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a copious precipitate of sulphur. Addition of ammonia must not impart a blackish appearance to it. It must leave no residue upon evaporation on platinum.

Uses.-Hydrosulphuric acid has a strong tendency to undergo decomposition with metallic oxides, forming water and metallic sulphides, which latter being mostly insoluble in water are usually precipitated in the process. The conditions under which the precipitation of certain sulphides ensues differ materially; by altering or modifying these conditions we may therefore divide the whole of the precipitable metals into groups, as will be found explained in Section III. Hydrosulphuric acid is therefore an invaluable agent to effect the separation of metals into groups. Some of the precipitated sulphides exhibit a characteristic color indicative of the individual metals which they respectively contain. The great facility with which hydrosulphuric acid is decomposed renders this substance also a useful reducing agent for many compounds; thus it serves, for instance, to reduce salts of sesquioxide of iron to salts of protoxide, chromic acid to the state of sesquioxide of chromium, &c. In these processes of reduction the sulphur separates in the form of a fine white powder. Whether the hydrosulphuric acid had better be applied in the gaseous form or in aqueous solution depends always upon the special circumstances of the case.


§ 33.

Bases are divided into oxygen bases and sulphur bases. The former result from the combination of metals or of compound radicals of similar character with oxygen, the latter from the combination of the same bodies with sulphur.

The oxygen bases are classified into alkalies, alkaline earths, earths proper, and oxides of the heavy metals. The alkalies are readily soluble in water; the alkaline earths dissolve with greater difficulty in that menstruum; and magnesia, the last member of the class, is only very sparingly soluble in it. The earths proper and the oxides of the heavy metals are insoluble in water or nearly so (except protoxide of thallium). The solutions of the alkalies and alkaline earths are caustic when sufficiently concentrated; they have an alkaline taste, change the yellow color of turmeric paper to brown, and restore the blue tint of reddened litmus paper; they saturate acids completely, so that even the salts which they form with strong acids do not change vegetable colors, whilst those with weak acids generally have an alkaline reaction. The earths proper and the oxides of the heavy metals combine likewise with acids to form salts, but, as a rule, they do not entirely take away the acid reaction of the latter.

The sulphur bases resulting from the combination of the metals of the alkalies and alkaline earths with sulphur are soluble in water. The solutions have a strong alkaline reaction. The other sulphur bases do not dissolve in water. All sulphur bases form with sulphur acids sulphur salts.



§ 34.


The preparation of perfectly pure potassa or soda is a difficult opera tion. It is advisable therefore to prepare, besides perfectly pure caustic alkali, also some which is not quite pure, and some which being free from certain impurities may in many cases be safely substituted for the pure substance.

a. Common solution of soda.-Put into a clean cast-iron pan provided with a lid 3 parts of crystallized carbonate of soda of commerce and 15 parts of water, heat to boiling, and add, in small portions at a time, thick milk of lime prepared by pouring 3 parts of warm water over 1 part of quicklime, and letting the mixture stand in a covered vessel until the lime is reduced to a uniform pulpy mass. Keep the liquid in the pan boiling whilst adding the milk of lime, and for a quarter of an hour longer, then filter off a small portion, and try whether the filtrate still causes effervescence in hydrochloric acid. If this is the case, the boiling must be continued, and if necessary some more milk of lime must be added to the fluid. When the solution is perfectly free from carbonic acid, cover the pan, allow the fluid to cool a little, and then draw off the nearly clear solution from the residuary sediment, by means of a siphon filled with water, and transfer it to a glass flask. Boil the residue a second and a third time with water, and draw off the fluid in the same way. Cover the flask close with a glass plate, and allow the lime suspended in the fluid to subside completely. Scour the iron pan clean, pour the clear solution back into it, and evaporate it to 6 or 7 parts. The solution so prepared contains from 9 to 10 per cent. of soda, and has a specific gravity of from 1·13 to 1·15. If it is wished to filter a solution of soda which is not quite clear, a covered funnel should be used, which has been charged first with lumps of white marble and then with powder of the same, the fine dust being rinsed out with water before the filter is used (GRAEGER). Solution of soda must be clear, colorless, and as free as possible from carbonic acid; sulphide of ammonium must not impart a black color to it. Traces of silicic acid, alumina, and phosphoric acid are usually found in a solution of soda prepared in this manner; on which account it is unfit for use in accurate experiments. Solution of soda is kept best in bottles closed with ground glass caps. In default of capped bottles, common ones with well-ground stoppers may be used, in which case the neck must be wiped perfectly dry and clean inside and the stopper coated with paraffin; since, if this precaution is neglected, it will be found impossible after a time to remove the stopper, particularly if the bottle is only rarely opened.

b. Hydrate of potassa purified with alcohol.-Dissolve some caustic potassa of commerce in rectified spirit of wine in a stoppered bottle by digestion and shaking; let the Huid stand, decant it, or filter it if necessary, and evaporate the clear fluid in a silver dish over the gas or spirit lamp until no more vapors escape; adding from time to time, during the evaporation, some water to prevent blackening of the mass. Place the silver dish in cold water until it has sufficiently cooled ;

remove the cake of caustic potassa from the dish, break it into coarse lumps in a hot mortar, and keep in a well-closed glass bottle. When required for use, dissolve a small lump in water.

The hydrate of potassa so prepared is sufficiently pure for most purposes; it contains, indeed, a minute trace of alumina, but is usually free from phosphoric acid, sulphuric acid, and silicic acid. The solution must remain clear upon addition of sulphide of ammonium; hydrochloric acid. must only produce a barely perceptible effervescence in it. The solution acidified with hydrochloric acid must, upon evaporation to dryness, leave a residue which dissolves in water to a clear fluid. The solution acidified with hydrochloric acid, and then mixed with ammonia in the least possible excess, must not show any flocks of alumina, at least until it has stood in a warm place for several hours. The solution acidified with nitric acid must not give any precipitate with a nitric acid solution of molybdate of ammonia.


c. Hydrate of potassa prepared with baryta.-Dissolve pure crystals of baryta (36) by heating with water, and add to the solution pure sulphate of potassa until a portion of the filtered fluid, acidified with hydrochloric acid and diluted, no longer gives a precipitate on addition of a further quantity of the sulphate (16 parts of crystals of baryta require 9 parts of sulphate of potassa). Let the turbid fluid clear, decant, and evaporate in a silver dish as in b. The hydrate of potassa so prepared is perfectly pure, except that it contains a trifling admixture of sulphate of potassa, which is left behind upon dissolving the hydrate in a little water. This hydrate is but rarely required, its use being in fact exclusively confined to the detection of minute traces of alumina. Uses. The great affinity which the fixed alkalies possess for acids renders these substances powerful agents to effect the decomposition of the salts of most bases, and consequently the precipitation of those bases which are insoluble in water. Many of the so precipitated oxides redissolve in an excess of the precipitant, as, for instance, alumina, sesquioxide of chromium, and oxide of lead; whilst others remain undissolved, e.g. sesquioxide of iron, teroxide of bismuth, &c. The fixed alkalies serve therefore also as a means to separate the former from the latter. Potassa and soda dissolve also many salts (e.g. chromate of lead), sulphur compounds, &c., and contribute thus to separate and distinguish them from other substances. Many of the oxides precipitated by the action of potassa or soda exhibit peculiar colors, or possess other characteristic properties that may serve to lead to the detection of the individual metal which they respectively contain; such are, for instance, the precipitates of hydrate of protoxide of manganese, hydrate of protoxide of iron, suboxide of mercury, &c. The fixed alkalies expel ammonia from its salts, and enable us thus to detect that body by its smell, its action on vegetable colors, &c.

§ 35.

2. AMMONIA. Oxide of Ammonium. (NHO).

Preparation.-Ammonia is generally prepared in cast-iron vessels on a large scale, and it will be found more economical to buy it.* For preparing it on a small scale the following method answers well.

An excellent receipt for preparing ammonia in rather large quantities will be found in Zeitschrift f. anal. Chem. 1, 186.

Introduce into a flask 4 parts of chloride of ammonium, either crystallized or in lumps, and the dry hydrate of lime prepared from 5 parts of quicklime, mix by shaking, and cautiously add enough water to make the powder agglomerate into lumps. Set the flask in a sand bath and connect it with a rather large wash bottle and delivery tube. Put a small quantity of water in the wash bottle, and about 10 parts of water in the flask destined to absorb the gas. Place the latter in cold water, and then begin to apply heat. Evolution of gas speedily sets in. Continue to heat until no more bubbles appear. Open the cork of the flask to prevent the receding of the fluid. The solution of ammonia contained in the washing bottle is impure, but that contained in the receiver is perfectly pure; dilute it with water until the specific gravity is about 9610 per cent. of ammonia. Keep the fluid in bottles closed with ground stoppers.

Tests. Solution of ammonia must be colorless, and ought not to leave the least residue when evaporated in a platinum dish. When heated with an equal volume of lime water, it should cause no turbidity, at least not to a very marked extent (carbonic acid). When supersaturated with nitric acid, neither solution of nitrate of baryta nor of nitrate of silver must render it turbid, nor must sulphuretted hydrogen impart to it the slightest color.

Uses.-Solution of ammonia, although formed by conducting ammoniacal gas (N H,) into water, and letting that gas escape upon exposure to the air, and much quicker when heated, may also be regarded as a solution of oxide of ammonium (N H,O) in water, the first acceding equivalent of water (HO) being assumed to form N HO with N H. Upon this assumption solution of ammonia may accordingly be looked upon as an analogous fluid to solution of potassa and solution of soda, which greatly simplifies the explanation of all its reactions, the oxygen salts resulting from the neutralization of oxygen acids by solution of ammonia being also assumed to contain oxide of ammonium N H2O, instead of N H. Ammonia is one of the most frequently used reagents. It is especially applied for the saturation of acid fluids, and also to effect the precipitation of a great many metallic oxides and earths; many of these precipitates redissolve in an excess of ammonia, as, for instance, the oxides of zinc, cadmium, silver, copper, &c., whilst others are insoluble in free ammonia. This reagent may therefore serve also to separate and distinguish the former from the latter. Some of these precipitates, as well as their solutions in ammonia, exhibit peculiar colors, which may at once lead to the detection of the individual metal which they respectively contain.

Many of the oxides which are precipitated by ammonia from neutral solutions are not precipitated by this reagent from acid solutions, their precipitation from the latter being prevented by the ammonia salt formed in the process. Compare § 53.


§ 36.

1. BARYTA (Ba O).

Preparation. There are a great many ways of preparing hydrate of baryta; but as witherite is now easily and cheaply procurable, I prefer

the following method to all others: Mix intimately together 100 parts of finely pulverized witherite, 10 parts of charcoal in powder, and 5 parts of resin, put the mixture in an earthenware pot, put on the lid and lute it on with clay, and expose the pot so prepared to the heat of a brickkiln. Break and triturate the baked mass, boil repeatedly with water in an iron pot, filter into vessels, stopper, and let them stand in the cold, when large quantities of crystals of hydrate of baryta (Ba O, HO 8 aq.) will make their appearance. Let the crystals drain in properly covered funnels, dry rapidly between sheets of blotting paper, and keep them in well closed bottles. For use dissolve 1 part of the crystals in 20 parts of water, with the aid of heat, and filter the solution. The baryta water so prepared is purer than the mother liquor running off from the crystals. The residue, which is insoluble in water, and consists of undecomposed witherite and charcoal, is turned to account in the preparation of chloride of barium.

Tests. Baryta water must, after precipitation of the baryta by pure sulphuric acid, give a filtrate remaining clear when mixed with spirit of wine, and leaving no fixed residue upon evaporation in a platinum crucible.

Uses. Caustic baryta, being a strong base, precipitates the earths and metallic oxides insoluble in water from the solutions of their salts. In the course of analysis we use it simply to precipitate magnesia. Baryta water may also be used to precipitate those acids which form insoluble compounds with this base; it is applied with this view to effect the detection of carbonic acid, the removal of sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, &c.

[blocks in formation]

The former is obtained by slacking pure calcined lime in lumps, in a porcelain dish, with half its weight of water. The heat which accompanies the combination of the lime and the water is sufficient to evaporate the excess of water. Hydrate of lime must be kept in a well-stoppered bottle.

To prepare lime water, digest hydrate of lime for some time with cold distilled water, shaking the mixture occasionally; let the undissolved portion of lime subside, decant, and keep the clear fluid in a wellstoppered bottle. If it is wished to have the lime water quite free from all traces of alkalies, baryta and strontia, which are almost invariably present in hydrate of lime prepared from calcined limestone, the liquids of the first two or three decantations must be removed, and the fluid decanted afterwards alone made use of.

Tests.-Lime water must impart a strongly-marked brown tint to turmeric paper, and give a not too inconsiderable precipitate with carbonate of soda. It speedily loses these properties upon exposure to the air, and is thereby rendered totally unfit for analytical purposes.

Uses.-Lime forms with many acids insoluble, with others soluble salts. Lime water may therefore serve to distinguish the former acids, which it precipitates from their solutions, from the latter, which it will of course fail to precipitate. Many of the precipitable acids are thrown down only under certain conditions, e.g. on boiling (citric acid), which

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