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wherein the Lords of her Highness's most Honourable Privy Council (all things confidered) ought in duty to affift and countenance me. But how is it poffible that I fhould perform the Charge which I have undertaken, after fo long liberty, and lack of Difcipline, if a few Perfons, fo meanly qualified (as most of thefe Factions Sectaries are) fhould be countenanced against the whole State of the Clergy of greatest account both for Learning, Tears, Staidnefs, Wif dom, Religion, and Honesty, and open. Breakers and Impugners of the Law, young in Years, proud in Conceipt, contentious in Difpofition, bould be maintained against their Governors, feeking to reduce them to Order, and to Obedience? Hæc funt initia Hæreticorum, & ortus, atque conatus Schifmaticorum malè cogitantium, ut fibi placeant, ut præpofitum fuperbo tumore contemnant. Sic de Ecclefia receditur, fic Altare profanum foris collocatur, fic contra pacem Chrifti, & ordinationem, atque unitatem Dei rebellatur. The First fruits of Hereticks, and the first Births and Endeavours of Schifmaticks are thefe, to admire them felves, and in their fwelling Pride to contemn any that are fet over them. Thus do men fall from the Church of God; thus

is a foreign unhallowed Altar erected; and thus is Chrift's Peace, and God's Ordina tion and Unity rebelled against. For mine own part, I neither have done, nor do any thing in thefe Matters, which I do not think my felf in confcience and duty bound to do, and which her Majesty hath not with earnest Charge committed unto me, and which I am not well able to justify to be most requifite for this Church and State; whereof, next to her Majesty (though most unworthy, or at the leaft most unhappy) the chief care is committed unto me, which I will not by the grace of God neglect, whatfoever come upon me therefore. Neither may I endure their notorious Contempts, unless I will become Alop's Block, and undo all that which hitherto hath been done. And how then fball I be able to perform my Duty, according to her Majesty's Expectation? It is certain, that if way be given unto them, upon their unjuft Surmifes and Clamours, it will be the caufe of that Confufion, which hereafter the State will be forry for. I neither care for the Honour of this Place I hold (which is Onus unto me) nor the largeness of the Revenue neither any worldly thing (I thank God) in refpect of doing my Duty; neither do I fear the difpleasure of Man, nor the evil


Tongue of the uncharitable, who call me Tyrant, Pope, Knave, and lay to my charge things that I never did, nor thought. Scio enim hoc effe opus Diaboli, ut Servos Dei mendaciis laceret, & opinionibus falfis, gloriofum nomen infamer, ut qui confcientiæ fuæ luce clarefcunt, alienis rumoribus fordidentur. For I know that this is the work of that Accufer, the Devil, that he may tear in pieces the Servants of God with Lies, that he may difbonour their glorious Name with falfe Surmifes, that they, who through the clearness of their own Confcience, are shining bright, might have the filth of other mens Slanders caft upon them. So was Cyprian himself ufed, and other Godly Bishops, to whom I am not comparable. But that which most of all grieveth me, and is to be wondred at, and lamented, is, that fome of those which give countenance to thefe Men, and cry out for a learned Ministry, should watch their opportunity, and be Inftruments and means to place most unlearned Men in the chiefeft Places and Livings of the Ministry, there

to make the state of the Bishops and Clergy contemptible, and I fear faleable. This Hypocrify and diffembling with God and Man (in pretending one thing, and doing another) goeth to my heart, and maketh


After which

me to think that God's Judgments are not far off. The day will come, when all mens hearts shall be opened. In the mean time I will depend upon him, who never faileth thofe that put their trust in him.

Thus far his Letters.

57. After this he linked himself in a he is in frit firm league of friendship with Sir Chrileague with Sir Chrifto- ftopher Hatton, then Vice-Chamberlain pher Hatton to the Queen's Majefty; and by the by means of Dr. Bancroft. means of Dr. Bancroft (his then Houfhold Chaplain, and afterwards Lord Archbishop of Canterbury) had him moft firm, and ready upon all occafions to impart unto the Queen, as well the Croffes offered him at the CouncilTable, as alfo fundry impediments whereby he was hindred from the performance of many good Services towards her Majefty and the State. He Lord Treasurer had always the Lord Burley (then Lord Treasurer of England) his firm and conftant Friend, and one that would omit no opportunity for his advancement, who prevailed fo far, that when the Earl of Leicester (one of those honourable Perfonages afore-mention'd) The Archbishop was in the Low-Countries, the ArchSworn of the Privy Council, bishop, and the Lord Cobham, were first

Burley his

firm Friend.


fworn Counsellors of State, and Thomas Lord Buckhurft was fworn the day after, whereat the Earl was not a little dif pleafed. The Lord Buckhurst was join- Lord Bucked in like affection to the Archbishop as hurt his faithful the other two were, and continued af- Friend: ter he came to be Lord Treasurer, his faithful and loving Friend to the time of his death.

58. When the Archbishop was thus established in friendship with these Noble Perfonages, as aforefaid, their Favours, and his Place, wrought him free He has free access to the Queen, and gracious ac- access to the ceptance of his Motions in the Church's


behalf. His Courses then at the Council- His Oppofitions board were not fo much crossed nor abated, impeached as heretofore; but by reafon

of his daily attendance and access, he then oftentimes gave impediment to the Sir Thomas Bromeley, Earl's Defignments in Clergy Causes. Lord Chancel


59. About this time Sir Thomas lor, died, Bromely (the then Lord Chancellor) April 12. died; whereupon it pleafed her Majefty The Queen dif to discover her gracious Inclination to posed to make have made the Archbishop Lord Chan- the Archbishop cellor of England. But he excufing lor. himself in many refpects, that he was He excufes himself, and grown into years, and had the burthen recommends of all Ecclefiaftical Bufineffes laid upon Sir Chriftohis pher Hatton.

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