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This banishing and profcription happened

the very day before the Bishop of the City, The Bishop Bebeing alfo Temporal Lord thereof, planted fieges the City. his Siege against the Town for revolting from his Obedience. In the midst of all thefe Outrages, fundry (calling themselves Prophets) did arife up amongst them; who pretended to have extraordinary callings, gifts, functions, and revelations from God; the chief whereof was one John Matthew, next John Matto him was the faid John of Leyden, and thew, John of Leyden, then Knipperdoling, Crecthing and fome others. This Matthew (their principal Pro- ling, & arofe Knipperdophet) charged every man (upon pain of as Prophets. death) to bring all his gold, filver, and Matthew moveable goods into a great common ftore- Commands the house appointed for that purpofe, to the People to bring end they might be used and bestowed in common. their goods into common; for fo he protefted to them, it was the will of his heavenly Father. The people were greatly grieved with this rigorous Edict; nevertheless they obeyed, though fore againft their wills. Neither They affright. was it poffible (without great danger) for ed, obey. any to conceal or hide any part from them, because there were in the City two Girls, foothfayers, that did reveal whatsoever was concealed, at leaft fo it was believed. Then the faid Matthew commanded every one to bring all his Books whatsoever (faving the holy Bible) to be publickly burn- He commands ed, which was accordingly performed. Thus all Books to be taking great confidence and boldness that burnt but the his heftes and advices were fo readily obey



He murders

ed, and had fo good fuccefs; he most infolently and cruelly thruft in with a Pike, and after fhot in with a Harquebuz one Hub. Trutel- Hubert Truteling, only for a merry jeft that he ing. made, touching one of their Prophets. Yet seeing that he did not die thereof out of hand, the faid Propher told them, it was revealed to him from heaven, that Trueteling fhould live, and continue, and that God had forgiven him. Nevertheless, he died of his wounds within few days after. Then Matthew got into his hand a long Pike; and running haftily therewith through the Town towards the Gates, he proclaimed as he went, that God the Father had commanded him to beat back all the enemies (that befieged them) from the Town. But being met near the Camp, by one only fouldier, he was by him thruft through, and fo died. And albeit the falfehood of his forged prophesies was thus twice detected, yet the other Prophets (his companions) did fo disguise the matter, and bewitch the people, that they could not perceive his coggeries, but did rather much lament his death, as a matter ominating fome great mishap towards them, for that fo excellent John of Ley- a man was taken away. Yet John of Leyden andKnip den comforted them, faying, that God perdoling comfort the had revealed unto him long before, that People and Matthew fhould have fuch an end, and that Prophecy. he should marry his widow. Some few days after, Knipperdoling alfo prophefied, that high mountains should be brought low, and

He is flain by




den gives

poor and mean fhould be exalted; and thereupon commanded all which was left ftanding Command the of the Churches to be demolished even with Churches to be demolished. the ground; affuring them (and that with a conftant fetled gravity and great earnestnefs) that this Commandment came from God himself And in further accomplishment (as may feem) of fuch his prophefy John of Leyden gave to the faid Knipperdoling John of Leythe fword of execution, and fo made him Knipperdo the common Hangman of the City, that ling the word immediately afore was Conful and chief Of of Execution. ficer. This office of Executioner (belike upon compact between them) he willingly accepted, and obeyed Leyden therein, as the meffenger of God. Now after that fome affaults had been made against the City, by the Bishops Army befieging it, (albeit with no fuccefs) John of Leyden laid him John of Ley. down to reft, and dreamed three days to- three days together. Being awaked, he fpake not a gether. word to any perfon, but calling for paper, writ down the names of twelve men He awakes and (whereof some were indeed Gentlemen of names 2welve men to govern blood) who should have the fovereign charge of all, and should govern the City, as the heads of the Tribes did in Ifrael: for fo he faid, it was the heavenly Father's will. But hereby (in very truth) he laid the foundation of a kingdom, whereunto he aspired. Then he propounded unto their Reformed Preachers, certain Articles to be refolved in by the Scriptures alone, by which, if they to the Preach could not confute them, then he would (as ers.

den dreams

the City.

He propounds

certain articles

One was about
They boggle.

He wears it is from God.

They affent.

he faid) put them up unto the people, that by their authority they might be establish'd. The effect of them was, that a man was not bound unto one wife, but might marry When their fo many as himself lufted. Preachers made fome difficulty, and sticking at it, he called them into the Council-boufe, together with the Twelve new Governors or Elders. Then he put off his Coat and laid it and the New Teftament down together afore them, fwearing by thofe two (as by affured tokens) that the Articles by him propofed, were revealed unto him from Heaven, and that God would never be merciful unto them, if they did not yield unto them. Hereupon they gave their affents, and after (for three days together) they preached of nothing but of Marriage. Then Leyden married three Wives: one whereof was the Widow of their great Prophet Matthew lately deceased, and divers other followed the like example, as if it had been a Some Citizens matter moft allowable and laudable. abhorring the fome of the Citizens (of better difpofition) Practice, feize finding this courfe to be moft abominable, the Prophets. gave a watch-word through the Town for all that truly favoured the Gofpel without fantastical Novelties, to come into the Market place, where being affembled, they apprehended Leyden, Knipperdoling, and all the reft of their Prophets. But when the ComThe People ref mon people were advertised hereof, they ay 50 of the ftraightway took Arms, and refcued the Prifoners from them. The people also laid

He marries

three Wives. Others follow bis example.

cue them and




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hands on them, which had apprehended their Prophets, putting them to death with moft exquifite torments; namely, they faftened fifty of them unto Trees, and shot at them with Harquebuzes, their great Prophet (all the while) crying thus unto them, That he that would do God good fervice, fhould firft fhoot at them ; and others were put unto fundry other feveral kinds of death.

must rule.

In the Month of July that year, a new Prophet (being a Goldsmith by his Trade) 4 Goldsmith. did arife up among them; who having cal- New Prophet arifeth and deled the Multitude together into the Market- clares from fteed, fignified unto them, It was the Will God John of and Commandment of the heavenly Father, Leyden to be that John of Leyden fhould be Emperor of all Emperor of the Earth, and the Earth; and that he marching forth with the Godly only a puiffant Army, fhould deftroy all Kings and Princes, but fhould fpare the Common people that loved righteousness and fincerity, to the intent he may hold the feat of David his Father, until the heavenly Father should receive again the Kingdom: For (faid he) Godly men muft only rule in the World, after they have once difpatched all the wicked out of the way. When the Prophet had ended thefe Speeches, fuddenly John of Ley- John of Leyden kneeled down, and lifting up his hands den pretends to Heaven, faid thus: Brethren, it is a good he knew this while agone fince I first knew this, and yet would before. not hitherto publish it abroad: but now the Father bath ufed another Minifter to bring it to paß and to proclaim it. So having (by this fub

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