EXAMPLES OF ENGLISH PROSE, FROM THE REIGN OF ELIZABETH TO THE PRESENT TIME? WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY GEORGE WALKER, M.A. LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; LONDON: SOLD BY HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. + 311653 In attending to the other objects of education there is much danger that the young should be left unacquainted with the great writers of their own language. To obviate such a danger is the aim of this selection; which is meant to include considerable portions of many of those prose writers who have had a decided influence on the English language and literature. The Editor does not consider himself responsible for all the sentiments which it comprises; but he has taken care that nothing should be admitted, which might be injurious to the morals of the reader, and to embrace a series of passages which might rectify his opinions, inform his taste, and establish his principles. It is presumed that if, in the course of education, the whole of this selection be frequently read or committed to memory, the learner will find his knowledge increased, his understanding strengthened, his judgment corrected, and his power of expression enlarged; and that he will be led in riper years to examine for himself those treasures of original thought and eloquent diction, in which the English language, above all others, abounds. |