CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PUBLISHED BY J. & J. J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE; AND WHITTAKER & CO.; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO., LONDON. M.DCCC.XLV. ! PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. THIS edition of the Treatise on Statics differs so little from the last as scarcely to require a separate notice. A few Articles have been added, on the pressure which a rigid body is made to exert on a fixed point or axis of support by the action of forces when there is equilibrium. These will be found useful in those Problems of Dynamics wherein it is required to find the pressure which a rigid body in motion, under the influence of any forces, exerts on a fixed point or axis. Indeed, it is chiefly with a view to this application of them that the articles alluded to have been introduced into this edition of the Statics. The collection of Problems for practice given at the end of the Treatise has been considerably enlarged, chiefly by the addition of Examples of an elementary character. In the selection of them care has been taken to choose such as illustrate Statical Principles under every important variation of aspect, without impeding the student's progress through them by analytical and other difficulties foreign to the proper object of this Treatise. |