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monks of Mount St. Bernard, hospi- front paws. It was thought it would table inhabitants of these frozen and not live ; but this defect of conformaalmost inaccessible heights, never fail tion did not prevent it from growing to send, every day in winter, a confi- equally as fast and as strong as the dential servant, accompanied by two others. And it was two years old dogs, for the purpose of meeting when the following description of it with travellers on the side of the was drawn up. Valais as far as St. Pierre. The dogs Two-legs, for so she was called, had follow the steps of the person (if any) a considerable resemblance to the who has lost his way, overtake him, wolfdog ; but the body was more bring him back, and thus snatch him elongated. Her hair was long, rather from inevitable death..

rough, and of a brown colour. She The hair of this sort of dogs is often carried her ears erect. Her tail white with black spots round the was a good deal like that of the fox, ears; and others, which are smaller not only in its form, but also in the and of a fawn colour, near the eyes. manner in which she carried it.

It is about the size of a mastiff. Its She would caress very freely, and long hair, its pointed snout, and al. approached towards persons whom most al} the qualities of its body ap- she knew, upon her two hind legs, proximate it to the species of the which she held wide apart, and the shepherd dog, from which it proba- toes very open. If she wished to ado bly proceeded, by an intermixture, vance quickly, she used the under not very ancient, with the mastiff. part of her neck as a third leg to sup

This race is also estimable as a port herself with. She then proceedwatch dog; so that it unites the good ed with considerable velocity by sucqualities of its original stock; the in- cessive leaps and springs ; but this telligence of the shepherd dog; and constrained progression fatigued her the vigilance of our yard dogs. very much. Her respiration seemed

In the species of animals which to be interrupted each time her neck man has domesticated, or rather re- touched the ground; and to save her duced to a state of servitude, nature head and

from the blows often produces monsters, either by which they were likely to receive, excess or defect. Of the latter sort the muscles of the neck were always I will here cite an example as a new in a state of contraction, in order proof of the perfection of instinct in that the head might constantly be the dog, and of the resources of na- erect. ture.

It was first communicated to If Two-leg's heard any noise, she the publick by M. Peret, jun. in the immediately sat upright, even for a Journal du Physique, for the month considerable time. If she wished to of August 1770.

go up stairs, she effected it pretty In the month of July 1768, a black easily by means of her neck; but to spaniel bitch, with red spots, littered descend was absolutely impossible. eight young ones. She was only al. In 1769, this extraordinary creature lowed to keep four, and of these four had six young ones, none of which it was discovered in a few days were in any manner deformedo that one

was deprived of the two


a rock


[From Hall's Travels in Scotland.] NOT many miles from Castle every summer, built on Grant, I found a gentleman who was in the hill, not far from his house, not displeased that a couple of eagles, There was a stone within a few yards whose nest I went to see regularly of it, about six feet long, and nearly


as broad, and upon this stone, almost of sending his servants to see what continually, but always when they the eagles had to spare, and who [the eagles] had young, the gentle scarcely ever returned without someman and his servants found a num- thing good for the table. Game of ber of muir fowl, partridges, hares, all kinds, it is well known, is the rabbits, ducks, snipes, ptarmacans, better for being kept a considerable rats, mice, &c. and sometimes kids, time. fawns, and lambs. When the young When the gentleman or his sereagles were able to hop the length vants carried off things from the of this stone, to which there was a eagle's shelf or table, near the nest narrow road, hanging over a dreadful (for it was next to impossible to apprecipice, as a cat brings live mice proach the nest itself) the eagles to her kittens, and teaches them to were active in replenishing it ; but kill them, so the eagles, I learned, when they did not take them away, often brought hares and rabbits alive, the old ones loitered about inactive, and placing them before their young, amusing themselves with their young taught them to kill and tear them to till the stock was nearly exhausted. pieces. Sometimes, it seems, hares, When the hen eagle was hatching, rabbits, rats, &c. not being sufficient- the table or shelf of the rock was ly tamed, got off from the young ones generally kept well furnished for her while they were amusing themselves While the eagles were very with them; and one day, a rabbit young, her mate generally tore a got into a hole, where the old eagle wing from the fowls for her, and a leg could not find it. The eagle, one from the beasts he frequently brought. day, brought to her young ones the Those eagles, as is generally the case cub of a fox, which, after it had bit. with animals that are not gregarious, len some of them desperately, at- were faithful to

one another, but tempted to escape up the hill, and would not permit any of their young would, in all probability, have accom- to build a nest, or live near them, alplished it, had not the shepherd, who ways driving them to a considerable was watching the motion of the eagles, distance. The eagles of this country with a view to shoot them (which are uncommonly large and voracious, they do with bullets, swan-shot not and their claws are so long and strong, being able to penetrate their feathers) that they are used by young people prevented it. As the eagles kept as a horn, with a stopper, for holding what might be called an excellent snuff, and carried regularly in the larder, when any visiters surprised pocket for that purpose. the gentleman, he was in the habit




I HAVE long been in posses- been less extraordinary; for nothing sion of an anecdote of one of the but diffidence has hindered me from brute creation, which I send to you, sending it. But recollecting that truth not so much for the amusement of needs not to be ashamed, it is brought your readers, as that Mr. Bingley before the publick, and is as follows. may, if he thinks it worthy, insert it Walking with a lady through some in the next edition of his Animal meadows between two villages, of the Biography. It is strictly true, and names of Upper and Lower Slaughter, would have appeared before, had it in the county of Gloucester, the path

lay within about one hundred yards the ewe towards the brook ; seeing of a small brook. Many ewes and me advance, she ran as fast as she lambs were in the meadow. We were was able, looking behind her several about half way over it when a ewe times; when we came to the brook ; came up to us and bleated very she peeped over the edge of a hillock, loudly, looking up in my face; and into the water, looked up in my face, then ran off towards the brook. I and bleated with the most significant could not help remarking this ex- voice I ever heard from a quadruped. traordinary behaviour ; but my atten- Judge of my surprise, when, on looktion was particularly roused when ing into the stream, I saw her lamb she repeated it; and, bleating lauder, standing close under the hillock, with seemed to wish to signify something the water nearly over its back. I inin particular. She then ran off as be- stantly drew it out, when the fond fore in the same direction, repeatedly mother began to lick, and give it looking behind her till she reached suck, and, looking up to me, uttered the brook, where she stood still. several sounds very different from After standing to look at her some those she had uttered before ; and time, we continued our walk, and evidently expressing satisfaction and had nearly reached the gate that led pleasure. I needed not those thanks ;

; into the next meadow, when she came for I never performed one action in running after us the third time, and my life that gave me more unmixed seemed yet more earnest, if possible, pleasure ; nor did ever brute appear than before. I then determined to more grateful. Your's &C. endeavour to discover the motive for

J. COLLET. such singular behaviour. I followed

The following digest of the necessary rules for making hon mots, satirical attacks,

and sarcastick retorts, are extracted from Bannantine's New Joe Miller.

FEEL your ground before you thing. Your enemy you have a right take a single step, and adapt yourself to wound; and with whom can you to your company. You may find

your- take a liberty, is not with a friend? self among a set of wretches who A pretty thing, truly, if a jest were never read Joe Miller, and yet have to be stiled because it might give comprehension enough to understand pain! It would give much more to him. This is fine! Make the most suppress it : and if others do not like of such a situation; for it is a happi. the taste, how can they expect you ness not often to recur. If any as- to swallow it? piring member venture to oppose Latin bon mots are safe, if you are you, crush him without mercy. If sure of the pronunciation ; for they you do not know what he is going to who understand them will laugh nasay, tell him you can help him out in turally, and they who do not, for fear that story, should he be at a loss; if of being thought ignorant. With wo

• you do, cut him short, by snatching men this rule will not apply ; do not, the sting of the tale from him, and therefore, in their society, quote Hoturn it against himself. You will get race, or confess yourself a freemason; the laugh, and the audience will be for they naturally hate and suspect happy to reduce him to their own whatever they are excluded from. level, by measuring him with you.

It is a very successful and laudable Never mind what smart you oc- practice to poach upon Joe's premises casion, provided you can say a smart with some poor dog who is fain at pight to start the game, which you talent for extempore repartee, laugh have marked down in the morning. loud at your own sayings, and preAt the given signal, let fly, and you tend not to hear theirs. Laughter is are sure to kill the prey, and perhaps catching, though wit is not. some of the company with laughter. If they be decidedly superiour in Be sure that your pointer is stanch. both these requisites, have a bad

When you launch a good thing, headach and be silent. You could which is only heard by the person not speak to advantage, and it's better next you, wait patiently for a pause, to be pitied for having a pain in the and throw in again. Your neighbour, head, than for having nothing in it. possibly, will not renew his laugh, Mimickry and buffoonery are good but will excuse you, well knowing substitutes for wit. Thus you may that you cannot afford to throw away make some use of a prosing old poet, a good thing

by listening to him with feigned atIf your party be stupid, and you tention, and at the same time thrustwant an excuse for getting away, ing your tongue in the opposite give vent to some double entendres cheek. This will amuse the comto distress the women. This will pany, and cannot offend the old genanswer your purpose ; for the men tleman, for he will be wise enough to must be fools, indeed, if they do not wish your tongue kept where it is. kick you down stairs.

Beware of quizzing your host too In the want of other subjects for severely, or he will not ask you again. your raillery and sneers, personal Be merry and wise. A laugh is a defects form a tempting source of tempting thing, I own; so is turtle pleasantry. When your

wit has not soup. Always remember that a good a leg of its own to stand on, it may dinner is in itself a good thing, and

some time upon your neigh- the only one that will bear frequent bour's wooden one. At least a dozen repetition. jokes may be endorsed upon a hump If you have once got a man down, back ; and you may make a famous belabour him without mercy. Rehandle of a long nose, by inquiring member the saying of the Welch of its proprie or whether he can


“Ah, sir, if you knew the reach to blow it; whether he can trouble I have had in getting him hear himself sneeze, &c. &c. Take down, you would not ask mne to let care, however, while making fun with him get up again.” his nose, that he does not make free Invariably preserve your best joke

for the last ; and when you have utIf your party be equal to yourself, tered it, follow the example now set in their knowledge of the books, or you, by taking your leave.


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with yours.


[From Mac Gill's Travels.] DURING my absence in Rus- lace of the Swedish envoy, where sia, his excellency Mr. Arbuthnot, his excellency our ambassadour waitour new ambassadour at the porte, ar- ed for them, to proceed to his aurived in Constantinople. Yesterday dience with the sultan. Before six he had his audience with the sultan, the whole procession was in motion. which, as the mode of conducting it The ambassadour was carried in a was somewhat singular, I shall de- chair by six men in red robes, with scribe to you.

high hairy caps on their heads. On Yesterday morning, by five o'clock, each side of the chair walked one of the whole of the British at the time his excellency's armed attendants, in Constantinople repaired to the pa. namely, his hussar and his sports


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man. The chair was followed by ano- gentlemen of the long robe sent ther, which was empty, and then by them to the sultan to know his pleathe secretaries, dragomen, and gen

The interval between this and tlemen and factors, who happened the arrival of the answer was emto be then in the country:

ployed by us in examining and adIn this manner we proceeded to the miring the magnificence of the apartwater side at Tophana, where boats ment in which we were, and which where provided for us by order of the was richly gilt and painted on the Porte, to carry us across the Golden roof and columns. The floor was of Horn, where, when we arrived, we variegated marble ; around the room found horses from the stud of the were sophas covered with costly sultan waiting to convey us to the stuff; in the middle of the side opseraglio. After some little ceremo- posite the door, upon a cushion more nies we again set forward for the elevated than the rest, sat the vizir; Sublime Porte. Before entering it, over his head we observed the little we all alighted, and proceeded on- window covered by a thick grating, ward between the gates. The outer at which it is said the sultan sits to and inner ones were then shut, and hear what passes on occasions of this information was sent to the divan, kind. It was evident to perceive that an infidel ambassadour was with- through the grating that some perout, who wished to throw himself at son sat there ; but conjecture alone the feet of the great sultan. The could lead us to conclude that it was place in which we were enclosed is Selim. that where criminals are decapitated, A gracious answer from the Sultan and where the heads of traitors are at length arrived, which was received exposed for the satisfaction of the with a shout of “ Long live the king sultan. After a short time the inner of kings, Selim the sultan of sultans." gate was thrown open, and an exhi. Here every one arose; even his highbition truly novel presented itself. A ness the vizir, slipt from his throne, great number of dishes of pillau and and met the bearer half way to the cakes of bread were strowed on the door. The order was delivered into ground at appropriate distances, his hands. He first kissed it, then which, at a signal given, a troop of placed it 10 his forehead, kissed it janizaries ran in, in the nimblest again, and then, and not till then, manner, and carried off. On inquiry, presumed to break the seals. The I found that this grotesque specta- order was to feed, wash, and clothe cle was intended to show to us the infidels, and then admit them to infidels in what manner the Turkish his presence. In a short time, some troops are fed, and also how active little stools were arranged, in different they are.

parts of the divan, on the top of which At length we were permitted to were placed large trays of gold and advance, and after crossing an exte- silver, about four feet diameter, and riour court of the seraglio, arrived of a circular form, from which we at the entrance of the divan, near the were to be fed at the expense of the door of which were exposed on the Turks. A most sumptuous enterground the presents brought by the tainment was served up; first a kind ambassadour, in order to gain or of blancmanger, next different kinds secure the friendship of the Turks. of roasted and baked meats ; sweetAmongst these were several pieces meats followed; and to conclude, a of fine cloth, some of rich silk, a delicious cooling sherbet was handed table clock, and many other articles. round in gold and silver basins.

Here his excellency presented his We experienced one grievous want credentials to the vizir, who by some at this feast, for we were not furnish

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