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a duty, which I owed both to my river is, in fact, a western branch of readers and myself, to employ every the Nile itself, to be traced from its means in my power for tracing cer- source in the Jibbel Kumra, or Moun, tain matters, which seemed to rest tains of the Moon, so called, to its upon simple affirmation, to their true junction with the eastern or Egyptian and genuine sources of authority, streams; the geographer is startled before I set my name to a review by intelligence so new, and would of Mr. Jackson's volume.

naturally urge those questions, which He informs us in his preface, that I have anticipated, and require that it has been “compiled from various explanation which I have sought for

and obtained. notes and observations, made during a residence of sixteen years in differ- When a traveller makes notes of ent parts of the empire of Marocco.” his own adventures, with a pre-deterThis is a claim, which very few of mined purpose to impart them to the our travelled authors have to prefer, publick, and enjoy the luxury of wri. and certain it is, that the English- ting ? book, he makes himself the man, who for sixteen years has yo- hero of his story, and of course luntarily devoted himself to the ha- must make the story worthy of its zard and horrour of living under the hero. dominion of a Moorish despot, has This certainly was not in the confairly, and to a certain extent, earned templation of Mr. Jackson; the ena title, to be believed, when he is gagement that occasioned him to make describing what he has seen and so long a residence in a Mohammedan known and learned of the country: country, and to perfect himself in a yet if he tells of things altogether language, that is spoken in all parts new and strange, and such as it is wheresoever Mohammedans are, were hard to credit, there should be some- of a political as well as a commercial thing more than mere assertion on

sort. In that character he was ap. his part to ensure our faith, and re- pointed by the old government of concile us to the tale of wonder.

Holland, agent to the states general, When, for instance, in the chapter and, having negotiated with the emthat treats of zoology, we are told of perour Muley Yezzid, hoisted their the swiftness and abstemiousness of fag at Agadeer or Santa Cruz, and the desert horse, possessing such ex- opened that port to foreign comtraordinary powers, and refusing all

Here he established himself sustenance but that of camel's milk, in trade, till he was obliged to leave and above all of the heirie, or camel Santa Cruz, when the present empe: called tasayee, which in traversing rour, jealous, perhaps, of the natural

, the desert, performs the length of strength of the place, situated at the nine days journies in one, with a extremity of the Atlas Mountains, swiftness, which seems to elude all ordered it to be evacuated. This description except that of a telegraph; measure, dictated in the suspicious we assuredly want something more character of Marocco policy, obliged solid than mere narration to support

Mr. Jackson to cross the Atlas the fact, and keep our faith from Mountains with the prince's arnıy, staggering. When in the region and repair to the emperour, who about limbuctoo, as yet unvisited then held his court at Marocco. This by any English, and I might say inland capital was no station for our any European traveller, we are in- author's purpose, and he was per'. formed of a river, which would con- mitted to go to Mogodor on the coast vey us to Grand Cairo through a at the distance of about a hundred tract as thickly strowed with popu- miles, where he again established a lous towns as China; and that this house of commerce, under the firma


of James Jackson and Co. when upon and imports, accurately transcribed the death of Mr. Layton the partner- from the original Arabick books of ship being dissolved, the surviver the custom house at Mogodor, a corcame to England, and having no rect idea may be formed of the trade other object but to render his com- carried on in that port. In the list munications useful to the African of exports will be found almost every association, after several interviews article, that is in request either for with them, was induced by the libe- luxury or for general use ; the adral suggestions of the earl of Moira vantages that our traders might deto publish those remarks, and that rive from the vast abundance of raw body of information, which are to materials, that would be bartered be found in the volume now under in exchange for manufactured goods, my review.

are in a manner incalculable; yet such Thus it came to pass, that Mr. is the wretched state of this neglected Jackson, without courting the fame trade, that " with the exception of of an author, has become the unob.

two or three houses, there is, at pretrusive narrator of his own observa. sent, no European establishment of tions, and these he has committed any consequence at Mogodor,” and to the publick with less parade of it is to be feared that Mr. Jackson is dictation, and more inodest avoidance

too well founded in his remark," that of egotism than I can recollect to

with consuls, who are equally unachave observed in any other writers quainted with the language of the of the same description, whether country, and the manners, politicks, their scale of travel has been great

and complexion of the court, we or small, foreign or domestick. For

must not expect that the British merit shall sometimes happen that the chant will be sufficiently encouraged

to make considerable adventures to passenger in a stage coach between Bath and London, shall blow as loud

West Barbary ” a trumpet to puff his pennyworth of

Still it should appear from the adventures, as if he had penetrated opinion of this well informed wriinto unexplored lavitudes, and added ler, that means are in our power, newly discovered countries to the by prudent regulations, and intellimap of earth.

gent, well chosen agents, to revive Travellers of this sort have been of trade.

this languishing, but important branch successfully exposed of late by some, who seem to have a way of getting the empire of Marocco is of the greatest

“A close connexion,” he observes," with at their pocket-books, and yet keep- importance to Great Britain, both in poing clear of the penalties of the litical and commercial point of view; for Jaw.

besides the various articles of trade al

ready enumerated, it affords ample supOf Barbary it may be said, that no plies of provisions ; and if a friendly incountry on the globe, of which so tercourse between the two nations were much has been written, is so little firmly established, we should never have known. In the mean time its natu

any difficulty in victualling not only Gibral fertility entitles it to be consider. raltar, but also all our different fleets

which cruise in the Mediterranean, and ed as the garden of the world. In on the northern coast of Africa; a resource its products it possesses every thing which, in the present state of things, certhat can invite the trader to its coasts, tainly merits the serious attention of this in its government much, that may country. The advantages of a trade with discourage him from resorting to

this empire must be evident, from what them. By referring to the eleventh

has been detailed in the preceding pages, shapter of this volume [p. 193.] of the exports to Marocco consists of manu

where it will be seen that nearly the whole where a statement is given of exports factured goods, and that the returiu for

1 a


these are entirely raw materials, many of province extends along the shores of which are essentially necessary in our ma- the Mediterranean sea, and abounds nufacture.”

Greater advantages in point of trade in corrs and cattle. The vicinity of than these, no country can hold forth; dy observed) the most delicious

Tetuan produces (as has been alreaand it is Mr. Jackson's opinion: “ That we have it in our power, by pro

oranges in the world; figs, grapes, per representations and a judicious nego

melons, apricots, plums, strawbertiation, to supply, through this channel, a ries, apples, pears, pomegranates, great part of the interiour of Africa with citrons, lemons, limes, and the reour superfluous manufactures, while we freshing fruit of the opuntia, or might receive in return many very valuable and

useful articles ; such as oil of prickly pear. It has forests of oak, olives, hides, skins, almonds, gums, wax,

cork, and other valuable trees of large silver, and gold ; in addition to which may growth. Hemp, cotton of a superiour

.; be mentioned, oranges and lemons, of quality, honey, wax, gum Arabick, which a greater quantity might be pro- and the tobacco called Mequinasi, so cured from two ports [Tetuan and Rabat] much esteemed for making snuff. in the empire, than is afforded both by Spain and Portugal. The oranges of Te. In the central division are the towns tuan” he says are the finest in the world, of Marocco, Saffee, and the port of and are sold for eight drahins, or about

Mogodor. This fine province abounds 3s. 6d. per thousand. In short, nothing

in horses and horned cattle. The is wanting to secure a most extensive and lucrative trade with Marocco, but an

horses of Abda are of the most select established friendship between the two breed in the country. The goats are nations, strengthened by a mutual return innumerable, and their skins form a of good offices and attentions. Indeed,"

principal article of exportation from he adds, “ the present emperour, Muley

the port of Mogodor. The mounSoliman, may be said to have made overtures of this nature."

tains of Haha produce the famous The fact I find to be as foll

wood called Arar, new to this coun

s. Muley Soliman, the reigning mo

try, which is proof against rot or the narch, who is betier versed in the laws of the Koran, than any man in In the southern district, Suse is his empire, and in his nature more considered as the most extensive, merciful than any of the antecedent and, excepting in grain, the richest sovereigns of Marocco, wrote a letter province of the empire. The olive, with his own hand to his majesty almond, date, orange, grape, and all our king, which after being sent to the other fruits of the northern prothe universities for interpretation, vinces abound here, particularly about was rendered into English by the au. Terodant, the capital of Suse; and thor of this volume, and we presume according to our author's account, has been answered. In this imperial there is not, perhaps, a finer climate letter, Muley Soliman, addressing his in the world than that of Suse, in majesty by the sacred title of sultan, which province he resided at Agapays him the highest respect that deer or Santa Cruz. The sugar-cane ever was offered by a Mooselman to grows spontaneously about Terodant; a Christian king.

cotton, indigo, gum, and various In the twenty-four first pages of kinds of medicinal herbs are prothis work, the author gives a geo- duced, and the stick liquorice in pro. graphical account of the four grand fusion. Wax in great quantity, the divisions of the empire of Marocco, gums euphorbium, sandrac and amaviz. northern, central, southern, and rad, wild thyme, worm-seed, orriss eastern.

root, orchilla weed, and coloquinth ; In the northern division, we find antimony, salıpetre of a superiour the towns of Fez, Mequinas, Tetuan, quality, copper, and silver are here Tangier, and many others, whose found; the two latter in abundance names are not so familiar to us. This about Elala and in Shtuka.




The eastern district so overflows in dates, that a camel load, or three quintal, is sold for two dollars. The people, who live beyond the Atlas mountains in the district of Tafilelt, are described of such inviolable honesty, that a robbery has scarcely been known in the memory of man, though they use no locks. Gold dust is here the circulating medium in all transactions of magnitude. There are mines of antimony and lead ore, and they carry on a considerable trade to Timbuctoo, Housa, and Jinnie, south of Sahara.

To these geographical observations there is attached a map of West Barbary, including Suse and Tafilelt; also one other, showing the tract across the desert, as followed by the caravans from Fez to Timbuctoo. In these maps Mr. Jackson professes to have corrected the abuses and mistakes with respect to names, which in others will be found. He also vouches for their accuracy, and expresses his belief, that in a short time they will be considered the most correct of any hitherto published.

In his zoology, chapter the seventh, Mr. Jackson expatiates in an interesting manner on the beauty of the gazel or antelope, and quotes an Arabian sonnet to show how the poets in that language have made it the vehicle to convey compliments to their mistresses: You have the eyes of an antelope, lady—you possess the 0 beauty of a gazel. "These," he says, are irresistible compliments with the Arabs. In short, perfect beauty and gazel beauty are synonymous

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The animal called El Horreh, an inhabitant of Sahara, and never found to the northward of the river Suse, is held in sovereign estimation by the Arabs, as the emblem of cleanliness; and if we may believe the tradition of its never lying down, lest it should defile the purity of its skin, we may suppose it conscious of its beauty. It is described as somewhat similar to the gazel in its form and size, co

loured with a light tint of red on its back and head, but so intensely white in the under parts, as to give pain to the eyes by its dazzling brilliancy. The stone called bizoar, is a concretion produced by this animal, but whether formed in the stomach or elsewhere, Mr. Jackson does not undertake to say, and thinks it is not accurately ascertained. This stone is scraped and taken as an antidote against poison.

The avadad is a singular animal, who throws himself from the steepest cliffs and precipices of the Atlas mountains with impunity, and lights on his horns and shoulders in the plains below, when thirst compels him to the stream. These curious tumblers, hitherto undescribed, are so very wild, as not to be approached without great danger, and my author believes he is correct in affirming, that the only two skins of this animal which ever found their way to Europe, and then with considerable difficulty and expense, were by him presented to sir Joseph Banks.

Mr. Jackson, speaking of the rhinoceros, says:

"With regard to the animal called by our heralds the unicorn, and represented in armorial bearings, I doubt if ever such an animal existed; for I have frequently conversed with men, who had been twenty years in the different countries of the interiour of Africa, but never could learn that a beast with one horn existed, in figure resembling a horse."

style, which marks so strongly the In the like cautious, unassuming inquirer after truth, he says that

The jumars, the reputed offspring of the ass and the bull or cow, are animals whose existence is still doubted. I have never, in any of my travels, seen such a one; but I was once informed by the best authority, that such a beast was sometimes seen in Bledel-Jerrede; my informer had not, however, seen it himself. Dr. Shaw has described one, that he saw in Barbary; notwithstanding which, the count de Buffon disputes its existence."

I come now to speak of that wonderful animal the heirie, or desert camel, which, by the providence of the Creator, seems exclusively be

stowed upon those whose lot it is to ven days) cannot, by my author's traverse that trackless waste, those computation, be less than one thouburning and intolerable sands, which, sand miles respectively. The witif no such animal were in being, nesses to the truth of the latter fact would form a chasm and impassable are of the highest respectability, and barrier between nation and nation, the time passed by the way was asinhabitants of the same continent, certained by the date of the despatch ; and for ever separate those who are which the rider of the heirie brought. reciprocally dependant on each other There is also an authentick anecdote for an interchange of produce ne- of a sebavee, that went from Mogocessary to the comforts, and in many dor to Marocco, and returned to cases to the immediate wants of each. Mogodor between sunrise and eleven That this creature should be endowed o'clock at night; a journey of two with powers and properties, that ena- hundred miles. This is a performble it to journey day after day with- ance that challenges all the annals of out food or water over those dreadful Newmarket to equal, and perhaps tracis, where neither water nor food exceeds what their philosophy can can be had, decidedly evinces a di- expound, or their candour give pervine interposition. But for a more fect credit to. Yet it is no wonder in particular description of the astonish- the country where the animal is ing performances of this extraordi- known, and might be backed by the nary animal, I must refer my reader attestations of thousands.

6. The to the very words of Mr. Jackson. swiftness of the beirie is thus de

“ Mounted on the heirie or desart ca. scribed by the Arabs in their figuramel (which is in figure similar to the tive style : When thou shalt meet a camel of burden, but more clegantly heirie, and say to the rider, Salem former) the Arab, with his loins, breast, Alick! ere he shall have answered and ears, bound round, to prevent the

thee, Alick Salem! he all be afar percussion of air proceeding from a quick motion, rapidly traverses, upon the back

off, and nearly out of sight; for his of this abstemious animal, the scorching

swifiness is like the wind.” desert, the fiery atmosphere of which When my author computes by the parches and impedes respiration so as

terın of a day's journey, he is to be almost to produce suffocation. The mo

understood as speaking of a journey tion of the herrie is violent, and can be endured only by those patient, abstenious,

of seven hours, at the rate of three and hardy Arabs, who are accustomed to

miles and a half an hour, which is it. The most inferiour kind of heirie are the rate of the camel of burden ; so called Talatayee, a terin expressive of that a day's journey is on an average their going three days journey in one. about twenty-four miles. As for the The next kind is called Sebayee, a term

animal called a dromedary (if any appropriated to that, which goes seven days journey in one, and this is the ge

such be in existence) it is absolutely neral character; there is also one called unknown and unheard of in western Tasayee, or the heirie of nine days; Africa, and remains a question for these are extremely rare.”

the naturalists to decide. Mr. Jackson says [p. 41] “ A jour- As the Arabs of the desert have ney of thirty-five days caravan tra- this superiour breed of camels, in velling will be performed by a se- like manner they have the desert bayee in five days. They go from horse, Sh’rubah Er’rech, which liTimbuctoo to Tafilelt in seven days. terally signifies Wind-sucker ; the One of these animals once animal is so called, from his hanging from Fort St. Joseph on the Senegal out his tongue at one side of his river to the house of Messrs. Cabane mouth, when in speed, and, as it and Depras, at Mogodor, in seven were, sucking in the air. In height days.” These astonishing trajects about fourteen hands, and gaunt as a (each performed in the space of se- grayhound. His extraordinary powers


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