pp. 140 sqq., further experiments on "the net" which seems to contain iron and copper, and others of a similar kind. On p. 149 is the date, Friday, May 23. p. 150, experiments on the spirit of zinc, Apr. 26, 1686. pp. 151 to 158, experiments on some alloys of copper, antimony and iron, and continued on p. 267. pp. 159 to 193, extracts from Boyle on the medical virtues of saline and other preparations. pp. 194 to 206, blank; p. 207, extracts from Boyle on volatile salts of animal and vegetable substances. pp. 209-223, extracts from Starkey's Pyrotechny asserted-on alkalies. pp. 224 to 242, blank, except some headings. pp. 243-4, some extracts from "Secrets Revealed" and other alchemical works. pp. 245 to 260, blank, except heading. p. 261, some references to alchemical works. pp. 262-4, blank. p. 265, recipe for ether, and its uses in medicine. p. 266, some recipes for medicines. pp. 267, 8, continuation of experiments from p. 158. On this page is mentioned a liquor which dissolves the tinctures out of gold, silver, &c. and leaves only a white calx-but no directions for preparing it. Further experiments. pp. 269-283, on regulus of antimony and alloys; similar in character to the former: rest of book blank, except 3 pages at end, where is a list of prices of some chemicals in 1687 and again in 1693, and some notes of sublimation of vitriol with salammoniac. * SECTION III. CHRONOLOGY. 1. Chapter v. of the Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms amended. A description of the Temple of Solomon. (Horsley's Newton, v. pp. 236 seqq.) 2. Transcript of part of the work on Chronology. 3. Considerations about rectifying the Julian Calendar. 4. Considerations about the Julian Calendar. 5. On the Chronology of the Egyptians, of the Gospel, &c. (confused). 6. Seven drafts (all in Newton's hand) of his remarks on the Chronology published under his name at Paris. 7. Some notes on the "Chronologie Abrégée." 8. Dedication (in French) of Newton's Chronology to the Queen. * SECTION IV. HISTORY. Papers on various historical subjects, chiefly of the reign of James II., relating to the Father Francis business, &c. 1. Certain arguments collected out of the Scriptures, out of the Civill Law, and the Common, exhibited to the Queen's Majestie by some of both houses against the Queen of Scots. Anno 13 Elizabeth. 2. An instance of Queen Elizabeth's power of dispensing with Acts of Parliament offered to the consideration of the Gentlemen of the University of Cambridge. 3. An argument perswading that the Queen's Majestie ought to have in conscience a great care of the safety of her own person. 4. A copy of the association and Act of Parliament enforcing it in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 5. Royal Commission of James II. for a search and examination into the statutes of the Universities, Cathedral bodies, Grammar Schools, and other Ecclesiastical corporations. 6. The answer of the Vice-chancellor and Senate of the University of Cambridge to the question why they did not admit Alban Francis to the degree of M.A. 7. The answer to some questions propounded by the Lord Chancellor at the appearance of the Vice-chancellor and deputies of the Senate of the University of Cambridge before the Lords Commissioners. May 7, 1687. (5 copies.) 8. Sentence of deposition of the Vice-chancellor, J. Pechell, Master of Magdalene. 7 May, 1687. 9. An account of the Cambridge case, and all the proceedings thereon, ending with the sentence on Dr. Pechell. 10. An apology for the Church of England with relation to the spirit of persecution for which she is accused. 11. A letter of the Rev. F. Peter Jesuite, Almoner to the King of England, written to the Rev. F. le Chaise, confessor to the most Christian King, touching the present affairs of England. (2 copies.) 12. Copie d'une lettre d'un Jesuite de Leige écrit a un Jesuite de Friburge, le 2 Fevr. 1687. In Latin. (2 copies.) 13. The draft of an act for the better prevention of illegal exaction of money from the subject and preservation of the right and freedom of the subjects of this realm. 14. Notes of an argument in the case of Godden versus Sir Edw. Hales. 16 June, 1686. 15. The answer of the Fellows of S. Mary Magdalen College, [Oxford], to the question why they did not elect and admit Mr. Anthony Farmer to be President of the same College in the room of Dr. Clarke deceased, in complyance with his Majesties Letters mandatory. 16. The attempt of Dr. Fairfax to be heard before the commissioners, June 13, 1687. Followed by a second draft of the answer of the Vice-President and other Fellows of S. Mary Magdalen, Oxon., and a piece of a letter to the E. of Sunderland. 17. Reasons for subscribing the Oxford Address by the Clergy of the diocese. 18. 14 Directions in aid of the king's government. 19. Notes upon the dispensing power. 20. The case of the Bishops' courts. 21. A series of extracts from the Decretals, &c. "Principis mandata contemnentes quomodo puniantur." 22. A paper beginning, "His Majesties promise is no argument for abrogating the Laws." On the other side, some "Rules" respecting Acts for Liberty of Conscience, Election of Parliaments, &c. 23. Some queries concerning liberty of conscience directed to William Penn and Henry Care. 24. The petition of the seven Bishops. (3 copies.) 25. Notes out of the Diary of the Parliament, 1660. 26. Address of the Lord-Lieutenant, Gentlemen, and Freeholders of the County of Cambridge to William of Orange. 27. The Bishop of London's Protestation. 28. The Bishop of London's narrative of the proceedings against him before the High Commissioners, August, 1686. 29. Letter of Newton to mandamus to admit Father Francis to M.A. 19 Feb. 1687-8, on the 30. Notes of Egyptian mythology, out of Plutarch. do. do. Theology, from various authors. Mythological notes, do. (3 f.). 31. The original of Monarchies, chapter 1. 32. Antiquarian Fragments. On the Tyrrhenians, &c. |