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"Aliæ inter illas quas enumeravimus, augustis veterum sanctorum nominibus insignitæ, Melchitis, quantum adipisci potuimus, ignotæ sunt, et Jacobitis propriæ. Apostolorum duodecim, Petri, Marci, Lucæ, Joannis Evangelistæ, aliorumque Apostolicorum virorum, etsi ab illis scriptæ dici non possunt, tamen supposititiæ non sunt, cum in antiquis exemplaribus multis reperiantur."-Renaudot, Lit. Orient. Coll., II. X.


Again the Anaphora of St. Petera, prince of the Apo- 95 stles.

The Prayer of the Peace. O Lord, God of peace and Lord of quietness, grant unto us all, and make us meet, to embrace one another with a guileless kiss, in a spirit that is not severed from love; and we will send up unto Thee glory and thanksgiving, and to Thy Only-begotten Son, and to Thy Holy Spirit, now. People. Amen. Priest. Peace.

Deacon. Let us give.

People. Before Thee.

Priest. Unto Thee, and before Thee, O Lord God, we bow the necks of our souls and bodies; so that we may receive of Thee blessings and assistance for our weakness: for Thou art the helper and the house of refuge of all; and to Thee we send up glory and thanksgiving, and to Thy Only-begotten Son, and to 96 Thy Holy Spirit, now. Amen.

Now also Thou art the Lord: cause Thy face to shine upon us; and deliver us from all enemies that hate us; and blot out and forgive all our unlawful deeds; that we may raise unto Thee glory and thanks

a This Liturgy is almost word for word the same as that which Renaudot has translated under the title Liturgia Petri II.

b "Misericordiâ tua," R.

giving, and to Thy Only-begotten Son, and to Thy Amen c.

Holy Spirit, now.

Let us stand.

Priest. Thou art the Rock d.

Priest. The Love.

People. With.

Priest. Upward.

People. They are.

Priest. Let us give thanks.

People. It is meet.

Priest. Depression. Truly it is meet and right that we should glorify and exalt Thee, the Maker of all creatures that are above and that are beneath.

Elevation. We glorify Thee, O Lord, with angels 97 and legions of archangels, calling out in words of praise, and saying,

People. Holy.

Depression. Holy and full of mercies art Thou, O Lord, for in Thy love towards man Thou didst send Thy Son into the world; and He was incarnate of the Virgin Mary for our salvation.

And he raises his voice. And when He willed to taste death, and to perfect the Passover in the evening,

This is apparently the Prayer of the Veil; cf. p. 47. In Renaudot's translation of this liturgy, the prayer "Unto Thee, &c.," stands first; then the prayer “Now also, &c.," and after these the Prayer of the Peace; contrary to the order constantly observed.

d Renaudot does not give any part of this form.

e Lit., in the daughters of the voices of praise.

f Lit., the Passover of the house of the evening. A similar use of the word occurs not infrequently; cf. p. 90, and Ezek. xxiv. 17.

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