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Proceedings of the National Institute.


ftruction established by it, ought to have no connection with the various religious worship: MENTELLE has given this maxim, an expanfion which was never lefs fuperfluous than in the circumftances under which he read his memoir. He requires that the inftruction be directed, above all, towards fcience, duties, and manners: he defires that the public teachers become the guardians of morals, and that they per form, even in the heart of the countries where they may refide, fome of thofe kind, fometimes for the fulfilling of which; the minifters of worthip were formerly called upon. Continuing to occupy himself about the central fchools, MENTELLE Combats the project of et fentially changing the fyftem of thefe new fchools.

DELILLEDE DE SALLES read memoir, entitled The Three Kinds of Morality. Of man, confidered individually; confidered with relation to his country; and with his relation to all other countries; or, as may be faid, of the human fpecies. The three moral confiderations, among which bad politi cal inftitutions have often established fatal oppofitions, tend (according to our author) to harmonize together, according as the focial science advances towards perfection.

A Roman law limited the power of devifing by will, and tended above all, to keep women out of fucceffion; this was called Voconia lex. The learned are not agreed about the extent of the difpofitions of this law, concerning which the establishment, or abrogation, muft neceffarily have had fo confiderable an influence upon fociety, as to render it worthy of examination. Bou CHAUD, after having made known the author, and the epoch of the Voconian law, applied himself to determine its chief principle, and to give its true fenfe. He has difcovered what was the punish ment, incurred by those who contravened this law; and has pointed out the divers modifications it fucceffively underwent, until it was entirely abolished.

A country filled with great events, upon record, and which is again become the object of great expectation, Italy, has furnished ANQUETIL, with the fubject-matter of two memoirs. In the firft he has treated of the History and Character of the different Governments of this heretofore fo diftinguished part of Europe. He has confidered the political interefts of Italy in general, and MONTHLY MAG. XXVII.


of each of the particular powers exifting within her limits. The fecond memoir offers a picture of the productions of Italy, of her manufactures, of her commerce, of the privileges and restraints which favour or fhackle it.

FLEURIEU read, during feveral fittings, various fragments of a relation of a Voyage round the world, made in 1790,1791, and 1792, by CAPT.STEPHEN MARCHAUD,commanding the fhipSolide, fitted out by the houfe of Beaux, at Marfeilles, to establish a traffic in Peltry, on the north-weft coaft of America. In an introduction, which precedes the narration of this Voyage, Fleurieu fketches out a brief hiftory of the difcoveries in the north-west of America, fince FERNANDO CORTEZ, down to Stephen Marchand. This period of two centuries and a half, includes the expeditions of Coronado, of Drake, of Fuca, of Admiral Fuenti, thofe of Cook and of Peyrouse, and in fhort, thofe of many other navigators, as well Ruffian, Spanish, English, and Americans. In retracing fummarily the ancient difcoveries, of which fome were almost forgotten, and the modern navigators, which have extended the fphere of commercial fpeculations, Fleurieu applies himself to reduce to a juft value, the hopes which the first were capable of infpiring, and the fruits which have been gathered from the fecond: he feeks to unfold the motive which has determined each expedition, and afcertain the fucceffive increafe to the ftock of human know. ledge which has refulted from them all; and thus, through this introduction, the hiftory of the difcoveries to the northweft of America is blended, as it were, with the political and commercial history of Europe.

The voyage of Captain Marchand is the fecond voyage round the world, undertaken and accomplished by the French; until that time Bougainville had had in France neither a model nor an imitator. Fleurieu has compared this relation with a journal, kept by Chanel, fecond captain of the Solide, and who, in the courfe of the voyage was employed in reconnoitring the coafts, in elevating plans, and in aftronomical operations. Fleurieu has farther made ufe of a journal of Roblet, firft furgeon of the fhip, but in working upon these various memoirs, the author has compared the recitals which they contain, with the relations published by the Spanish and English navigators. The work includes,




Proceedings of the College of France.

befides, a great number of defcriptions, many nautical and geographical difcuffions, with political and commercial confiderations. In a fhort extract of a work of this extenfive nature, we can only rapidly trace the route which Captain Marchand took :

The Solide fet fail from Marseilles the 14th December, 1790, and after having doubled Cape Horn, came-to in the port Madre de Dios, in the ifland of St. Chriftina, one of the ifles of the Archipel de Mendoca, difcovered by Mandann in 1595, and vifited by Captain Cook in 1774. In quitting thefe iflands, and making way for the north-weft, Captain Marchand discovered, in this direction, a fecond Archipelago, until then unknown. Thence, after having taken a plan of this new cluster of ifles, the fhip run before the wind towards the north-west coaft, and they anchored in the Bay of Guada lupa des Espagnols, named fince by the English, Norfolk Bay, and, a traffic for fkins and furs was entered into. The Solide next vifited Queen Charlotte lands, to which the English have added alfo this name, although Peyroufe made the firft difcovery of it in 1786. The feafon was too far advanced for Captain Marchand to continue to trade on the coaft of America. He refolved to go to China: after having paffed through the Sandwich Islands and the group of Marianne Iles, he let go the anchor at Macao.

An imperial edict had juft prohibited the introduction of furs in China. He was compelled to renounce the design of exchanging the cargo for the merchandize of Afia. Thus after having repaired and victualled the fhip, Captain Marchand betook himself by the Straits of Gapa, and by thofe of the Sunda to the port in the north weft fide of the Ile de France. There he let the crew enjoy fome repofe, who, during thirteen months and a half, had kept the fea, and had been but thirty days in harbour all that time. The Solide left the Ile de France the 11th of April, 1792, touched at the Ifland of St. Helena the 4th of June, and, on the 13th of Auguft, caft anchor in the road of Toulon.

This voyage is remarkable for the fhortness of time the Solide took up in making the tour round the world, in taking her route by Cape Horn, and making her return by China. The duration of the voyage was only 608 days, and even only 498, if we fubtract the days paffed in harbour; and the fpace run over, is 14,328 fea leagues, or 18,000 common leagues.


It is farther to be remarked, that in the courfe of twenty months, in the midst of fatigues and privations, infeparable from an expedition of this nature; traverfing all the climates, experiencing all the variations of the temperature, the Solide out of fifty men, which compofed her fhip's crew, loft only one man, who died in a fit of apoplexy.

It became neceffary to awaken the attention of the French navigators to the ufe, too much neglected among them, of aftronomic methods. This relation, which the prefs is going to render public, will show them that it is to the conftant employment of the exact methods, adopted by Captains Marchand and Chanal, that they owe the fafety of their courses, the shortness of their voyage, and the advantage of making land with precifion upon thofe points which they defigned to touch at.


On the 15th of November laft, this inftitution opened its courfe of ftudy, in the prefence of the minifter of the home department, the greater part of the foreign minifters, and a full affemblage of fpectators.

The fitting was opened by Poiffonnier, who pronounced an eulogium on this ancient afylum of the fciences, which, fince the time of Francis I, has conftantly produced great men, and which, like a rock, always immovable, amid the ftorms and tempefts of the revolution, has furvived the ruin of all the other eftablishments.

Lalande proceeded to defcribe the fituation of the exact fciences, their progrefs, the difcoveries made in them, and the labours of learned and fcientific men during the last year,

François, aflifted by his wife, Lalande's niece, obferved, during the last year, 6,000 new ftars, which brings the number of thofe hitherto obferved to 42,700. Thefe aftronomers trust that they will foon be enabled to carry them to 50,000.

A new comet, difcovered this year, brings to ninety the number of thofe whofe orbits have been calculated up to this time. Tables of the moon, published by Delaplace, and an analyfis of the great labours executed to complete the measure of the earth, make up the inventory of aftronomical acquifitions.

A letter from Buonaparte to Lalande was read. In this letter, the general affures him that the funds of the fociety of Verona will be refpected, and that its obfervatory, damaged by the bomb-fhells, will be repaired. Buonaparte farther


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The following pieces were read. A Differtation on the Ancient Nation of the Arcadians, by Dupuy. A Fragment on Xenophon, by Gall. A Treatife, by Coffin, on the Richness, Copioufnefs, and Advantages of the Greek language. Another, by Bocquillon, on the Greek and Latin Languages. A Difcourfe, by Coufin, on Education, and Republican Inftitutions. And, laftly, a Poem, by Gournand, on the Four Seasons of Life. Lalande clofed the fitting, by paying a public tribute of gratitude to the great fervices rendered to the learned this year, by the Prince of Peace and the Portuguefe ambaffador, and to their zeal in the furtherance of the sciences.

LYCEUM OF FOREIGNERS. On the 21ft of November laft, this focity opened its fittings. The wish to revive the arts and induftry, to excite emulation, and more especially, to offer refources to literature, has determined the adminiftration to make new facrifices. To obtain thefe objects, it has confidered that a fociety of the most diftinguished literary men, united to the different profeffors,

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who have fecured the fuccefs of this eftablishment, would concur fuccefsfully, and bestow on it a new luftre. A Committee of literature will accordingly be efpecially charged to examine the works which authors will be invited to fend to the Lyceum. The pieces which fhall b approved by the Committee, will be read each decade (in the course of every ten days) in a fitting fet afide for that purpose. At the commencement of each half year, a subject for a profe difcourfe will be propofed, and the prize distributed in the courfe of the half year. The authors whofe productions fhall be read three times at the Lyceum, will be prefented with an admiffion for the season. Thofe who fhall have obtained a prize, will have a perpetual admiffion as members of the fociety. In the firft quarterly courfes, the following fubjects will be treated: Treatife on Epic Poetry, by Mezover. Complete Courfe of Experi mental Philofophy, by Dubois. Courfe of Moral Philofophy, by Demoustier. In each decade there will be befides, two circles fet afide for mufic and dancing. The reading-room will be abundantly fupplied with journals, periodical publications, and the most interesting pamphlets.

A CORRECT LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. The following is offered to the Public as a complete Lift of all Publications within the · Month.-Authors and Publishers who defire a corre&t and early Notice of their Works, are intreated to tranfmit copies of the fame.

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The Coffee Planter of St. Domingo, with an Appendix, containing a View of the Contitution, Government, Laws, and State of that Colony, previously to the year 1789, by P. J. Laborie, boards, 10s. 6d. with 22 plates. Cadell and Davis. The Caftle Spectre, in five acts, by M. G. Leavis, M.P. 28. Bell. The Beauties of Hiftory, by L. M. Stretch, M.A..abridged into one volume 12mo, 3s. 6d. bound. Dilly. The Youth's infallible Inftructor, comprizing the different degrees of Literature neceffary to complete an English Scholar, by W. Card, in four parts, 25, each. Scatchard,

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The Candid Friend; addreffed to a young Gentleman, being Inftructions to him on entering Life, 1s. 6d. bound. Lowe

Difcours fur l'Article, compofé pour l'Ecole des Meffieurs Strahans, à Enfield, & lu dans une Société de Gens de Lettres; par M. l'Abbé de Lévizac. Dulan and Co.

The Youth's Mifcellany; or, a Father's Gift to his Children, by W. Mavor, LL.D. 4s. Newberry.

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A Treatife on Leeches, wherein the properties, ufe, &c. of that valuable reptile is clearly fet forth, by George Thorn, 15. 63.

Symonds. A new Edition of Dr. Wallis on the Art of preventing Diseases and reftoring Health, with confiderable Alterations and Additions, s. 6d. bound. Robinfon. Enchiridion Syphiliticum; or, Directions for the domestic treatment, of Venereal Complaints, by A. P. Buchan, M.D. 2s. 6d. Callow.

An Effay on the Gout, with a candid Examination, &c. of Dr. Latham's Principles, by George Wallis, M.D. &c. 4s. Robinfons.

A Lecture introductory to a Course of Popular Inftruction on the Constitution and Management of the Human Body, by Thomas Beddoes, M.D. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Johnfon.


Elements of the Critical Philofophy, containing a concife Account of its Origin and Tendency; a View of all the Works of its Founder, Kant; and a Gloffary for the Explanation of Terms and Phrafes. To which are added, three Philological Effays, from the German of 7. C. Adelung, by A. F. M. Willick, M.D. 8vo. 6s. boards. Longman.


The pofthumous works of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of, containing the Wrongs of Woman, a Fragment; Leiters, and Mifcellaneous Pieces, in 4 vols. 148. in boards. Alfo, in 1 vol. fame fize, price 3s. 6d. with a portrait, by Opie and Heath, Memoirs of the Author, by William Godwin. Johnton. A new edition of Kearley's Annual Tax Tables, rod.

Thoughts on the Neceffity of Moral Difcipline in Prifons, by Thomas Bowen, M.A. Rivingtons.


The Economist; or, Englishman's Magazine, No. I. for January, 1798, price three halfpence, or 250 for Il. Is.

Ridgway's Annual Town Guide, or Complete Register of Taxes, to the 8th of February, 1798, containing a copious Abstract of every Claufe in the Affeffed Tax Multiplication Act, 6d. Ridgway. The Four Ages, to ether with Effays on various Subjects, by William Jackfun, efq. of Exeter, 8vo. 75. boards. Cadell and Co. A Catalogue of Books now on Sale, by Thomas Payne, bookfeller, Is.

Religious and Philanthropic Tracts, addreffed to Friendly Societies, by J. Cowe, M.A. vicar of Sunbury, 2s. 6d. Robfon.


A new edition' of Heraldry in Miniature, Law, &c. 3s. fewed.

The Mafquerade; or, a Collection of New Enigmas, Logogriphs, &c. &c. vol. II, containing the Solution of vol. I, to be continued annually, Is. 6d. Wilkie.

An Economical and New Method of Cookery; defcribing above 80 cheap, whole fome, and nutritive Dishes, by Eliza Melroe, Chapple.

2s. 6d.

Etrennes Nouvelle & Royale, ou Almanac Hiftorique, Politique, & L ttéraire, pour l'An 1798 de la Naiffance de J. C. & pour l'An 6 du Règne de Roberfpierre & de fes SuccefDulan and Co. feurs, par M. V, 25.

Confiderations on the original and proper Objects of the Royal Hofpital of Bridewell, addreffed to the Governors, by William Waddington, Efq. 1s. 6d. Rivingtons.



The Monthly Army Lift, for February, with Corrections to the laft Month, and with the prefent Head Quarters of every Regiment of the Regulars, the Fencibles, and the Militia; in the manner of Steel's Lift of the Navy,. Hookham and Carpenter.


NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, &c. A New Syftem of Phyfiology, comprehending the Law by which Animated Beings in general, and the Human Species in particular, are governed, in the various States of Health and Difeafe, by R. Saumarez, furgeon to the Magdalen Hofpital, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, Cox.


Effays on the Microscope, by the late George Adams, the fecond edition, with confiderable Additions and Improvements, by Frederick Kanmacher, fellow of the Linnæan Society, 4to. 32 plates, 28s. Jones.

Geometrical and Graphical Effays, containing a general Description of the Mathematical Inftruments used in Geometry, Surveying, &c. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged, by W. Jones, 2 vols. 8vo. 14s. Jones.


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Lift of New Publications in January.

Columbus, in twelve books, by the Rev. I. L. Moore, 8vo. 15s. boards. Rivingtons. An Elegy to the Memory of the Rt. Hon. E Burke, by the Rev. I. C. Euftace, 4to. Is. Rivingtons. Miracles, a Scatonian Prize Poem, by William Bolland, M.A. 1s. Rivingtons. Infant Inftitutes, Part the Firft, or, a Nurferical Effay on the Poetry of the earlier Ages, with an Appendix, 8vo. Is. 6d. Rivingtons.

The Progrefs of Satire an Effay in Verfe, with Notes, containing Remarks on the Purfuits of Literature, Is. 6d.


The Invincible Island, with introductive Obfervations on the Prefent War, by Percival Stockdale, 8vo. 2s. Clarke An Epiftle from Lady Grange to E. D→→→, Efq. written during her Confinement in the Iland of St. Kilda, 28. Cadell & Davies.

The Warning Voice!!! 2s. Cawthorn. The Grove, a Satire, 3s. Westley. Nancratia, or Naval Dominion, by H. I. Pye, Efq. 5s. Nicol.

The Druriad; or Strictures on the principal Performers of Drury-Lane Theatre, a Satire. Richardfons.


The Cafe of the People of England, addreffed to the Lives-and-Fortune-Men, both in and out of the Houfe of Commons, as a Ground of National Thanksgiving, by One of the 80,000 incorrigible Jacobins, 1s. 6d.

Westley. Mr. Harper's Obfervations on the Difpute between the United States and France.

Debrett. The Parliamentary Register, No. I to VIII, price is. each, of the Prefent Seffions. Debrett. A Letter to the United Parochial Committees appointed to oppofe the Affeffed Tax Bill, by a London Houfeholder, 3d.

Evans and Bone. A General View of a Plan of univerfal and qual Taxation, 6d. Cadelt and Davies.

An accurate Lift of the Members of the Houfe of Commons, who voted on Mr. Pitt's Affeffed Tax Multiplication Bill, with their Reafons for fupporting it: alfo, a Lift of the Minority, and a General Lift of thofe Members who hold Places and Appointments under Government, 6d. or 100 Copies, 21. Ridgway.

Journal Hiftorique & Politique, de l'Adminiftration de la République Française, perdant l'Année 1797, par Sir Francis d'Ivernois, 5s. Elmly & Bremmer. Analyfe fur la Juftice du Commerce du Rachet des Efclaves de la Côte d'Afrique, par I. I. de Cunda da Azareido Continho Portugaie, Dulau & Co. The eloquent and interefting Speech of the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox, on the third reading of the Affeffed Tax Bill, 64. Jordan.


A Letter to the Earl of Warwick on his Oppofition to the Refolutions of the Inhabitants of Warwick, against the Affeffed Tax Bill, 6d. Johnfon. A Letter on the Prefent Meafures of Finance, in which the Bill now depending in


Parliament is particularly confidered, by the Earl of Lauderdale, s. 6d.


Propofals for liquidating Sixty-fix Millions, &c. of the 3 per cents. by converting the Land Tax into a permanent Annuity, Is. Wright. Propofals of a Substitute for Funding in time of War, by John Prinsep. Debrett. The Jacobin's Lamentation; or, the Pour too Rich. IS. Hatchard. The Patriot's Pocket Companion for 1798, Is. 8d. Williams. This Lettres à my Lord ***, fur les Affaires de Pays-Bas. L'Homme. An Addrefs to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, occafioned by his Propofal of the Triple Affeff ment, Is. Beckett.

The Third Report of the Society for bettering the Condition of the Poor, 15. Beckett.

Emigration to America, candidly confidered, in a Series of Letters from a Gentleman, refident there, to his Friend in England, Is. 6d. Rickman.

Mémoires pour fervir à l'Hiftoire du Jacobinifme, par l'Abbé Barrael, tome 3, 5s. boards.


Dulau & Co.

A Sermon delivered at Providence Chapel, on Dec. 19, 1797, by W. Huntington, S.S. Is. Baynes. A Sermon, on the fame day, by the Rev. Edm. Poultier, Is. Cadell & Co. Fifty-one Sermons by the late Rev. Richard Southgate, with a Biographical Preface by Geo. Gafkin, D.D. 2 vols. 12s. bds. Rivingtons.

Three Letters addreffed to the Readers of Paine's Age of Reason, by One of the People called Chriftians, 6d. Darton & Harvey.

The Duty of Thanksgiving: a Sermon preached at the Foundling Hofpital, Dec. 19, 1797, being the Day appointed for a General Thanksgiving, by the Rev. John Hewlett, B.D. morning-preacher to the faid Charity, 8vo. s. Johnson.

A Sermon preached in the Parish Church of Swindon, at the Vifitation, and published at the request of the Rev. Arthur Coham, A.M. by the Rev. I. Hane, A.M. 25. Rivingtons.

A Sermon on the late Thanksgiving, by the Rev. J. T. Langhorne, Is. Rivingtons. A Sermon, on the fame occafion, by the Rev. W. Goode, A.M. 15. Rivingtons.

A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Durham, in 1797, by Shute, Bishop of Durham, 4to. 25.-8vo. Is.

Rivingtons. The Duty of Thanksgiving for National Bieffings, a Sermon on the 19th of December, by W. Mavor, LL D. 18. Rivingtons.

VOYAGES, TRAVELS, &c. A Sketch of modern France, in a Series of Letters to a Lady of Fashion, written in 1796 and 1797, during a Tour through France, by a Lady, edited by C. L. Moody, LL.D. F.A.S. 8s. bds. Cadell & Davies.

Travels in the Two Sicilies and fome Parts of the Apennines, tranflated from the original Italian of the Abbe Lazzaro Spallanzani, 4 vols. 8vo. with 11' Plates, 11. 8s, bds. Robinfons. REVIEW

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