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I, C. 5.


WM. MARY, the late King James, and appointing public Prayer King William and Queen Mary, therefore, their Ma with advice and confent forefaid, do hereby declare Churches, either deferted, or from which the confo nifters were removed or deprived, as said is, to be and that the Presbyterian Minifters exercising the ftry within any of these Paroches (or where th cumbent is dead) by the defire or confent of th fball continue their poffeffion, and have right to fices and Stipends, according to their entry i 1689; and in time coming, ay and while the now established, take further course therew to the effect the Disorders that have happe Church may be redreffed, their Majesties, with confent forefaid; do hereby allow the Gene and Representatives of the forefaid Presbyteri and Elders, in whole hands the Exercife of Government is established, either by them fuch Minifters and Elders as fhall be appointe rized Vifitors by them, according to the Cu tice of Prefbyterian Government through ed vacant. Kingdom, and several parts thereof, to try all infufficient, negligent, fcandalous, and e fters, by due courfe of Ecclefiaftical Procef and likeways for redreffing all other Ch And, further, it is hereby provided, that nifter, being conveened before the faid C and Representatives of the Prefbyterian I ders, or the Vifitors to be appointed by t prove contumacious in not appearing, or and fhall be therefore cenfured, whether Depofition, they shall ipfo facto be fufp prived of, their Stipends and Benefices.

What churches are declar

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WILLIAM III, Parl. 1, 1695, c. 12. Alt against Irregular
Baptifms and Marriages.

OUR Soveraign Lord confidering, That the Baptizing of Children, and folemnizing of Marriage, by the Laws and Custom of this Kingdom, and by the Conftitutions of this Church, have alwife been done by Minifters of the Gofpel, authorized by Law and the established Church of this Nation; and that, notwithstanding thereof, feveral Minifters, now out of their Churches, do prefume to Baptize Children, and folemnize Marriage, without Proclamation of Banns, or confent of Parents, and fometimes within the forbidden Degrees: therefore his Majesty, with advice and confent of the Estates of Parliament, ftrictly prohibits and Outed mi- discharges all outed Minifters to Baptize any Children, or folemnize Marriage betwixt any Parties in all time coming, under the pain of Imprisonment, ay and while he find Caution to go out of the Kingdom, and never to return thereto; and remits the execution of this A&t to the Minifters of the Law, who are to affift to the execution of the Twenty-third A&t of the fourth Seffion of this Parliament, for fettling the Quiet and Peace of the Church: declaring alwife, that this prefent A&t is without prejudice to the Acts of Parliament already made against Privat and Clandeftine Marriages, which are hereby declared to ftand in full force, and that execution may proceed on the faids Acts at the inftance of the Parties concerned, or of the Procurator-fifcals of the Jurifdictions where they hall hap en to be questioned.

hibited to marry.


WILLIAM, Parl. 1, 1698, c. 6. Act against Clandeftine and
Irregular Marriages.

I, c. 6.

OUR Soveraign Lord, with advice and confent of the WM. 111, Eftates of Parliament, for rendering more effectual the Acts of Parliament against Clandeftine and Irregular Marriages, viz. the Thirty-fourth Act of the first Parliament 1661, and Twelfth A&t of the fifth Seffion of this current Parliament, ftatutes and ordains, That the Parties clandef- Parties how tinely or irregularly Married, contrary to the faid Act punished. 1661, declare, when required, the Names and Defignations of the Minister, or Perfon, who celebrate the faid Clandeftine or Irregular Marriages, and of fuch as were Witnesses to the faid Marriages, with Certification, that if they re- Penalty. fufe, when required, the forefaid Parties married fhall pay, each Nobleman, two thousand Pounds; each Baron and Landed Gentleman, two thoufand Merks; each Gentleman and Burges, one thousand Pound; each other Perfon, two hundred Merks; to be applyed to pious Ufes within the Parishes where the faid Perfons dwell; and, farther, be imprisoned ay and while they do declare who were Celebrators of, and Witneffes, to the faid Marriages; and also make payment of the respective Penalties above mention- Celebrator. ed. And for the better repreffing of the faid Clandeftine Marriages, it is further ftatute and ordained, that, over and above the Pains contained in the faid Act 1661 and 1695, against Clandestine and Irregular Marriages, the Celebrat- Punishment or of the faid Clandeftine Marriage fhall be lyable to be of fummarily feized and imprisoned by any ordinar Magiftrat or Juftice of Peace; and further punishable by the Lords of his Majesty's Privy Council, not only by perpetual Banishment, but by fuch pecunial or corporal Pains, as the faids Lords of Privy Council fhall think fit to inflict; as alfo, that the Witneffes to the faid Clandeftine Marriages hall be lyable, each of them in the Sum of one hundred p.

WM. TIT, I c. 6.

Pounds Scots, toties quoties, to be applyed to the Ufes, and in manner above mentioned, or if Infolvent, to fuch Corporal Punishment as the faids Lords fhall think fit to determine.

Difputes between

mafters and

weavers to be fettled

No. LXV.

Geo. III. 43, c. 151, An A&t for preventing and settling Dif putes which may arife between Mafters and Weavers engaged in the Cotton Manufacture in Scotland, and Persons employed by fuch Weavers and Perfons engaged in ornamenting Cotton Goods by the Needle.

WHEREAS, &c. That, from and after the paffing of this Act, in all Cafes relative to the weaving of the faid Manufacture that shall and may arife within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, where the Mafters and Weavers, or by referees. the Weavers and those employed by them cannot agree refpecting the Price or Prices to be paid for Work done or in the Course of being done in the faid Manufacture, whether fuch Difpute fhall happen or arife between them refpecting the Reduction or Advance of Wages, or any Injury or Damage done or alleged to have been done to the Work, or refpecting any Delay or fuppofed Delay in finishing the Work, or the not finishing fuch Work in a good and workmanlike Manner; and also in all Cafes where the Weavers What dif- are to be employed to work any new Pattern which fhall putes are fo require them to purchase any new Implements of Manufacture, or to make any Alteration upon the old Implements for the working thereof; and the Mafters and Weavers cannot agree upon the Compenfation to be made to fuch Weayers for or in Refpect thereof; and alfo refpecting the Length, Breadth, or Quality of all Pieces of Cotton Goods, whether mixed or unmixed with other Materials, or the Yarn thereof, or the Quantity and Quality of the Woof thereof, and in all Cafes of Difpute or Difference whatsoever, arifing or happening by and between the Masters and Weavers, or Perfons employed in fuch Branch of the faid Manufacture, out of, for, or touching fuch Trade or Manu facture, fo far as fuch Difputes relate to fuch Branch of the

to be fet


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