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THIS Anaphora is found in Renaudot's work, under the title Liturgia Sancti Joannis, quæ in Missali Chaldaico Chrysostomo tribuitur. There does not, however, appear to be the slightest ground for supposing that St. Chrysostom was its author; the practice of ascribing their Anaphoræ to one or other of the eminent saints of the early ages of Christianity being, it would seem, not unfrequently resorted to by the Monophysites.


The Anaphora of pious Mar Evannis of Haran, and 150 Havuro, and Nisibis, who is Jacob of the Monastery of Mar Hannania.

First. The Prayer before the Peace. O God, who art great and eternal, who art tranquillity, and peace, and love, and fount of mercies; give peace, O Lord, to Thy Church, and keep all the world in Thy grace: that we may raise unto Thee glory, and to Thy Only-begotten Son, and to Thy Holy Spirit; now.

People. Amen.

Priest. Peace.

People. And to (thy) spirit.

Deacon. Let us give.

People a

Priest. Send down, O Lord, Thy loving-kindness, and stretch forth Thy right hand full of blessings, and bless Thy servants and Thy worshippers, who now bow before Thee; that we may send up.

People. Amen.

Priest. Strengthen us, O Lord, hereunto, that we may present unto Thee this spiritual and unbloody sacrifice, for the sins and offences of Thy flock, so that Thou mayst blot out and pass over our unlawful deeds: 151 that we may raise.

People. Amen.

Deacon. Let us stand.

a A word is evidently wanting here.


People. Mercies.

Priest. The love.

Priest. Up.

People. They are.

Priest. Let us give thanks.

People. It is meet.

Depression. To Thee, O king of worlds, God the Father, with the Son and the Holy Spirit, all thanksgiving is just and due.

Elevation. All heavenly ranks and orders and powers, Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, Thrones and Dominions, invisible and innumerable, unceasingly laud and honor (Thee); as with mouths incorporeal and voices unutterable they praise (Thy) victorious glory, and cry aloud and shout and say, People. Holy.

Depression. Truly Thou art holy, O God the Father, and Thy Holy Spirit, who is ever sanctified with Thy holy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Elevation. Who, when in His love He had become incarnate for our sake, and for our salvation was willingly made low band suffered in the flesh, in the night of sufferings took bread in His holy hands, and blessed, and sanctified, and brake, and gave to His disciples, and said, Take, eat of it: this is My Body which is given for you for the remission of sins, and for the new life which is for ever.

People. Amen.

Priest. In like manner He took the cup also, and

b The word used in Phil. ii. 7, corresponding to the Greek ékévwoe.

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