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A COLLECTION of the Arms of various families, chiefly of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire, in the early part of the Sixteenth Century. Folio. [9827.]

Presented by Philip Smith Coxe, Esq.

RECUEIL des pièces relatives à la procédure et au jugement de Soleyman el-Hhaleby, assassin du général-en-chef Kléber. Au Kaire, an vII;A manuscript translation of part of the preceding, by Miss A. E. Gray ;-Annuaire de la République Française, calculé pour le méridien du Kaire, l'an viii de l'ere Française. Au Kaire, an viii. Octavo. [9845.] PAPERS AND LETTERS relative to the removal of some of the French troops from Egypt in 1801, in H. M. S. Inflexible, commanded by Capt. B. W. Page. Folio. [9846.]

Presented by Vice-Admiral B. W. Page.

A COLLECTION of Papers and Letters relative to the Gwyneddigion Society, 1770-1830. 3 Vols. Quarto. [9848-9850.]

Presented by W. D. Leathart, Esq.

ACTA Legationis Angliæ Nicolai Cragii anno 1598 cæptæ ;-Excerpta e diario Nicolai Cragii, regis Daniæ, Christiani quarti, ad Angliæ reginam Elizabetham legati annis 1598 et 1599. Folio. [9851.] Presented by Walter Calverley Trevelyan, Esq.


SUMMA Magistri Petri de Alverna super Aristotelis libros Meteorum. Codex membranaceus. Sec. XIV. Folio. [9830.]

ALMANACH planetarum in annos 1293-1296. Codex membranaceus. Folio. [9831.]

Sec. XIII.

SUMARIO de las cosas que perteneçen a la Provincia de la India Oriental y al governo della, compuesto por el Padre Alexandro Valignano, visitador della, y dirigido a R. Provincial general Everardo Mercuriano en el año de 1579. Folio. [9852.]

A COLLECTION of Annual Reports relative to the state of the Portuguese Jesuit Missions in the East Indies; of various dates, from 1601 to 1659. Portuguese. Folio. [9853.]

A COLLECTION of Letters and Papers relative to the state of the Portuguese Jesuit Missions in the East Indies; of various dates, from 1582 to 1693. Portuguese. 2 Vols. Folio. [9854, 9855.]

APOLOGIA e resposta feita pello Padre Valentim Carvalho, da companhia

de Jesus, provincial nesta provincia de Japaō e China, a hum tratado do Padre Fr. Sebastiao. de S. Pedro, da ordem de S. Francesco, que se intitula Recupilaca das causas porque o Emperador de Japaō desteron de seus reinos todos os padres. Folio. [9856.]

LIBRO primero del principio y progresso de la Religion Christiana en Jappon, y de la especial providencia de que Nuestro Señor usa con aquella nueva Iglesia: compuesto por el Padre Alexandro Valignano, de la compañia de Jesus, en el año 1601. Folio. [9857.]

CERTIDAO do Senhor Dom Pedro, Bispo de Japao, açerca do estado da quella nova igreia, 17 Nov. 1597;-Outra certidao do Capitaò mor da viagem de Japaō, 1597;-Relacao do triste succeso e perda da nao S. Phelipe ;-Relacao da morte de seis religiosos descalços da ordem de S. Francesco e outros 17 Christaos Japois que Taicosama mandou crucificar e Nangasaqui ;-Relacion de las cosas de Japon, 1597;Apuntamentos sobre o remedio da Christandad de Jappao para se aprezentare ao Señor Visorey;-Tratado que os religiosos de S. Francesco espalharao em Goa e em Baçaim, no anno de 1598, contra os padres da Comp. de Jesus que andao na conversaõ de Jappaō;— Certidao que o Bispo de Jappao, Dom Pedro Martinez, passou acerqua da morte dos religiosos e Christaos que foraò crucificados em Japaõ, no anno de 1597;-Apollogia en la qual se responde a diversas calumnias que se escrivieron contra los padres de la Companhia de Jesus de Japon y de la China, hecha por el Padre Alexandro Valignano. Folio. [9858.]

A COLLECTION of Annual Reports relative to the state of the Jesuit Missions in Japan, of various dates, from 1585 to 1625. Partly Spanish, partly Portuguese. Folio. [9859.]

A COLLECTION of Miscellaneous Papers and Letters relative to the Portuguese Jesuit Missions in Japan, and the East Indies; of various dates, from 1593 to 1686. Partly Spanish, partly Portuguese. Folio. [9860.]

HISTORIA de Ethiopia a alta, ou Abassia, imperio do Abexim, cujo Rey vulgarmente hecha mado Preste Joam; composta pelo Padre Manoel de Almeida da Companhia de Jesus, natural de Viscu. Folio. [9861.]

Presented by William Marsden, Esq.

MARTIALIS Epigrammata. A copy of Maittaire's Edition of 1716, with references, shewing the order of the epigrams in four manuscripts of Martial now in the British Museum; viz. Harl. 2700; King's Library Ms. 31; Lansdowne 837; and Arundel 136. [9862.]

A DESCRIPTION of the manuscripts of Martial belonging to the British Museum. By C. P. Brown, Esq. 12° [9863.]

Presented by Charles Philip Brown, Esq.

A COLLECTION of Pedigrees of Welsh Families. In 4 Vols. Folio and Quarto. [9864-9867.]

Presented by David Pennant, Esq.

LETTERS of Col. Colin Mackenzie, Col. Adams, Major General Hardwicke, and Col. James Tod, on subjects connected with the History and Antiquities of India. Folio. [9868.]

CORRESPONDENCE of Major General Hardwicke with various persons on subjects of Natural History, comprising letters from Mrs. Beaumont of Bretton Hall, the late Marquis and Marchioness of Hastings, Mr. W. Hunter, G. Pennington, Dr. Roxburghe, Lewis Thomas, Dr. Wallich, etc. Quarto. [9869.]

NOTICES of, and references to Letters, received by Major General Hardwicke from Dr. N. Wallich, on a journey to Nepaul in 1820–1; on a voyage to Penang, Sincapore and China in 1822, and from the Botanic Garden in 1824-5. Quarto. [9870.]

COPIES of Letters written by Col. Colin Mackenzie in 1818 and 1819. Quarto. [9871.]

NARRATIVE of the Operations of the British Forces against Tippoo Sultan in Mysore and in the Carnatic, during the campaigns of 1790-1792, by the late Major Skelly, of H. M. 52 Regt. Quarto. [9872.]

A COLLECTION of miscellaneous Papers relating to the History and Antiquities of India. Folio. [9873.]

EXTRACTS from Cuvier's Règne Animal, translated into English, with notes and an index. 5 Vols. Folio. [9874-9878.]

A COLLECTION of Papers and Notes, many by General Hardwicke, on various branches of Zoology. 2 Vols. Folio. [9879-9880.]

DESCRIPTIONS of the Birds of New Holland ; in the hand writing of Major
General Hardwicke. Folio. [9881.]

AN ACCOUNT of the Fishes found in the River Ganges and its branches;

by Francis Hamilton, formerly Buchanan, in Latin, with an English

translation ;-Various notes relative to fishes, many by General

Hardwicke. Folio. [9882.]

P. A. LATREILLE's account of Crustacea and Insects, translated into

English. Folio. [9883.]

P. A. LATREILLE's description of the Insects of South America, collected

during the Voyages of Humboldt and Bonpland; with various other

papers and drawings relating to Bats and Insects. Folio. [9884.]

NOTES on the Reptiles of India. Quarto. [9885.]

EXTRACTS from Papers by C. A. Le Sueur and Thomas Say on the

Animals of North America. Quarto. [9886.]

DESCRIPTIONS of several species of Crustacea of the United States, from

the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Folio.


C. A. WALCKENAER'S History of Spiders, translated into English. Oblong

Octavo. [9888.]

ATLAS to Travels in Northern Africa, by Edward Ruppell, containing

the Natural History, translated into English. Folio. [9889.]

DESCRIPTIONS of the Plants of the Isle of France, etc. 2 Vols. Oblong

Folio. [9890-9891.]

A COLLECTION of Miscellaneous Papers relating to Botany. Folio.


INDEX to the Hortus Bengalensis ;-Index to Dr. Roxburgh's Draw-

ings;-Index to the Linnæan Transactions. Quarto. [9893.]

A COLLECTION of Papers relating to the Geology and Mineralogy of

India. Folio. [9894.]

A METEOROLOGICAL Diary, kept at Dum Dum and Calcutta, by Major

General Hardwicke, in the years 1813, 1814, 1817-1823. 8 Vols.

Folio. [9895-9902.]

ABSTRACTS of the Meteorological Diary for 1816-1823;-Various other
Meteorological Papers;-Meteorological Diary kept in England by
Major General Hardwicke in 1831-1833. Folio. [9903.]

INDEXES to the Asiatic Researches. Folio. [9904.]

A COLLECTION of Papers relating to Army Stores and Artillery Practice
in India, in the years 1778-1796. Folio. [9905.]

REPORTS of Artillery Practice in India, during the years 1807-1819;-

Journal of Major General Hardwicke's Voyage to India in H. C. S.
Carnatic, in 1815. Folio. [9906.]

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