in the year 1764, in Queen's county, Long Island, not far from New York. His family were Quakers, and his father was a respectable farmer. For the excellent education, classical as well as otherwise, which he received, he was indebted to his maternal uncle, doctor Samuel Latham, who, perceiving the germs of his talents, adopted him as his son, and gave him every advantage which the best tuition could afford. After the termination of the revolutionary war, young Mitchill, then in his twentieth year, was sent to Edinburgh to attend the courses of its school of medicine. He did not, however, confine himself to the medical lectures, but regularly attended the distinguished professors of natural science and history, and devoted, likewise, a portion of his time to the ancient and modern languages, and even to the elegant arts. Soon after his return, he analysed the springs at Saratoga, which soon after attained great celebrity. In 1792, he was chosen a member of the legislature of his native state, and, shortly afterwards, was appointed professor of chemistry, natural history, and agriculture, in Columbia college. He was the first person in this country to promulgate, in his chemical lectures, the nomenclature of Lavoisier, which he had adopted, although he had been the pupil, at Edinburgh, of the famous doctor Black, who upheld the phlogistic theory. In 1796, he made a memorable mineralogical report to the agricultural society, which is to be found entire in the Medical Repository. To natural history, and especially botany, he was zealously devoted, as appears from the discourse which he delivered at the anniversary of the New York historical society, giving an account of every work and writer that has illustrated the botany of North and South America. In the practice of his profession, doctor Mitchill was highly distinguished. He was a professor of materia medica in the university, the adviser, trustee or attending physician of the New York city hospital, and of a large number of the charitable institutions of that town, and a voluminous writer on matters of medical science. He was the originator of the American Medical Repository, and its presiding editor until the close of the fourteenth volume. Notwithstanding the variety and extent of his professional and scientific labors, he yet found time to

mingle in the bustle of politics. It has already been mentioned that, in 1793, he was a member of the state legislature. In 1797, he was again elected, and was afterwards successively chosen to the seventh, eighth, and ninth congresses; to the national senate; again to the legislature; and, in fine, to the eleventh congress. He was employed in many municipal offices, and incommercial or moneyed institutions, in which he acted as commissioner, or director, or manager. In private life, doctor Mitchill was remarkable for affability and simplicity of manners. He bore with singular equanimity the most unreasonable demands on his time, to which his celebrity exposed him in various ways. He was kind, affectionate and cheerful. When engaged in controversy, he never allowed himself to be carried away by undue excitement: at the same time, he knew how to repel attack, as well by argument as by raillery and sarcasm. He died in 1831, in his sixty-eighth year. MITYLENE. (See Lesbos.) MOORFOWL. (See Grouse.) MOTHER OF PEARL. (See Nacre.) MOUNTAIN LAUREL. (See Kalmia.) MUFFLE. (See Assaying.) MULE JENNY. (See Cotton Manufacture.) MURENA. (See Lamprey.) MURDER. (See Homicide.) MUSCOGEES. (See Creeks.) MUSCOVADO. (See Sugar.) MUSQUASH. (See Muskrat.)

MUTINY, on board of a merchant vessel, was not formerly punishable by death in England; but now, by statute 11 and 12 William III, c. 7, sec. 9, made perpetual by 6 George I, c. 19, it is enacted, that any seaman or mariner, who shall, in any place where the admiral has jurisdiction, lay violent hands on his commander, whereby to hinder him from fighting in defence of the ship and goods committed to his charge, or shall confine his master, or make or endeavor to make a revolt in the ship, shall suffer pains of death, loss of lands, goods and chattels, as pirates, felons and robbers upon the seas have suffered and ought to suffer. Similar offences, such as the running away with the ship, or any barge, boat, ordnance, ammunition, goods, or merchandises, the yielding of them up voluntarily to pirates, the bringing of seducing messages from pirates, enemies, or rebels, the confederating with, or attempting to corrupt, any commander or mariner to yield up or run away with the ship, &c., the turning pirate, or going over to pirates, are, by the same acts, punishable in the

same way. By other statutes, the wilful destruction, casting away, or burning of any ship, with intent to injure the owner, is punishable with death. In case of mutiny, the master is justified in using means sufficient to repress it; and if the death of any of the mutineers ensue, the master is justified, provided the force which he uses be fairly required by the exigency of the occasion; and the master's conduct is not to be scanned too nicely, as it must be borne in mind, that he is generally far removed from all assistance, and that his own safety and that of the ship and cargo chiefly depend upon the due maintenance of his authority. Mutiny in the royal navy is punishable under the provisions of the statute 22 George II, c. 33, which contains the rules or articles of the navy. Among the numerous offences enumerated in that statute, those which partake of the character of mutiny are as follows: the running away with the ship, or any ordnance, ammunition or stores belonging thereto, the making or endeavoring to make any mutinous assembly, the uttering of any words of sedition or mutiny, the concealing of any traitorous or mutinous design, the striking of a superior officer, or drawing or offering to draw or lift up any weapon against him, being in the execution of his office, on any pretence whatsoever, the presuming to quarrel with a superior officer, being in the execution of his office, or the disobeying of any lawful command of a superior officer. All the above offences are punishable with death. With regard to some, and those the least heinous of them, the court-martial has a discretionary power of awarding a less punishment. The behaving with contempt towards a superior officer, being in the execution of his office, the concealing of traitorous or mutinous words spoken by any, to the prejudice of his majesty or government, or the concealing of any words, practice, or design, tending to the hinderance of the service, and not revealing the same to the commanding officer, and the endeavoring to make a disturbance on account of the unwholesomeness of the victuals, or on any other ground, are punishable with such punishment as a court-martial shall think fit to award. Mutiny in the army is punishable under the mutiny act. By this act the king is empowered to make articles of war; i. e. rules or orders for the better government of the army. The mutiny act provides that no offence shall be made punishable with death, except those which are specified therein. These

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