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7. Galba's remission of some tax of 2 per cent.-Cohen, i


160, etc. Ser. Galba Imp. Aug.


Quadragens(imae) Remissae S. C.

8. The proclamation of Verginius Rufus by his troops.—See
notes to Galb. 6 and 10.

Conf. an inscr. (C. L. L. v. 5702) found not far from
Milan :-

"Pro salute et victoria L. Vergini Ruf.

Pylades saltuar(ius).”

Mommsen points out that the dedication "Pro salute ·
et victoria" is never found except in connection with
an emperor, and he infers that the inscription in question
belongs to the period of hesitation when Verginius had
not finally made up his mind. It is known that Ver
ginius had estates in the neighbourhood where the inser.
was found (Plin. Ep. ii. 1. 8), and probably his forester
(saltuarius) set this up in anticipation of his acceptance
of the empire.

There remains to be noticed a number of interesting references in the Acts of the Arval Brethren, a college of priests which commemorated important events and anniversaries by sacrifices, of which the records engraved on brass have been discovered at the seat of their worship, five miles along the via Campana.

Under the head of Jan 1 we have to commemorate Galba's consulship (see Tac. Hist. i. 1)—

"Ser. Galba imperatore Caesare Aug. II. T. Vinio Rufino cos. Kalendis) Ianuar(iis) magisterio Ser. Galbae imp. Caes. Aug. promagister) L. Salvius Otho Titianus collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine immolavit in Capitolio ob consulatum Ser. Galbae imp. Caes. Aug. Iovi b(ovem) m(arem) Iunoni vacc(am) Minervae vacc(am) ... Genio ipsius taurum,” etc.

On Jan. 8 we have the solutio and nuncupatio of the vota solemnia.

"Isdem consulibus III. nonas Ianuar(ias) magisterio Ser. Galbae imp. Caes. Aug. promagistro L. Salvio Othone collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine vota nuncupaverunt pro salute Ser. Galbae imp. Caes. Aug. pontificis) max(imi) tribunicia potestate victimis immolatis in Capitolio quae superioris anni magister vovisset persolvit et in proximum annum nun cupavit, praeeunte L. Salvio Othone Titiano promagistro in ea verba quae infra scripta sunt." etc.



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On Jan. 8 took place the indictio of the sacrifice to the Dea Dia in the temple of Concord. (See Marquardt, iii. p. 452.)

"Isdem consulibus VI. Idus Ianua(rias) in aedem Concordiae astantibus fratribus Arvalibus magisterio Ser. Galbae imp. Caes. Aug. promagistro L. Salvio Othone Titiano collegio fratrum Arvalium nomine sacrificium Deae Diae indictum, praeeunte L. Maecio Postumo.

On Jan. 10, in connection with the adoption of Piso, we get the following:

"Isdem consulibus III. idus Ianuar. adoptio facta L. Liciniani, magisterio Ser. Galbae imp. Caes. Aug. promagis. tro L. Salvio Othone Titiano, collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine immolatum in Capitolio ob adoptionem Ser. Sulpicii Galbae Caesaris, Iovi bovem, Iunoni vaccam, Minervae vaccam, saluti publicae populi Romani vaccam Genio ipsius

taurum," etc. (See notes to Galb. 23.)


On Jan. 16, the day after Galba's death, the accession of Otho is celebrated.

[The first lines are wanting] "XVII. K(alendas) Februar(ias) magisterio imp. M. Othonis Caesaris Augusti promagister L. Salvius Otho Titianus collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine immolavit in Capitolio ob imperium imp. Othonis Caes. Aug. Iovi b(ovem) m(arem)," etc. (See notes to Galb. 28.)

On Jan. 26 Otho enters on the consulship. (See Tac. Hist. i. 77.)

"VII. K(alendas) Febr(uarias) magister imperator Otho Caes. Aug. promagister L. Salvius Otho Titianus collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine immolavit in Capitolio ob comitia consularia Othonis Caes. Aug." etc.

On Jan. 30, the nuncupatio votorum for the new emperor. (See Plut. Galb. 28.)

"Imperatore M. Othone Caes. Aug. L. Salvio Othone Titiano II. cons. III. Kal. Febr. magistro imperat. M. Othone Caes. Aug. promagistro L. Salvio Othone Titiano collegio fratrum Arvalium nomine immolavit ob vota nuncupata pro salute imperatoris M. Othonis Caes. Aug. in annum proximum in III. nonas lanuarias," etc.

Conf. Tac. Hist. i. 77: "Consul cum Titiano fratre in kalendas Martias ipse."

On Feb. 28, the tribunicia potestas was formally conferred on Otho. It was decreed by the senate immediately after Galba's death (Tac. Hist. i. 47), but a vote of the comitia was apparently necessary for this, as well as for the post of Pontifex Maximus.

"Isdem consulibus pridie Kal. Martias magisterio imp. M. Othonis Caes. Aug. promagistro L. Salvio Othone Titiano collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine immolavit in Capitolio ob comitia tribuniciae potestatis imperatoris,” etc.

On March 1, in connection with some military success, probably the defeat of the Roxolani mentioned in Tac. i. 79.

"L. Verginio Rufo, L. Pompeio Vopisco cons. Kal. Mart magisterio M. Othonis Caes. Aug. promagistro L. Salvio Othone collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine immolavit in Capi tolio ob laurum positam," etc. Conf. Tac. Hist. i. 77 : “ Proximos menses Verginio destinat ut aliquod exercitui Germanico delenimentum. Iungitur Verginio Pompeius Vopiscus praetexto veteris amicitiae."

On March 5 the comitia by which sacerdotia were conferred. On this occasion Otho himself was elected a member of the four chief collegia of priests, i.e. the pontifices, the augures, the XVviri sacris faciundis, and the VIIviri epulones, an honour which was conceded only to the emperors or their adopted heirs. He also by his right of commendatio made a number of appointments to these collegia by way of gratifying senatorial families. See Tac. Hist. i. 77, "Sed Otho pontificatus auguratusque honoratis iam senibus cumulum dignitatis addidit.'

"Isdem consulibus III. Non. Mart. magisterio imp. M. Othonis Caes. Aug. promagistro Othone Titiano collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine immolavit in Capitolio ob comitia sacer. dotiorum imperatoris Othonis Aug.," etc.

On March 9, Otho's appointment as pontifex maximus, which must necessarily be preceded by the former comitia, since the pontifex maximus had to be taken from the collegium pontificum.

"Isdem consulibus VII. Id. Mart. magisterio M. Othonis Caes Aug. promagistro Othone Titiano collegi fratrum Arvalium nomine immolavit in Capitolio ob comitia pontifi catus maximi Othonis Aug.," etc.

On March 14. Otho's departure from Rome.

"Isdem consulibus prid. Idus Mart. vota nuncupata pro salute et reditu / Germanici imperatoris praeunte L. Maecio Postumo, magisterio ///// Germanici imperatoris promagistro Maecio Postumo."

In this inscription the name of Otho has been erased, and that of Vitellius was put in its place, which again was erased under Vespasian, the cognomen Germanici alone remaining.

On April 30, the comitia for Vitellius' tribunicia potestas. In this case the comitia seem to have followed close upon the decree of the senate. See Tac. Hist. ii. 55, "In senatu cuncta longis aliorum principatibus composita statim decernuntur."

"T. Flavio Sabino, Cn. Aruleno Caelio Sabino consulibus pridie Kal. Maias ob comitia tribuniciae potestatis ///// Germanici imper.." etc. Conf. Tac. Hist. ii. 71, "Ut Valenti et Caecinae vacuos honoris menses aperiret, coarctati aliorum consulatus."

On May 1, a sacrifice to celebrate the dies imperii' of Vitellius, which, as was usually the case, dated from the formal recognition of the senate on April 19. The battle of

Bedriacum was fought on the 15th; Otho died on the 16th, and the news reached Rome on the 19th. Conf. Tac. Hist. ii. 55, "At Romae nihil trepidationis: Ceriales ludi ex more spectabantur." The last and principal day of the Cerialia was April 19.

"Isdem consulibus Kal. Maias ob diem imperi //// Germanici imperatoris, quod XIII. Kal. Maias statutum est magisterio Vitellio Germ. imp. promagistro L. Maecio Postumo," etc.

It is to be observed that Vitellius both in his coins and on inscriptions is always called imperator Germanicus, sometimes, but not always, Augustus, and never Caesar. With this conf. Tac. Hist. i. 59, "Nomen Germanici Vitellio statim additum: Caesarem appellari etiam victor prohibuit," and ii. 62, "Praemisit in urbem edictum quo vocabulum Augusti differret, Caesaris non reciperet."

For the éclat which Vitellius derived from the high honours held by his father, see Cohen i. Vitellius

54. A. Vitellius Germ. Imp. Aug. Tr. Pot.

R). L. Vitellius Cos. III. Censor.

and conf. Tac. Hist. i. 52, "Vitellio tres patris consulatus, censuram, collegium Caesaris et imponere iamdudum imperatoris dignitatem, et auferre privati securitatem," and Plut. Galb. 22.

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