| 1843 - 632 pages
...frontispiece, cloth, Is. [291 MA SKEW. — Annotations on the Acts of the Apostles, original and selected, designed principally for the use of Candidates for the ordinary BA Degree, Students for Holy Orders, &e. ; with College and Senate-House Examination Papers. By TR Maskew, BA 12mo. pp. 214, boards, 4s.... | |
...frontispiece, cloth, 1s. [291 MASKEW. — Annotations on the Acts of the Apostles, original and selected, designed principally for the use of Candidates for...College and Senate-House Examination Papers. By TR Masken-, BA 12mo. pp. 214, boards, 4s. 6d. . - . ' . [292 MAURICE. — Christmas Day, and other Sermons.... | |
| English literature - 1843 - 630 pages
...Apostles, original and selected, designed principally for the use ol Candidates for the ordinary B. A Degree, Students for Holy Orders, &c. ; with College and Senate-House Examination Papers. By TR Maskew, BA 12mo. pp. 214, boards, 4s. 6d. . . . [292 • MAURICE — Christmas Day, and other Sermons.... | |
| Sophocles - 1844 - 360 pages
...above work without Key, sewed, 3s. ANNOTATIONS ON THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES; Original and Selected, designed principally for the use of Candidates for...College and Senate-House Examination Papers, by TR MASKEW, BA, of Sidney Sussex College, 12mo. bds. 4s. Qd. ANNOTATIONS ON ST. MATTHEW'S GOSPEL; Grammatical... | |
| William Walton - Differential calculus - 1846 - 316 pages
...Leicestershire, and late Fellow of Triiiity College, Cambridge. Vol.1. £14*. Vol. II. in the Press. Cambridge. Annotations on the ACTS of the APOSTLES. Designed...College and Senate-House Examination Papers. By TR MASKEW, MA, of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge ; Head Master of the Grammar School, Dorchester. Second... | |
| William Walton - Differential calculus - 1846 - 308 pages
...Leicestershire, and late Fellow oí' Trinity College, Cambridge. Vol.1. £14«. Vol. II. in the Press. Cambridge. Annotations on the ACTS of the APOSTLES. Designed...with College and Senate-House Examination Papers. By T. ~R. M ASKEW, MA, of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge; Head Master of the Grammar School, Dorchester.... | |
| D. F. Gregory - Calculus - 1846 - 572 pages
...Bv WILLIAM KEELINO, B.Ü., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Second Edition. 8vo. 12л. Annotations on the Acts of the Apostles. Designed...the ordinary BA Degree, Students for Holy Orders, ¿tc'., with College and Senate-House Examination Paper*. By TR MASKFW, MA, of Sidney Sussex College,... | |
| William Walton - Fluid mechanics - 1847 - 282 pages
...Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Vol.1. £1 4s. Vol. II. in the Prest. Cambridge. 12 Theology. Annotations on the ACTS of the APOSTLES. Designed...College and Senate-House Examination Papers. By TR MASKEW, MA, of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge; Head Master of the Grammar School, Dorchester. Second... | |
| Joseph Butler (bp. of Durham.) - 1848 - 144 pages
...placing before him in a short and well digested form, nearly all the arguments of our best divines. Annotations on the Acts of the Apostles. Designed...College and Senate-House Examination Papers. By TR MASKEW, MA, of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, Head Master of the Grammar School, Dorchester. Second... | |
| Churchill Babington - History - 1849 - 182 pages
...the University. By HASTINGS ROBINSON, DD, formerly Fellow of St John's College, Cambridge. 8vo. 8*. Annotations on the Acts of the Apostles. Designed...College and SenateHouse Examination Papers. By TR MASKEW, MA, of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, Head Master of the Grammar School, Dorchester. Second... | |
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