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length my friend entered; and the first warm salutations having been exchanged, we took seats immediately opposite each other. "You see a great change in me, George!" said I. "But, so far as I am qualified to judge, you are still more altered." The fact was, I had left my friend a fiue, handsome young fellow, without a grain of affectation; whilst the person I now addressed was, at all points, a perfect dandy! My expression of countenance, as I spoke did not escape him, and, in a somewhat subdued tone, he replied: We are both changed, my friend!--but with this difference: You had a mind strong enough to overcome your trials-I had not. My sufferings have been very great!" He paused; and then grasping my hand with earnestness, added, "Oh, could you have come to me, when I wrote entreating you to do so, I might have been spared all !”

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"George," exclaimed I, we will not dash our first hour of meeting with melancholy: we will breakfast before we go into matters of interest-butexcuse me you expect company."

"No," answered he, “I shall admit no visitors while you stay. The preparations you see are not more than ordinary, for I have always casual lookers-in, and it is my cue," proceeded he, smiling and sighing at the same time, "to keep a large establishment and an open house-not to say, that society is to me a blessing!"

Breakfast having been served and removed, and the domestics having re tired, the Collector fell into a fit of abstraction, which rendered it evident that my arrival had been the stimulus by which certain feelings of deep painfulness had been awakened in his mind. He was obviously unhappy, and unable to endure the contrast with former days, which the presence of his old bosom-companion could not fail to excite. It was plain, also, that in his general intercourse with the world, he was playing a part; the defences and sophistications of which had fallen to the ground before the consciousness of our former unreserved communion.

At length I attempted to rouse him from this mood. He had quitted his chair, and was striding across the room with hurried steps, when I arose, and putting my arm within his, insensibly brought him to my own pace. We had, in this manner, taken a few turns, when he abruptly stopped; and, looking into his face, I perceived his cheeks overspread by a deadly paleness. His eyes were fixed with a wild and desperate expression, and his whole countenance was that of a maniac. "George !" exclaimed 1, with a slight emotion of fear. He did not answer: but seizing a large carving-knife from the table, brandished it over his head. Astonishment at this unlooked-for scene, mingled with compassion for the chief actor in it, deprived me of all power of utterance, and I gazed on him for a while motionless, until his close advance reminded me of the danger of a madinan's neighbourhood. With an instinct of self-defence, I laid my hand on his arm, and was about to expostulate, when, after a loud and unnatural laugh, he whispered in my ear, "You think me mad! but I am still sane enough to defend myself, by plunging this weapon deep into the heart of the first man who shall attempt to lay a finger on me. No, no! I have some time before me yet-the hour of disgrace is not arrived!"

"Be not weak enough," said I," to suspect your true friend. There is no cause for alarm. Sit down, and compose yourself." Whilst I spoke, the paroxysm subsided: and, suffering me to take the knife away, he threw himself upon a sofa.

My interest was painfully excited, and numerous bitter fancies swept across my brain. I repeated to myself the mysterious expressions, "I have time before me yet! the hour of disgrace has not arrived!" These feelings at length became unbearable; and laying my hand on the Collector's shoulder, to engage his attention, I addressed him thus: "George, this meeting is a sad one : do not aggravate its sadness by reserve. You surely do not-you cannotdoubt my sincerity. Tell me, therefore, the nature of your apprehensions. Tell me honestly why you fear, and what you fear; and let us see whether your peace of mind cannot be restored."

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His features gradually relaxed, and he appeared to feel sensible of his impetuous error in doubting for a moment my friendly intentions. Tears started into his eyes, and he was, in fact, completely subdued;-after a considerable struggle he exclaimed,-"I am a villian, Charles! every way unworthy of your interest or regard. I do not even deserve your pity, and will not ask it. Why, indeed, should you listen to my story? The utmost exertions of your friendly nature would be insufficient to lighten my woes."

I used every possible effort to calm a mind so perturbed, and succeeded, after some time, in inducing him to disclose some of his griefs, though that particular portion which was calculated to throw a light over the dreadful scene before described, was not communicated until twelve months after, when a confidential and heart-breaking letter from him, related fully the misfortunes and downfal of the Collector of Cawnpore.

Having made the partial explanation alluded to, my friend proceeded :— "I am shortly to be married, Charles, to Charlotte. She is young and amiable, and will restore cheerfulness to my home, which has of late been more dismal to me than a prison. My father, indeed, will not easily forgive me for marrying again :" and, after a pause, he muttered shudderingly, "but his curse will be upon me ere long, whether I disobey him in this instance or not-so no matter." Then resuming his former tone, he continued :"It will protract my fate, by deceiving enemies as well as friends with regard to my circumstances. The splendour of the preparations for my wife's reception has already been of service :-and if I can prevail onto lend me a few thousands more (meaning rupees), all will do well for a few years, by which time my father may be appeased, and assist me-and-"

"George," said 1, interrupting him somewhat indignantly, "you are indeed an altered man. What! systematically keep up a show which your real means do not warrant! Aud recollect your former marriage :-the feelings of love, and hope, and admiration, you lavished on her who deprived you, by her shameless conduct, of happiness, your father's regard-nay, almost of your reason. Will you again risk your peace, by a union with one of whom you confess yourself to know little, and who probably only assents to your proposal on account of your high situation as collector, and may plunge you deeper into debt by extravagance? At all events, as an honourable man, you surely cannot propose to her without confiding the state of your circum


"You cannot," answered he, "participate in my feelings, and therefore are incapable of giving me advice. I have a part to play, and will not flinch from it, though all the fabled Furies were let loose upon me." After a pause, he added, "Stay with me a few days; I will introduce you to Charlotte, and you shall find that, in society, I am quite another man. You must forget," proceeded he, with a smile, the joyless expression of which went to my heart, that you have been behind the curtain, and remember only your old assó


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Forgive me," said 1, after some hesitation, " for not complying with your request. While you entertain your present views, I cannot be of service to you, except, perhaps, in a pecuniary point of view; and I will not remain a regretful spectator of plans which I do not approve, and which I believe to be prejudicial to your best interests. Promise me," I continued, "that you will abandon these, and unite earnestly and candidly with your father (whose co-operation I will vouch for) and myself, in our efforts to release you from your embarrassments, and to render your services beneficial to your family, and I will readily accede to your wishes."

He seemed for a while struck with the seriousness of my manner; and I watched with no slight interest the shades of expression which chased each other across his intelligent face. But, alas! the chain was too deeply riveted; and he at length said firmly, seeking as it were a plausible pretext for his pertinacity," No! never-never, while I live, will I desert Charlotte! I know she loves me; I am engaged to her: and though, God knows, I am

bad enough, I will not add to other atrocities the deception of a confiding


"Deception! George: are you not about to deceive her still more painfully? Is she not ignorant of the state of your affairs? Be honest enough, I conjure you at least be honest enough to set her right on this head. If she really loves you, your circumstances will be of minor importance, and she will have nothing to reproach you with hereafter."

"I cannot," replied he. "As soon as I am known to be involved, I am nobody: my credit will cease, and my only means of support-the collectorship of this place-will be withdrawn. I cannot, Charles: it is impossible. Do not urge it; for, I repeat, nothing shall influence me to alter my determination. I am undone-miserable! but I deserve all."

The dead silence which ensued was broken in upon by a servant knocking at the door of the apartment, and delivering a note to his master. I rose, took my hat, and told the Collector that, purposing to leave Cawnpore on the morrow, I would call again in the evening to bid him farewell.

I rushed impetuously into the open air, sprang upon my horse, and felt relieved by finding myself again surrounded by the gay and bright element. My heart was oppressed unspeakably by the scene I had gone through, and the bitter disappointment I had experienced. Whom had I expected to meet? A valued and honourable friend, saddened, perhaps, by a conflict with the world, but still pure and worthy. What had I found ? A broken-spirited criminal-(for the fact was too plain !)—seeking to hide, by contemptible foppery, the writhings of a conscience not yet callous, and to perpetuate an unnatural show of prosperity by vile means. "Is it possible," thought I, “that he has converted to his own purposes the funds officially entrusted to him?' By a strong exertion of self-command I repressed the idea. He had acknowledged the having received assistance from a Native, and to this circumstance I clung with a sort of desperate hope, seeking rather to attribute George's ravings to a disordered intellect, than to give them the interpretation, alas, too obvious. I was startled from these speculations by feeling the lash of a whip across my shoulder. I turned sharply round, to see from whom this familiar salutation proceeded, and saw the Collector riding, or rather walking his horse close behind mine.

"You were thinking of me, Charles !" said he; "and I have followed to prevent your good heart being unnecessarily distressed. Now promise me two things: first, that you will come back to tiffin, and secondly, that you will think no more of this morning's folly. I have my dark moments, and regret that you should have arrived at a time when my mind has been unusually irritated. Do not refuse to shake hands with me ;" and on looking up, I perceived George's held out.

"You need not fear my estrangement," said I, mournfully, giving him my hand; "you have nothing to fear from me: but I cannot easily forget what has grieved me more than I can express; and I both pity and condemn your want of virtuous resolution."

My horse's head was once more turned towards the Collector's residence ; and as we entered the gate, he again entreated me to dismiss the subject for


"To-night," observed he, "this house will be a scene of merriment. I have a ball, and Charlotte is to see the establishment, of which she will soon be mistress, to the best advantage. Every thing will be gay and splendid; and I—yes I—shall appear happy."

We entered the room where tiffin was laid; and being too deeply afflicted to speak, I walked for a while to the bow-window which looked out upon the compound, a treat only to be enjoyed in the cold season: for during

* That part of an estate in India immediately surrounding the house.

the summer months the Venetian doors are obliged to be closed all day to keep the house cool, glass being a great source of heat.

Tiffin having been despatched, we resumed our seats over the fire. George's mind was calmer at this moment than, as I had reason to think, for many a day before or after. He shook me warmly by the hand, over and over again, assuring me that his spirits that evening would, for once, be real. Our conversation was interrupted by the Sirdar, who came to remind his master that it was time to dress. He quitted me, saying that he had ordered an early tête-à-tête dinner for us, and I was left to pursue the train of my reflections alone. The singular situation of my friend engrossed my whole thoughts, except when they reverted to the kindred subject of his intended bride. Poor Charlotte! thought I, like too many of your sex, vanity must have induced you to accept the hand of a man double your age, with an impaired constitution and a young family, merely because he can put you at the head of a dashing establishment. The golden dream will vanish after a few years-it may be after a few short months-and show you a deceiver, perhaps a madman, for your husband!

Dinner was now announced, and partaken of without one word having fallen from either, beyond the mere ceremonies of the table; at length, after the whole of the servants had retired, and nearly one chillumt had been exhausted, "I am about to leave you," said I, "perhaps for ever. Do not suffer me to go hence with a heavy heart. Promise me faithfully that you will act as every honest man should do, and not plunge the lady, to whom you are engaged, blindfold into misfortune."

His countenance underwent many changes, and his heart must surely have trembled whilst he gave me the required pledge, and swore the thing he intended not. Oh, George, too true was your own assurance of your being a

fallen man! The Collector of Cawnpore was the son of a man of family and fortune, whose manners were haughty and unconciliating, and who sought to gain his son's confidence by intimidating rather than winning him. From this it resulted, that when the young man found himself, on his arrival in India, freed from parental control, he naturally enough fell into that course of extravagance and dissipation, too commonly taken by Europeans sent out to seek their fortunes on the Bengal establishment. It must at the same time be admitted that he did not neglect the cultivation of abilities naturally good, and of a talent for business, which ultimately gained him the lucrative post he held. He married early in life, and contrary to the wishes of his friends, one of those young Englishwomen with whom the Calcutta market is generally well stocked, and who, as their whole object is matrimony, proceed, when no opportunity presents itself at the principal settlements, to the remote cantonments up the country. Here they find no difficulty in making matches, which, formed with little or no previous acquaintance between the parties, seldom turn out otherwise than ill. My poor friend was particularly unfortunate. The lady he married was pleasing in person, but weak, and ultimately criminal in her conduct. For a long while his devotion to her induced him to hesitate in believing what to the eyes of others was sufficiently obvious; but at length the fatal truth became manifest that the chosen partner of his joys and sorrows had betrayed him, and they were separated. During this period of distress, his father's heart relented, and he behaved to the Collector with great kindness. He had the children of his unfortunate son sent to him in England, and educated them liberally but at the same time signified to their father his decided wish that he should never again (if opportunity offered) tempt his fate by contracting a second marriage, without the express sanction of his parent.

The Collector, after having led for some time a solitary life, extended the hand of forgiveness to his erring partner. He stated his sole motive in doing

* Valet.

† A preparation of tobacco held in the cup of a hoogger pipe.

this to be regard for the reputation and feelings of his children. The experiment was, however, as may be imagined, a vain one. It is not our purpose to trace the steps by which this woman graduated in vice: suffice it to say, that one instance of misconduct followed another, and that it soon became necessary she should again quit the sanctuary of her husband's roof. My friend's wretchedness was now complete. He became silent and lonely, avoiding all society, and appearing to cherish the grief which was corroding his bosom. Sorrow, however, as has been often said, destroys in the end either the sorrower or itself; and the Collector at length shook off the gloom which had settled over his character. Pride and indignation seemed to take the place of grief, and he made a manly resolution to dismiss the humiliating subject from his mind. But the method was a mistaken one by which he essayed to accomplish this. Instead of rational company and occasional relaxation, he passed at once into a vortex of gaiety and extravagance. He had contracted a pernicious idea that the infamy of his wife had reflected a stigma upon him, and that his society was held in light repute. This notion, once entertained, was madness, and produced the fruits of madness. He sought to conciliate all classes of the community, and to this end no expense whatever was spared. A series of the most costly parties was given at his house; a large establishment of servants was of course superadded. Champagne and claret were distributed with as much profusion as if they had been water; and the young officers and other thoughtless persons about the cantonments were delighted with the opportunity of constantly feasting and carousing at the expense of the Collector, whose real friends looked on with compassionate gravity, while such as were inimical to him, scrupled not to give vent to the bitterest sarcasins.

[To be concluded in our next.]


That a sulky temper is a misfortune.-We grant that it is, and a very serious one-to a man's friends, and to all that have to do with him; but whether the condition of the man himself is so much to be deplored, may admit of a question. We can speak a little to it, being ourself but lately recovered-we whisper it in confidence, reader-out of a long and desperate fit of the sullens. Was the cure a blessing? The conviction which wrought it, came too clearly to leave a scruple of the fanciful injuries-for they were mere fancies-which had provoked the humour. But the humour itself was too self-pleasing, while it lasted we know how bare we lay ourself in the confession-to be abandoned all at once with the grounds of it. We still brood over wrongs which we know to have been imaginary; and for our old acquaintance, N, whom we find to have been a truer friend than we took him for, we substitute some phantom a Caius or a Titiusas like him as we dare to form it, to wreak our yet unsatisfied resentments on. It is mortifying to fall at once from the pinnacle of negleet; to forego the idea of having been ill-used and contumaciously treated by an old friend. The first to aggrandise a man in his own conceit, is to conceive of himself as neglected. There let him fix, if he can. To undeceive him is to deprive him of the most tickling morsel within the range of self-complacency. No flattery can come near it. Happy is he who suspects his friend of an injustice; but supremely blest, who thinks all his friends in a conspiracy to depress and undervalue him. There is a pleasure (we sing not to the profane) far beyond the reach of all that the world counts joy-a deep, enduring satisfaction in the depths, where the superficial seek it not, of discon

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