| William Walton - Differential calculus - 1846 - 316 pages
...of Ireland," " Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland." Parti. 4io. GEADUATI CANTABEIGIENSES: sive Catalogus eorum quos ab anno 1760 usque ad 10m Octr. 1846, Gradu quocunque ornavit Academia. Cura J. ROMILLY, AM, Coll. Trin. Socii atque Academies Registrar!!. 8vo. 10f. MAKAMAT; or Ehetorical... | |
| William Walton - Fluid mechanics - 1847 - 282 pages
...of Ireland," " Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland." Parti. 4to. GEADUATI CANTABEIGIENSES : sive Catalogus eorum quos ab anno 1760 usque ad 10m Octr. 1846, Gradu quocunque ornavit Academia. Curii J. ROMILLY, AM, Coll. Trin. Socii atque Academis Registrarii. 8vo. 10s. MAKAMAT; or Ehetorical... | |
| William Walton - Fluid mechanics - 1847 - 278 pages
...II. 8s. A few copies printed on thick VELLUM PAPER, imp. 8vo. 41. 4s. 20 PUBLISHED BY Roxnilly. — Graduati Cantabrigienses : sive Catalogus eorum quos...anno 1760 usque ad 10m Octr. 1846, Gradu quocunque ornayit Academia. Cura J. ROMILLY, AM, Coll. Ti in . Socii atque Academise Registrar!!. Svo. 10s, Sabrinae... | |
| Cornelius Tacitus - 1848 - 818 pages
...of the new and imperfectly known Species. By FREDIRICK М'Сот, Professor of Geology, &c., Queen's College, Belfast ; Author of ' Carboniferous Limestone...of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland.' Part I. 4to. The History of the University of Cambridge, from the Conquest to the year 1634. By THOMAS FULLER, DD... | |
| University of Cambridge - 1849 - 560 pages
...Esq., MA, FSA, of Trinity College ; with illustrative Notes, and two Plans of Cambridge. 8vo. 12s. 190. GRADUATI CANTABRIGIENSES : sive Catalogus eorum quos ab anno 1760 usque ad 10m Octs. 1846, Gradu quocunque ornavit Academia. Cura JOSEPHI ROMILLY, AM, Coll. Trin. Socii atque Academies... | |
| Tertullian - Apologetics - 1850 - 272 pages
..."Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland," " Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland." Parti. 4to. GRADUATI CANTABRIGIENSES : sive Catalogus eorum...10m Octr. 1846, Gradu quocunque ornavit Academia. Cura J. ROMILLY, AM, Coll. Trin. Socii atque Academics Registrarii. 8vo. 10s. MAKAMAT ; or Rhetorical... | |
| Sir John Budd Phear - Mechanics - 1850 - 304 pages
...M'COY, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Queen's College, Belfast; Author of "Characters of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland," " Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland," one of the Authors of " Sedgwick and M'Coy's British Palaeozoic Rocks and Fossils," &c. M'COY. —... | |
| Adolfo de Castro y Rossi - 1851 - 314 pages
...Figures of the new and imperfectly known Species. By F. M'COY, Professor of Geology, £c., Queen's College, Belfast; Author of "Carboniferous Limestone...: Sive Catalogus eorum quos ab anno 1760 usque ad 10™ Octr. 1846, Gradu quocunque ornavit Academia. Cura JOSEPH! ROMILLY, AM, Coll. Trin. Socii atque... | |
| Robert Ellis - 1853 - 282 pages
...View of Cambridge from the Castle-Hill, from a Drawing by B. RTJDGE. (Continued Annually.) 4s. 6d. GRADUATI CANTABRIGIENSES: sive Catalogus eorum quos...10m Octr. 1846, Gradu quocunque ornavit Academia. CurS J. ROMILLY, AM, Coll. Trin. Socii atque Academise Registrarii. 8vo. 10s. THE BRITISH PALEOZOIC... | |
| William Drake - Bible - 1853 - 216 pages
...M'COY, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Queen's College. Belfast; Author of "Characters of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland", Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland", one of the Authors of " Sedgwick and M'Coy's British Palaeozoic Rocks and Fossils", &c. IV. By the... | |
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