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" Ann, and is about three and a-half miles by coach from the Eastern Railroad Company's station in Gloucester. The purpose of this Laboratory is to afford opportunities for the study and observation of the development, anatomy and habits of common types... "
The American Monthly Microscopical Journal - Page 118
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The American Monthly Microscopical Journal, Volume 2

Microscopy - 1881 - 288 pages
...accommodating a limited number of students, will be open at Annisquam, Mass., from June 5th to September 15th. Annisquam is situated on an inlet of Ipswich Bay,...the north side of Cape Ann, and is about three and a-half miles by coach from the Eastern Railroad Company's station in Gloucester. The purpose of this...
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The American Monthly Microscopical Journal, Volume 2

1881 - 260 pages
...accommodating a limited number of students, will be open at Annisquam, Mass., from June 5th to September 15th. Annisquam is situated on an inlet of Ipswich Bay,...the north side of Cape Ann, and is about three and a-half miles by coach from the Eastern Railroad Company's station in Gloucester. The purpose of this...
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The Popular Science Monthly, Volume 23

Science - 1883 - 904 pages
...will be open for the reception of students during the coming summer from July 1st to September 1st. It is situated on an inlet of Ipswich Bay, on the north side of Cape Ann, about three miles and a half by coach from the Eastern Railroad station at Gloucester. It is intended...
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Science, Volume 7

John Michels (Journalist) - Science - 1886 - 718 pages
...Annisquam, Mass., will be open to students during the coming summer from June 15 to Aug. 15. 1886. Annisquam is situated on an inlet of Ipswich Bay, on the north side of Cape Ann, and is about three miles and a half by coach from the Eastern railroad station in Gloucester. The purpose of the laboratory...
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Science, Volume 7

John Michels (Journalist) - Science - 1886 - 614 pages
...Annisquam, Mass., will be open to students during the coming summer from June 15 to Aug. 15, 1886. Annisquam is situated on an inlet of Ipswich Bay, on the north side of Cape Ann, and is about three miles and a half by coach from the Eastern railroad station in Gloucester. The purpose of the laboratory...
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Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Volume 22

Boston Society of Natural History - Natural history - 1884 - 564 pages number of students, will be open at Annisquam, Mass., from June 5lh to Sept. 15th. " Annisquara is situated on an inlet of Ipswich Bay, on the north side o Cape Ann, and is about three and a half miles by coach from the Eastern Railrond Company's station...
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Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, Volume 22

Boston Society of Natural History - Natural history - 1884 - 534 pages
...aecomodating a limited number of students, will be open at Annisquam, Mass., from June 5th to Sept. 15th. " Annisquam is situated on an inlet of Ipswich Bay, on the north side o Cape Ann, an,d is about three and a half miles by coach from the Eastern Railroad Company's station...
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