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He did unseal them; and the first he view'd,
He did it with a serious mind," &c.

Papers. Ib.,


If we did think

His contemplation were above the earth,
And fix'd on spiritual object, he should still
Dwell in his musings," &c.

Objects, surely; the same error as above in mute; unless indeed object had then some meaning, with which we are not now acquainted. v. 2,—

"You were ever good at sudden commendations,
Bishop of Winchester. But know, I come not
To hear such flattery now, and in my presence;
They are too thin and base to hide offences."

Flatteries; 101 for it is to this that they refers, not to commendations. (For base read bare, as I have corrected elsewhere, and so Dyce also proposes [after Malone], Remarks, p. 141.) Hamlet, v. 2,-" and do but blow them to their trial, the bubbles are out." I suspect that, according to the old grammar, we ought to read, with the folio, trials. And so Knight. Troilus and Cressida, iv. 4,

"The Grecian youths are full of quality."

What is quality? Qualities, I suspect.102 Perhaps the

101 So Pope, and others down to Malone, who rejected this certain and indispensable correction, believing it unnecessary.—Ed. 109 But compare A Woman Killed with Kindness, Dodsley, vol. vii. p. 239,

"You're full of quality and fair desert." Walker might have added guift for guifts to the examples of the omission of the final s in the first folio. They're for their is the certain correction of Rowe. Theobald corrected gift to gifts. Exercise appears to be the plural. S. V. art. li. It is remarkable that a passage so palpably corrupt as this should not have been tampered with by the Old Corrector.-Ed.

whole passage should be read and arranged as follows,

"Hear why I speak it love; the Grecian youths

Are full of qualities; they're loving, well compos'd,
With gifts of nature flowing, and swelling o'er
With arts and exercise;

How novelties may move," &c.

Pronounce qual'ties, S. V. art. xl., and flow'ing, ib. art. xiii. I suspect, however, that the passage is otherwise corrupt. Ib., a little below,

"Name Cressid, and thy life shall be as safe

As Priam is in Ilion;"

qu., Priam's. King Henry V. v. 2,-"Therefore, queen of all, Katherine, break thy mind to me in broken English," &c. Read, queen of all Katherines; as he calls her before la plus belle Katherine du monde (or, as Petruchio hath it, the prettiest Kate in Christendom). Midsummer Night's Dream, ii. 2, init.,


"Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania.

What, jealous Oberon? Fairy, skip hence;
I have forsworn his bed and company."

Fairies, surely. There is no comma after Fairy in the folio (p. 148, col. 2); nor, indeed, could there well be one according to the punctuation of the time; probably, therefore, it stood in the MS. Fairies skip hence; which might very easily be corrupted into Fairie, were it only through the justling of the two s's. So at the end of the dialogue she says again, "Fairies, away." Love's Labour's Lost, v. i,Now understand that the curate and your sweet self are good at such eruptions and sudden breaking out of mirth," &c. Read, cum quibusdam, "breakings out." Instances in

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other writers. Browne, Britannia's Pastorals, B. i. Song ii.,

Clarke, p. 98,


"Go, shepherd swain, and wife all,

For love and kings

Are two like things,

Admitting no corrival.”

"Go, shepherd swains, and wive all," &c.

Marmyon, Antiquary, i. 1, Dodsley, vol. x. p. 11,—

What's this? I dare not

Trust my own ears, silence choke up mine anger."

Of course chokes. ii. p. 28,

You were best turn an old ass,

And meddle with your bonds and brokage."

Brokages, metri gratia. Carew, ed. Clarke, cix. p. 148,

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Admit, thou darling of mine eyes,

I have some idol 103 lately framed,

That under such a false disguise,

Our true loves might the less be famed :

Canst thou, that knowst my heart, suppose

I'll fall from thee to worship those?"

Idols. Cleveland, Ode to Jonson, Gifford's Jonson, vol. v. p. 454, note —

"For such nice guests

In salt meat take little or no delight,

But taste them with fastidious appetite."

Meats, of course. Browne, B. P. i. v., Clarke, p. 139,— "That man whose mass of sorrow hath been such, That by their weight, laid on his several part,

His fountains are so dry," &c.

108 This blunder, like several others noticed by Walker in the edition of 1845, is derived from the old edition of 1640.-Ed.

Sorrows, surely. Poem in the Arcadia, B. iii. p. 385, 23;

[blocks in formation]

"This think I well, the beast with courage clad,

Like senators, a harmless empire had."

Beasts, surely. Fletcher, Faithful Shepherdess, ii. 4, Moxon, vol. i. p. 271, col. 2,—

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Through which the blood and spirit take their way," &c. Quare, whether the Elizabethan language does not positively require spirits? Chapman, tragedy of Byron, Retrospective Review, vol. iv. p. 373,

"The very beasts knew the alarum bell,

And, hearing it, ran shuddering to their home!;"

I think the old grammar requires homes.

(In Shirley the modern usage begins to appear. Lines on the Death of K. James, Gifford and Dyce, vol. vi. p. 445, some told me, that did bring,

By torch-light, the dead body of the king,
When every star, like kinsmen to the dead,
That night, close mourners, hid their golden head,
And had repos'd that royal burden, where

His people might embalm him with their tear."

Sylvester is the only author of an earlier date (among those with whom I am acquainted) in whom it is at all frequent.) Shirley, Poems, vol. vi. p. 474, St. ult.,—

"Meantime, like a pale prisoner at the bar,

Oppressed more with fear, than his own chains, (These of the feet, those the head [i.e., of the head] troubles are)

Suspecting much her silence, he complains," &c. Fears? Shirley, Triumph of Beauty, vol. vi. p. 334,

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Of what is in my power, shall make thee scorn

Those things of care and golden slavery,

That fool and flinty consciences adore,

And grasp'd, like thieving sands steal through our

Perhaps fools; but I think foul is very much more probable. P. 336,—


all the pleasure

Of these blest shades, they talk of in their songs,

Shall spread themselves before thee."

Pleasures; only seven lines below, the old edition has wind for winds. Honoria and Mammon, i. 2, p. 15,

Alworth. "I am happy


When you command my service.

Be confident, [dele comma]

I keep a silent register of all,

And shall reward them."

Services. Edwards, Damon and Pythias, Dodsley, vol. 1, p. 256,

"For which good tourne, I crave this honour doe me lend, Oh frindly hart, let me linke with you, to you make me the thirde friende."

Harts. Sylvester, Sonnet xxvi. p. 637,

"Fortune and fates have chain'd my fancy so,

And thou mayst free them, which none else can do.”

Fancies, surely.


Very interpolated.

Taming of the Shrew, v. 2,

"You'are very sensible, and yet you miss my sense.”

Dele very.


So also iii. 2, above,―

I cannot blame thee now to weep,
For such an injury would vex a saint;"

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