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One Cloth-Plant, a clothier, of settled And ere the damp weather of April exrepute,

pired, Undertook to provide every beau with a The whole blooming band was completely suit,

attired.” Trimmed with Bachelor's Buttons, but these, I presume,

For further particulars we must Were rejected as out of the proper cos- refer to this authentick report. We tume.

should have been glad to have seen, Miss Satin Flower, fancy-dress maker had mortal eyes been permitted the

from town, Had silks of all colours and patterns come

sight, the hymeneal parade, the tadown;

bles, and the banquet. We perceive And long Lady's Riband could hardly pre- that, to the spectator, the knowledge pare

of the company, their rank, orders, Her trimmings so fast as bespoke by the and classes, was, as usual, indispen

fair. Two noted perfumers, from Shrubbery from the Court Kalendar, for no

sable : but this must be acquired Lane, Messrs. Musk-Rose and Lavender, es

doubt it has been settled by Garter, senced the train ;

Lyon, or Norroy, King at Arms.



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An Essay on Light Reading, as it may be supposed to influence Moral Conduct and Literary Taste. By the Rev. Edward Mangin, M. A. Crown 8vo. pp. 213. 1808.

THE clergy, as professional of the moralist, if these writers are custodes morum, may endeavour to brought into comparison, the former preach or write down the circulating will be generally preferred to the latlibrary ; but they will find it diffi. ter. Must we, however, have recult corpse to bury;" and such an course to sir Charles Grandison and Essay on Light Reading as this be- Clarissa, if we discard Tom Jones fore us is not best calculated to effect and Joseph Andrews ? Novels less the purpose. Too much reason ex- exceptionable than either may be seists for the apprehension that novels lected; though the impression left have an unfavourable influence both by the best of this kind of reading on the morals and the manners of so- may not be very favourable to the ciety; and that some operate to un- improvement of the mind ;--and it dermine the former, while all have is singular that a writer, who begins more or less a tendency, by the ro- an essay with declaiming against nomantick sentiments which they ex. vels, should terminate it with a high cite, to make real life appear tame flown eulogy on a legendary tale. and insipid. These evils, however, Though Dr. Goldsmith was not a are not to be counteracted by the very moral character, his writings are means which Mr. Mangin recom- justly extolled as favourable to virmends; and the preference which he tue; and Mr. M. has published a leto gives of the delineation of sir Charles ter from Dr. Strean concerning that Grandison to that of Tom Jones, if it favourite author, which contains, we manifests a solicitude for good mo- believe, some original information rals, is no proof of a correct taste. that will interest his admirers. Mr. Fielding has exhibited more of the M. however, might have found better vitious part of man than in prudence specimens of Goldsmith's muse than he ought to have displayed : but those which are presented in this Richardson's portraits are out of na- Essay. ture; and in spite of the objections




[From an Italian Novelist.] THE commentators on Shak- lodged in one house, nor eat and slept speare seem puzzled to find the ori. together. gin, whence that poet has drawn the It happened that Silverio, the idea of his “ Taming the Shrew.” youngest, without saying a word to That other plays had been written any of his comrades, except his brobefore, with nearly the same plot, ther, married a tailor's daughter. their researches have proved. It is She was handsome and genteel, but now soine years since I pointed out full of levity, unsteady, and never at the following story from “ Le piace- rest; fond of holydaymaking, and exvole Notte di Giovano Francesco travagant to the highest degree, careStrapparola," an Italian novelist, less of economy, unwilling to miss which probably furnished the hint of either feast or procession. In short, one part of “ Taming the Shrew." she was always at the door, the win

The sage and experienced physi- dow, or in the street, cian, when he discovers a disease in When the wedding was over, Silthe human body, avails himself of verio carried his wife home, and bewhat seem to him the most proper came, anew, so enamoured of her remedies for its immediate cure; but . beauty and sprightliness, that he proif he wait till the disorder is grown nounced, that the world did not conold and inveterate, he will find it tain such another paragon of beauty; much more difficult, and indeed im- and, from the excess of his love, he practicable; for which reason, a wise was induced to comply with all her and prudent husband should, when, wishes, and at length nothing was he marries, check any inclination in done in his house that Espinela (so his wife to a love of dominion ; as she was called) did not command. such an evil propensity, if allowed Hence she became so absolute a misonce to take root, he will never be tress, and so shameless, at length able to eradicate, and it will make she began to slight her husband, and him miserable all the rest of his life, all his affairs; and the poor man was as was experienced by a soldier of reduced to such subjection, that when whom we have to speak.

he desired his servants to do any In Corneto, a castle and fortress thing, she commanded them to disof Tuscany, of the patrimony of St. obey him. And Silverio, who only Peter, there were two brothers, who, saw through Espinela's eyes, instead from their youth had entertained the of reproving, or endeavouring to restrongest regard for each other. One medy so obstinate an evil, humbly was named Pisardo, the other Silve- resigned the bridle to her, and al. rio.

But although their fraternal lowed her to act according to her own affection was mutual, they neither fancy.

In less than a year after Silverio's marriage, Pisardo was united to Espinela's sister, a young girl, named Florella, who was neither less handsome, nor less genteel, than her sister. The nuptials over, he carried her home; and on the same day, he took a pair of very rich velvet breeches and two cudgels, and addressed his spouse in the following manner: "Florella, my dear, these, as you see clearly, are men's breeches. Do you take hold of one side of them, and I will of the other; with the other hand grasp this cudgel, and I will do the same. We will then fight till one is acknowledged conqueror. Whoever conquers shall be the master, and shall wear the breeches. The vanquished shall be for life humble, and obedient to the victor."

Florella remained for some time motionless, so surprised was she at her husband's strange discourse; but at length, recovering her spirits, of which her fright had deprived her, she replied: "Alas! my Pisardo, what is the meaning of all this? are you not the husband, my lord, and master, who has a right to claim duty and obedience from me, and all my household. I am the wife, obedient to your will and command. Is not the precept and law of our high and mighty Creator, consented to by all the female race? How, my lord, can I act thus? Am I privileged above the rest of my sex? Take. your breeches, then, Pisardo; wear them, since they are your's, and it is you alone they fit. The field remains your's without a combat. I acknowledge you the conqueror, and myself vanquished. I also acknowledge myself a woman, which name contains all the properties of subjection, and I humbly submit myself to you with pleasure."

"Florella," replied Pisardo, "I am extremely pleased to find that you acknowledge all that I desire of you; but I do not implicitly confide in your constancy, since you are, as you say, a woman, which name comprehends

so many qualities; but I advise you not to alter your mind; if you do not, although you have promised obedience, and acknowledged me for your master, I will serve you, and treat you with the greatest kindness."

Florella very prudently confirmed all that had been said. Her husband immediately delivered up to her the keys of all his coffers, and gave her directions how to manage. He then said: "Florella, come with me; I wish to show you my horses, that, in my absence, you may know how they should be treated. When they came to the door of the stable, Pisardo said: "What do you think, my dear, of my horses? Are they not beautiful and kept?" "Indeed," answered she, well "they are very fine, and in excellent order." ."" But, observe above all,” said Pisardo," how ready, light, and well managed they are ;" and whipping first one, then the other, he cried, Cross over there! Come here! The horses, fearful of chastisement, immediately obeyed their master. Amongst these horses Pisardo had one, more beautiful to appearance than the others; but so malicious, and so little to be depended upon, that he did not value him at all. He went up to him, with the whip in hand, and slashing him, cried out: Come; stop; go on! but the horse, being naturally vitious, received blows, and returned kicks. Seeing the obstinacy of the horse, Pisardo took a cudgel, and laid it on him till he fell. When he saw him on the ground, he came up to him and said: Get up, Troy: but instead of obeying him, the horse, in a rage, attacked him in the leg, and bit him violently; upon which Pisardo drew his sword, and stabbed him.

When Florella saw the horse dead; melting into tears-Good God! said she, is it possible, Pisardo, you can have the heart to kill so fine an animal? Pisardo, stifling the pain occasioned by the bite, replied: "Know, my Florella, that all who eat my bread, and do not what I comniand

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them, I serve in this manner, even as he went home, he called his wife, should I love and esteem them more and said to her: “ Madam, bring out than I do you." This retort grieved of the trunk the best pair of breeches Florella very much ; and she said to I have ; and while she was gone to herself: Alas! unhappy creature that fetch them, he procured two cudgels. I am, to be united to a man so vio- When Espinela returned : Heigh lent and so passionate. I thought I day !" cried she, “ what is the mathad a husband both steady and pru. ter now, Mr. Silverio ? Is the moon dent; but I have bestowed my hand at the full, or is your judgment in on a madman. See, for what a tri- the wane? Are you as mad this week, fling offence, he has killed this beau- as you were sullen last? Very well : tiful horse, the best he has. She said go on : you begin finely. Do not we this, ignorant of the cause that had all know that men wear breeches ? Is made Pisardo act thus : and ever af- that any reason that you should lose ter she trembled, if he evinced the your senses ?” Silverio answered smallest sign of displeasure; so that nothing to all this, but proceeded to there was nothing to be heard in the give her orders for the management house but a yes and a no. Perpetual of his house. To which Espinela concord! Silverio, who loved his replied, sneeringly: “ Do you think, brother very much, visited him of- Mr. Silverio, I have lived so long ten, and saw the good behaviour without knowing how to manage my and virtuous obedience of Florella. own house? I wonder how you dare He reflected within himself, why to tutor me at this time of the day?” have I not deserved a wife as obe- Silverio said not a word to all this, dient as Florella? She governs, but led her by the hand to his stables, commands, and directs every thing, where he acted in the same manner, at the pleasure of her husband. How towards one of his best horses, as his obedient, virtuous, and polite she is brother had done, killing him out. in every thing she says and does to right in his wife's presence. At the him! with how much love she serves sight of Silverio's rage, Espinela, and obeys him! how different from thinking him mad, cried out : “What, my wife! She, on the contrary, is my have you really had the misfortune most mortal enemy.

to lose your senses ? What is the One day, when the brothers were meaning of all these fine doings, withtalking together, Silverio said to Pi- out rhyme or reason?” “ I am not

? sardo : “ Brother, I have no occasion mad,” replied Silverio, gravely,“nor to mention our fraternal affection, or do I act madly ; know madam, anel any other preamble. I shall there be assured, that whoever eats my fore only entreat you, as a brother, bread, must be obedient to me, or I to tell me how you have managed shall serve them thus." “ You are to to bring your wife into such good be pitied, indeed,” rejoined Espiorder. She is truly a saint. She nela, “ if you set about reforming obeys you in every thing; while Es- now-a-days. What did the horse do pinela, my wife, is not to be re- to you, that you should kill it so unstrained either by love or fear. She reasonably? Was it not the finest answers me; flies at me; curses me; horse in the service of the pope ? Do in a word, she has her own will in not you consider that you have lost every thing."

your horse, your consequence, and Pisardo, smiling, gave his brother a your peace? I suppose another day detail of all his proceedings the day you will feel inclined to serve me in that he brought Florella home. This the same way, if I do not take good plan pleased Silverio so much, that care to prevent you. But undeceive he resolved immediately to put it in- yourself: your madness will avail you to execution. Accordingly, as soon little. I see your design clearly; but

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it is all too late. And now what have ther love nor fear could curb her pride you got by this fine day's work, to bear it patiently, till death should except reproach to your judgment, put an end to his troubles. Thenceshame to your honour, and the scorn forward, the obstinate Espinela beof all whos hall hear of your follies?" haved worse than ever, as poor Sil

When Silverio had heard his wife's verio was obliged to give her liberty long lecture, and gathered from it to do any thing she pleased, to prothat there were no signs of amend- cure himself a moment's comfort, ment, he determined that since nei.


The games

PLEASURES OF A POLAR WINTER. To the Editor of the Literary Panorama. frost, gives him the air of winter pepe Sir,

sonified. Thus clad, in the most seTHERE are two interesting vere weather, he waits patiently at epochs at Petersburgh: namely, the the corner of a street; or sleeps on freezing of the Neva, and the break- . the snow, while his horse, as hardy ing up of the ice. When the former as himself, and whitened by the frost, takes place, winter is considered as a eats his wisp of 'hay, or his feed of delightful season. Communications oats. The Russian always goes with are opered every where; the roads his breast uncovered. Provided his are in fine order; provisions are extremities are well clothed, he brought from all parts of the empire braves the rigour of the seasori. on sledges, and, in the market, we The Russians have always their see piles of hares, moor-game, white races and games. The race with partridges, geese, turkies, pigs, &c. traîneaux is on the Neva ; and the in a frozen state. Sometimes an un- horse that quickens his pace into a fortunate thaw takes place, which be- gallop loses the race. comes a serious calamity to the deal. consist of raising hills of ice, at a ers, who are obliged, in consequence great expense on the river, and great of it, to throw away great quantities quantities of water are thrown on of provisions.

them, to render them more slippery. The prodigious concourse of car. Lovers of the sport, then suffer themriages and traîneaux (sledges) gives selves to descend from top to bottom, the city a most animated appearance. with the greatest rapidity, either on It is more rare in Russia to see a skates, or in portable traîneaux. On horse going a foot’s-pace, than in festival days, between twenty and Spain to see a mule gallop The thirty thousand spectators assemble, Yswosch-tschiki, or traîneaux drawn and amuse themselves with similar by a single horse, are to be met with exercises, more or less extraordinary. every where. The passenger steps It is to be observed, that it is not into one without any ceremony, the the water of the river, which is frocoachman jumps on his seat, whis- zen. That is prevented by the rapidity tles, calls out gare! and sets off like of its current, notwithstanding the a shot. You are conveyed from one severity of a northern winter. The end of the city to the other, with the masses of ice descend, ready formed, utmost celerity. The costume of the from the lake of Ladoga. They float coachman is remarkable. He is co- on the river, till they are repelled by vered with a sheep's skin, or with the waves of the sea ; or, accumulasome coarse stuff, tied with a broad ting at its mouth, they soon form a woollen girdle. He wears very large field of solid ice. A London dame skin gloves, and a stuffed yellow cap. would shudder at the idea of crossing His long beard, covered with hoar a wide river, in a carriage with six

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