And settlings of a melancholy blood : Beyond the bliss of dreams. Be wise, and taste. The BROTHERS rush in with swords drawn, wrest his glass out of his hand, and break it against the ground: his rout make sign of resistance, but are all driven in. The ATTENDANT SPIRIT comes in.] SPIRIT. What, have you let the false enchanter 'scape ? In stony fetters fixed, and motionless : Sabrina is her name, a virgin pure; Whilome she was the daughter of Locrine, 42 That had the sceptre from his father Brute. That stayed her flight with his cross-flowing course. Carol her goodness loud in rustic lays, And throw sweet garland wreaths into her stream, Of pansies, pinks, and gaudy daffodils. And, as the old swain said, she can unlock The clasping charm, and thaw the numbing spell, If she be right invoked in warbled song; For maidenhood she loves, and will be swift |