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was the impression struck, that he afterwards to Prussia, Austria, Italy, has dedicated to this one design al- Greece, and a part of Turkey. He most the whole of his life, and has then proceeded to Russia, where he been the prime mover in every met with prince Potemkin at Cher. scheme that has been proposed for son, whose notice he attracted ; and the emancipation of the Spanish co- by him was introduced to the emJonies in America.

press at Kiow. A native of Spain, After the renunciation, or rather travelling in search of knowledge, the postponement of the design, on and improved by it, appeared to her the part of Mr. Pitt, the next pro- in the light of a phenomenon. She ject for changing the condition of invited him to remain in Russia; for, South America, was started by the in Spain, she said, he would be burnt. republican rulers of France ; as part -Spain was not a country for him. of their scheme for revolutionizing When Miranda opened to her, in the whole of the Spanish dominions. reply, the views to which he had de• But Miranda foresaw the dangers voted himself in behalf of his country, with which that design was pregnant, she manifested the strongest interest and fortunately had sufficient in- in the accomplishment of his scheme, fluence to persuade its renunciation. and assured him, in case of his sucTo prepare the reader sufficiently for cess, she would be the foremost to the particulars of this curious affair, support the independence of South it may not be useless to run over, America. She transmitted a circular hastily, the steps by which the genee letter to her ambassadours in Europe, ral had been brought to the situation to afford him her imperial protection in which he then stood.

every where ; and gave him an inviAt the termination of the Ameri- tation to draw upon her treasury for can war, he resigned his situation in his personal support. the service of Spain, and repaired to It was after this tour through Eus Europe, with a view to study the in- rope, in which Miranda spent several stitutions of the most enlightened years, that he returned, by the way dations, and to draw from them in- of France, to England; and being, struction for the benefit of his native by his friend governour Pownal, incountry. For this purpose, he came troduced to Mr. Pitt, proposed to first to Great Britain,* and proceeded him the plan, of which the submis

sion of Spain on the question at issue * There is a curious proof of the notice prevented the execution. At the which he and his cause attracted in this time when the prospect was thus, for country, even at this early period, in the “ Political Herald and Review," for the

an indefinite period, closed upon him year 1785, pp. 29, 30.

in England, and the first promising "The fame which was kindled in North movements of liberty in France were America," says the writer in that work, attracting the curious from every

as was foreseen, has made its way into quarter of the world, Miranda returnthe American dominions of Spain. That ed to witness the great scenes which jealousy which confined the appointments of government in Spanish America to na

were there passing, and to obtain, if tive Spaniards, and established other dis possible, from France, in her new sitinctions between these and their de. scendants on the other side the Atlantick, Provincials. The example of North Ame. has been a two edged sword, and cut rica is the great subject of discourse, and two ways. If it has hitherto preserved the grand object of imitation. In London, the sovereignty of Spain in those parts, we are well assured, there is, at this moit has sown the seeds of a deep resent- ment, a Spanish American of great conment among the people. Conferences are sequence, and possessed of the confidence held, combinations are formed in secret of his fellow citizens, who aspires to the among a race of men whom we shall dis- glory of being the deliverer of his countinguish by the appellation of Spanish try.s

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us success.



6 The

tuation, the same favour to South rage, and genius, every thing ensures America, which in her old she had

All the ministers agree bestowed upon the United States. in this choice, but they fear lest you By his companions in arms, whom should refuse to part with Miranda, he had recently known in America, as you have chosen him to fill up the he was speedily drawn into some con- place of Labourdounay. I have this nexion with the great leaders at that morning promised Monge that I time in publick affairs ; and when would write to you, and he gave me the revolution was first called upon his word that he would appoint Mi. to draw the sword, he was invited and randa governour in chief, if you prevailed upon to take a command in would consent to let him go.

Hasten her armies.

then to send me your consent. Shall It was while he was serving with I add that our excellent friend GenDumourier in the Netherlands, that sonné is of the same opinion ; he will the scheme for revolutionizing Spain write to you to morrow. Claviere and her colonies was first conceived and Petion are overjoyed at that idea.” by the republican leaders. It was It will be readily acknowledged, communicated to Dumourier by Bris- there was here wherewithal to dazzle sot, in a letter which we have now a man of ordinary ambition. Yet before us, dated Paris, 28th Novem- was the project damped, and finally ber 1792, in the following terms: renounced, by means of Miranda,

“ Spain is ripening for liberty. Its who began to fear that the revolution government is preparing again, pre. was proceeding too fast and too far. parations are necessary to prosper or In the letter which he wrote to Brisrather to naturalize liberty there. sot, in answer to the communication That a revolution must be effected of his proposal, he contents himself both in European and American with starting difficulties. Spain, all must allow. The fate of plan,” says he, “ that you form in this latter revolution depends upon your letter is truly grand and magnione man. You know and esteem him. ficent; but I know not whether the It is Miranda. The ministers were execution might be certain or even lately looking out for a person to take probable. With respect to the Spathe place of Desparbés in Hispaniola. nish American continent and their А

ray of light struck me: I said, ap- islands, I am perfectly informed and point Miranda. In the first place, able to form an exact opinion. But Miranda will soon adjust the mi- for all that regards the French islands, serable quarrels of the colonists; and their present situation, I scarcely he soon will call to order those know any thing at all, and, consewhite people so turbulent, and will quently it would be impossible for become the idol of the coloured me to form a correct opinion of it. people. But afterwards how easily This being in your plan the basis of will he raise the Spanish isles or the the whole operation, since it is from Spanish continent which they pos- the colonies that the force must go sess? At the head of more than which is to put in motion the people 12,000 regular troops who are now of the opposite continent, we must in Hispaniola, of 10 to 15,000 brave be very sure that our information is mulattoes, with whom he will be pro- true and positive. It seems to me vided in our islands, with what ease also that my appointment and my will he invade the Spanish posses- departure for Hispaniola, would sions ? Besides, having under his spread the alarm in the courts of command a fleet, and when the Madrid and St. James. The effects Spaniards have nothing to oppose to of which would be soon felt at Cadiz him, the name of Miranda will be and Portsmouth, which would create worth an army; and his talents, cou- new obstacles to the undertaking,

which, besides, is too great, too excel- was decided, accordingly, that Miranlent and interesting to be spoiled and da should, in their name, again rerendered fruitless for want of caution pair to England, and make such of. in the beginning." After some fur. fers to the British government as, it ther correspondence and consulta- was hoped, might induce it to lend tion, the pressure of affairs coopera- them the assistance requisite for the ting with the discouragement offered great object of their wishes. The by Miranda, the flattering project instrument, which was drawn up, and was, for the time, relinquished. put into the hand of their representa

During some years subsequent to tive, as the document 10 the British this occurrence, the matter was sunk government, of the proposals of the in oblivion amid the violent strug- South Americans, is too remarkagles which agitated Europe. Many ble an evidence of the views and plans months had not elapsed when the of the leading members of the South reign of Robespierre began ; and American communities, not to de Miranda, with so many other virtuous serve, at the present moment, the men, were buried in the dungeons of most serious attention. the revolution. Though tried, and 1. The first article states, that the clearly acquitted by the revolutionary Hispano-American colonies, having tribunal, which declared that not a for the most part resolved to proclaim shadow of suspicion attached to him, their independence, were induced to he was still detained in prison, and address themselves to the govern. escaped the guillotine only by one of ment of Great Britain, in the confi. Those accidents by which so many dence she would not refuse them that others were delivered up to it. When assistance which Spain herself, in the he recovered his liberty, under the midst of peace, had not declined exparty that assumed the government tending to the British colonies in after the death of Robespierre, he America. might still have become a leading 2. The second article stipulates man in the revolution, and was offer the sum of thirty millions sterling, ed the command of an army. His which South America would pay to answer, however, was, that although Great Britain for the assistance rehe had fought for liberty, it was not quired. siis purpose to fight for conquest. If 3. The third article states the France would establish a free and amount of the British force which moderate government, retire within was deemed requisite. her ancient limits, and sincerely offer

4. The fourth article it is proper peace to the whole world, he would to present in the words of the docuwillingly contend for her against all

ment itself.

« A defensive alliance her enemies. This remarkable an- between England, the United States, swer rests on as remarkable an au- and South America, is so much rethority; for Miranda had the forti- quired by the nature of things, the tude to enlarge upon the same ideas geographical situation of each of the in a pamphlet, and to publish them three countries, the productions, inat the very moment [1795] in Paris. dustry, wants, manners, and disposi

About the same time, or a little tion of the three nations, that it is after, Miranda was met at Paris by impossible this alliance should not deputies and commissioners from last a long time; especially if care be Mexico, and the other principal pro- taken to strengthen it by similarity vinces of South America, who had in the political forms of the three been sent to Europe for the purpose governments ; that is to say, by the of concerting with him the measures enjoyinent of civil liberty properly to be pursued for accomplishing the understood. It might even be said independence of their country. It with confidence, that this is the only



hope remaining to liberty audaciously This document is dated Paris, the outraged by the detestable principles 22d of December, 1797. The proavowed by the French republick. It posal transmitted to Mr. Pitt, for the is the only means of establishing a return of general Miranda to this balance of power capable of opposing country, was acceded to with alacri. the destructive ambition and devas- ty; and the general had a conference tation of the French system.” with that minister in January follow

5 The fifth article relates to a trea. ing. It accorded with the plans of ty of commerce between Great Bri. Mr. Pitt, at that time, to enter with tain and South America.

promptitude into the scheme pro6. The sixth article stipulates the posed for the emancipation of South opening of the navigation between America. The outline of the prothe Atlantick and Pacifick oceans, by ceedings was fully agreed upon; and, the isthmus of Panama, as well as so far had the preparations advanced, - by the lake of Nicaraguay, and the that general Miranda, in a letter to guarantee of its freedom to the Bri- Mr. Hamilton, the much lamented tish nation.

legislator of the United States, dated 7. The seventh article respects the 6th April 1798, thought himself auarrangement of the commerce be- thorized to write in the following tween the different parts of South terms. " This will be delivered to America itself; proposed to be left you, my dear and esteemed friend, on its present footing, till the assem- by my country man, don ***** the blage of deputies from the different bearer of despatches of the greatest provinces of the continent can ar- importance for the president of the range the terms of their union. United States. He will tell you se

8. The eighth article points to cretly all you wish to know upon this some project to be devised, of a con- subject. It appears that the moment nexion between the bank of England of our emancipation grows near, and and those of Lima and Mexico, for that the establishment of liberty over the purposes of mutual support, and the whole continent of the new world of giving England the advantage of is intrusted to us by Providence. The that command of the precious metals only danger I foresee is the introducwhich the country supplying them tion of the French principles which might have it in its power to yield. might poison liberty in its birth, and

9. 10. The ninth and tenth articles soon would finally destroy yours. relate to the project of alliance be. Your wishes are in some degree fultween South America and the United filled ; since it is agreed here, that in States. The principal points are the the first instance English troops shall ceding to the United States of the not be employed in the land opera. Floridas, the Mississippi being pro- tions, since the auxiliary land forces posed as the most advisable boun- will be only American, whilst, on the dary between the two nations, and other hand, the navy will be entirely the stipulation of a small military British. All is settied, and they are force from the Anglo-Americans, to only waiting for the fiat of your aid in the establishment of their inde- illustrious president to start like pendence.

lightning. With what pleasure have 11. The eleventh article, respect- I heard, my most dear general, ing the islands, states the plan of re- of your appointment in the contisigning all those which belong to the nental army of the United States of Spaniards, excepting only Cuba, the America. Our wishes, it appears, possession of which is rendered ne- are going to be at last accomplishcessary, by the situation of the Ha- ed, and every circumstance convanna commanding the passage from curs now in our favour. May Provithe gulf of Mexico.

dence make as wise enough to use


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it in the most advantageous man• in the United States of America, and ner.

in the island of Trinidad, pressed The proposal was, that North general Miranda, and at last prevail. America should furnish 10,000 ed upon him, to quit his residence in troops, and the British government this country, and make an effort in agreed to find money and ships. But their behalf through the medium of the president Adams declined to America alone. Though the politra mit an immediate answer, and ticks of Britain presented to him, at the measure was, in consequence, the moment, no prospect on her part, postponed

of active assistance, they appeared, at In the beginning of 1801, during least, to promise the security, that lord Sidmouth's administration, the no body of French, or of Spanish project was again revived. The troops, should cross the Atlantick, to plans of government to be recom- confirm the dominion of the enemies mnended to the people of South Ame- of Britain. In these circumstances, rica, were considered and approved; he was induced to think that no great even the military operations were forces--that nothing more, in short, sketched and arranged; and the pre- than what might be requisite to imparations

far advanced for the expe- pose respect upon the small number dition. The preliminaries, however, of troops in the Spanish garrisons, of the peace of Amiens were signed; and to afford some appearance of seand the measure was put off to a fuo curity to the people, was, in the ture opportunity.

known condition of the publick mind, When war was again declared required to effect the revolution; and against France in 1803, the business at the same time, the disputes sube of South America formed one of the sisting between the United States of principal designs of ministers; and America and Spain, respecting Loumeasures were taken to carry it into isiana, afforded him a hope in that effect, the moment that the peace quarter of all the assistance which which still subsisted with Spain the occasion demanded. With a full should be broken. This event did understanding on the part of the gonot occur till 1804, when Mr. Pitt vernment here, and even, as it would was again at the head of administra- seem, with promise of support, he tion. The measure was now prose- proceeded to America ; but on his cuted with zeal. Lord Melville and arrival there, found, to his mortificasir Home Popham were employed in tion, that a compromise on the subarranging with general Miranda the ject of Louisiana had already taken whole details of procedure ;* when place, and that the publick aid of gothe execution was again suspended vernment was not to be obtained. by the affairs of Europe, and by the He was received, however, with corhopes and exertions of the third coa- diality and distinction by the presilition.

dent and secretary; and, from various The prospect thus appearing shut quarters, received encouragement to upon them in Europe, the South suppose, that, by private exertions American exiles from the provinces and resources, such means might be of Caraccas and Santa Fée, residing got together, as, with the help of

good fortune, might be adequate to * On this point the reader may derive the enterprise. Though the governsatisfaction, by consulting the trial of sir ment of the United States, from the llome Popham; the evidence of lord obvious motive of exculpating themMelville at pp. 153 to 164; and the decla- selves in the eyes of France, thought rations of sir Home at pp. 91, 92, 94, 95, 100; and an Appendix note a. See proper afterwards to disclaim all " Trial of Sir Home Popham," printed

for knowledge of the transaction, and Richardson, Royal Exchange, 1807.

even to order the prosecution of two


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