An Alarm to Unconverted Sinners, in a Serious Treatise |
From inside the book
Page 30
... ix . 6 , and we his seed , and the children which God hath given him , Heb . iii . 13 , Isa . liii . 10. O blessed ... John iii . 8 . So then it is a work above man's power . We are born , not of the will of the 30 The nature of ...
... ix . 6 , and we his seed , and the children which God hath given him , Heb . iii . 13 , Isa . liii . 10. O blessed ... John iii . 8 . So then it is a work above man's power . We are born , not of the will of the 30 The nature of ...
Page 35
Joseph Alleine. John xvii . 17. This generates faith , and re- generates us ... John v . 3. Pray for the coming of the Spirit in the word . Come off thy ... Ix . 21 , that we should shew forth his praises , 1 Pet . ii . 9 , and be ...
Joseph Alleine. John xvii . 17. This generates faith , and re- generates us ... John v . 3. Pray for the coming of the Spirit in the word . Come off thy ... Ix . 21 , that we should shew forth his praises , 1 Pet . ii . 9 , and be ...
Page 72
... ix . 14 , Tit . i . 15 . An unsanctified man cannot work the work of God . ( 1. ) He hath no skill in it . He is ... John vi . 45 , taught to pray , Luke xi . 1 , taught to profit , Isaiah xlviii . 17 , taught to go , Hos . xi . 3 ...
... ix . 14 , Tit . i . 15 . An unsanctified man cannot work the work of God . ( 1. ) He hath no skill in it . He is ... John vi . 45 , taught to pray , Luke xi . 1 , taught to profit , Isaiah xlviii . 17 , taught to go , Hos . xi . 3 ...
Page 89
... John xiii . 8. Repent , or perish , Luke xiii . 8. One word , one would ... John iii . 3 , 5. Yea , he doth not only assert , but prove the necessity of the new ... ix . 16 , 18 , 19 , Matt H 2 The Necessity of Conversion . 89 A ...
... John xiii . 8. Repent , or perish , Luke xiii . 8. One word , one would ... John iii . 3 , 5. Yea , he doth not only assert , but prove the necessity of the new ... ix . 16 , 18 , 19 , Matt H 2 The Necessity of Conversion . 89 A ...
Page 90
Joseph Alleine. and ix . 16 , 18 , 19 , Matt . xxvi . 28 , but all must be made void , and another way to heav ... John iii . 3 , ' Tit . ii . 12 , otherwise Christ will be thought a favourer of sin . The Lord Jesus would have all ...
Joseph Alleine. and ix . 16 , 18 , 19 , Matt . xxvi . 28 , but all must be made void , and another way to heav ... John iii . 3 , ' Tit . ii . 12 , otherwise Christ will be thought a favourer of sin . The Lord Jesus would have all ...
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Art thou baptism Beloved blessed carnal Christian conscience conversion covenant cxix death deceive Deut dost thou doth duties eternal evil eyes Ezek faith Father fear flesh give glory God's godliness grace hand happy hath hear heaven hell holy hope iniquity Jesus Christ John John iii John ix John vi John xiv John xvii kingdom kingdom of heaven live Lord Jesus Luke Matt mercy misery ness never peace Phil pleasure pray prayer Prov Psal religion repent righteousness saith salvation satan servant shew sinner soul Spirit thee thine heart things thou art thou canst thou hast thou mayest thou shalt thou shouldst thou wilt thy heart thy sins thy soul thyself tion turn uncon unconverted unto viii wilt thou word wouldst wrath xviii xxiii yourselves