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Variorum notes on Taming of the Shrew, i. 2, near the end (where, however, the true reading is convive). Díλwv ¿v Púμy diαyóvтwv. Tarquin and Lucrece, St. cx., Address to Night,

"Grim cave of death, whispering conspirator,

With close-tongued treason, and the ravisher!"

Dele comma after conspirator. The construction is, I think, whispering with, &c. Hamlet, iii. 1,—

"This something-settled matter in his heart."

Antony and Cleopatra, iv. 8,—

"Bear our hack'd targets like the men that owe them." So Warburton, rightly I think, construes this passage. 2 King Henry IV. i. 3,—

"With an incensed fire of injuries.”

i.e., "a fire incensed of (kindled by) injuries."
Two Noble Kinsmen, i. 1, perhaps an instance,-
whilst we dispatch

This grand act of our life, this daring deed

Of fate in wedlock."

This deed which dares fate. Tempest, v. 1,

Whe'r thou be'st he or no,

Or some enchanted trifle to abuse me,"

is, I suspect, a case of the same kind; some trifle produced by enchantment to abuse me; for some trifle to abuse me, seems unlike the Elizabethan English.58 1 K. H. IV. v. 1, near the beginning,

"A prodigy of fear, and a portent

Of broached mischief to the unborn times."

58 Compare, however, Bonduca, v. 2,—

In love too with a trifle to abuse me.”

This example may also serve to cast out from the Tempest that

A portent of mischief broached to, &c., for he could not be a portent to future times. Othello, ii. 3,

"There comes a fellow, crying out for help;

And Cassio following him with determin'd sword

To execute upon him."

(Ought him in the second line to be expunged?) Dele comma after sword; and perhaps after course. ii. 3,— How am I then a villain,

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To counsel Cassio to this parallel course,
Directly to his good?"

Sonnet xxviii. comes under this head,-
"And each, though enemies to either's reign,
Do in consent shake hands to torture me."
Macbeth, i. 7, near the end of the act,—
When in swinish sleep


Their drenched natures lie, as in a death."

So in other old writers preceding and contemporary. Chaucer, House of Fame, B. ii. ed. 1602, fol. 266, col. 2,"Till he saw the Scorpioun,

Which that in Heven a signe is yet,

And he for fere lost his wit

Of that, and let the reynes gone

Of his horse." (i.e., horses.)

enchanted devil, which Mr. Collier's Old Corrector raised to abuse his disinterrer. Was the Old Corrector acquainted with the Parliament of Love, iv. 2, or is this a mere chance coincidence ?— "Make use of reason, as an exorcist

To cast this devil out, that does abuse you."

For trifle add from Ford, Fancies, &c. iv. 1,-" Why you know I am an ignorant, unable trifle in such business." Sun's Darling, i. 1,—

ii. 1,

scourge hence this trifle."

"This lady, call'd the Spring, is an odd trifle.”—Ed.

Persones Tale, ed. 1798, vol. ii. p. 337,-"A man, which is in a dropping hous in many places, though he eschew the dropping in o place, it droppeth on him in another place."-Man of Lawes Prologue, v. 4489,

"The dreint Leandre for his faire Hero."

Lord Surrey's Poems, ed. 1831, p. 5,

"To blind their eyes (eyen?) which else should see
My speckled cheeks with Cupid's hue."

P. 14, "the wedded birds so late.” P. 18,—
"With dazed eyes we oft by gleams of love

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Have miss'd the ball."

P. 89, Eccles. chap. iii., "the grafted plants with pain." P. 93, their gotten good with strife." P. 107, Version of Psalm lxxiii., so construe,—

"So shall their glory fade; thy sword of vengeance shall

Unto their drunken eyes in blood disclose their errors all." P. 156, Version of Æneid iv., "the stricken hind with shaft."

Play of Edward III., Lamb's Specimens, ed. 1835, vol. ii. p. 269,

your progenitor,

Sole reigning Adam on the universe,
By God was honour'd," &c.

Sackville, Gorboduc, v. 2, p. 82, ed. 1820,-
"A ruthful case! that they, whom duty's bond,
Whom grafted law, by nature, truth, and faith,
Bound to defend their country and their king,
Even they should give consent," &c.

Dele comma after law. iv. 2, p. 72,—

"When greedy lust in royal seat to reign

Hath reft all care of Gods, and eke of men," &c.;

So construe. Spenser, Sonnet lxxxi.,—

"Fayre, when her breast, like a rich-laden barke,

With precious merchandise, she forth doth lay."

Expunge the comma after barke. Faerie Queene, B. iii. C. ii. St. xxi. (of Merlin's mirror),—

"It was a famous present for a prince,

And worthie worke of infinite reward."

Second Maiden's Tragedy, iv. 1,—

v. 2,

"Well, sir, since you've begun to make my lord
A doubtful man of me, keep on that course."

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this the disquieted body

Of my too resolute child in honour's war."

Kyd, Cornelia, iv., chorus (I quote from Collier's Annals of the Stage, vol. iii. p. 212),—

"Meddling with nothing but his own,

While gazing eyes at crowns grow dim."

Peele, War of Troy, Dyce, 2nd ed., vol. ii. p. 181 (of Achilles),

"Clad by his dame in habit of a woman,

Unworthy cowardice of a valiant man."

So construe. Friar Bacon, &c., Dyce's Greene, vol. i. p. 207,

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Better befits an humble mind to God

Than all the show of rich habiliments."

Fanshawe's Querer por Solo Querer, Lamb, ed. 1835, vol. ii. p. 244,

"This should be that so famous Queen

For unquell'd valour and disdain."

P. 249,

Zelidaura, star divine,

That do'st in highest orb of beauty shine;
Pardon'd Murd'ress, by that heart

Itself, which thou dost kill," &c.

Richard Brome on Fletcher, B. and F., ed. 1647, 35th Poem, Seward, vol. i. p. 56, title,-"To the Memory of the Deceased but Ever-living Author, in these his Poems, Mr. John Fletcher." The erroneous comma after Author does not appear in the 1647 edition. Beaumont and Fletcher, Valentine, iii. 1, Moxon, vol. i. p. 448, vol. i.,—

such a one

That had an itching husband to be honourable,

And groan'd to get it."

Captain, iv. 5, Moxon, vol. i. p. 368, col. 2,— "For safety of your soul, and of the soul

Of that too wicked woman yet to die."

King and No King, iv. 3, Moxon, vol. i. p. 70, col. 1,— "For that brave sufferance you speak of, brother,

Consists not in a beating and away;

But in a cudgell'd body from eighteen

To eight-and-thirty, in a head rebuk'd

With pots of all size,59 daggers, stools, and bedstaves." (Vulg., comma after body.) Loyal Subject, ii. 6, vol. i. p. 326, col. 1,—

"Nor had you known this now, but for this pickthank, That lost man in his faith! he has reveal'd it."

iv. 5, vol. 1, p. 337, col. 1,—

"Believe me, fellow, here will (here 'll) be lusty drinking, Many a wash'd pate in wine, I warrant thee."

59 Write size'; at any rate the word is plural. See S. V., art. li. In the original manuscript, by a slip of the pen, Walker had written sorts.- Ed.

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