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320. En général on se sert des pronoms moi, toi, lui, etc. quand on veut s'exprimer avec force et énergie: Thou who pretendeşt to be so

Toi, qui fais le brave,


321. On s'en sert aussi par raison de clarté, quand il y a plusieurs pronoms sujets qui se suivent dans une même phrase:

Eux m'ont relevé, et lui m'a


They picked me up, and he dressed my wounds.

Place des Pronoms (96.).

322. NOTE. We have seen, in page 67, the arrangement of personal pronouns when there are two or three governed by the same verb; in order however still further to simplify this subject to the student, the following table is given, which shows not only the relative position of the personal conjunctive pronouns with regard to each other, but also with regard to the verb and other words connected with them in a sentence. The figures of course indicate the order of the words.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

The student will understand, that although all the words numbered cannot come together in the same phrase, yet that as many as do occur invariably preserve the same relative position, as will be seen by the following examples:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Je ne le lui ai pas encore dit, I have not yet said it to him.

[blocks in formation]

Il ne me les a pas encore donnés, He has not yet given them to me.

1 2 5

8 9

[blocks in formation]

Nous ne lui avons pas encore écrit, We have not yet written to him. 1 5 7 8


Ils lui en ont envoyé, They have sent him some.

[blocks in formation]

Ils ne vous en ont pas demandé, They have not asked you for any.

[blocks in formation]

Nous ne vous en avons pas envoyé, We have not sent you any

[blocks in formation]

Ils ne s'y sont pas appliqués, They have not applied themselves to it.

[blocks in formation]

Vous ne vous en êtes pas encore plaint, You have not yet complained about it.

And in placing the nominative after the verb in interrogations (91.):

[blocks in formation]

Ne lui y en ai-je pas envoyé? Have I not sent him any of it thither?

The order of the personal pronouns with verbs in the imperative mood, as in the following examples, will be found fully explained in the rules 92, 93, and in the note*, page 67.


Ne me le donnez pas,


Ne m'en donnez pas,

Give it me.

Do not give it me.

Give me some.

Do not give me any.

323. Remarque. Quand il y a deux impératifs de suite unis par une des conjonctions et, ou, les pronoms compléments du dernier impératif peuvent le précéder:

Écrivez-le-lui et le lui en- Write it to him, and send it to



324. NOTE. In sentences like the following: IL NE S'EST PAS FIÉ À LUI, he has not trusted himself to him, beginners often find a difficulty in arranging the pronouns, and are inclined to put lui for à lui before the verb; thereby they commit a great error and compose a very obscure sentence. It is true that when y or en is used, either may precede the verb, as, Il ne s'y est pas fié (329.), but one of the pronouns moi, toi, lui, elle, soi, nous, vous, eux, elles, soi, must be used and placed after the verb whenever a personal pronoun is indirectly governed by a REFLECTIVE VERB which requires after it the preposition à or de; as,

Il ne s'est pas adressé à lui,
Je me suis rendu à vous,
Ils se sont livrés à moi,

Je me souviendrai de lui,

He has not applied to him.
I surrendered to you.

They gave themselves up to me.
I shall remember him.

Dictée et analyse.

Il veut, il ne veut pas; il accorde, il refuse.-Je crains Dieu, cher Abner, et n'ai point d'autre crainte. RACINE.— Aidons-nous mutuellement, la charge des malheurs, en sera plus légère. FLORIAN.-"Le lis des jardins," dit l'Évangile, 66 ne s'est pas filé sa parure."—Je veux le voir, le prier, le presser, l'importuner, le fléchir.-Un homme vous flatte-t-il? ne vous y fiez pas; il veut vous tromper.-Pourquoi la boussole a-t-elle été inventée ? Où Napoléon vit-il le jour ?-Les songes sont-ils un effet des sens? Où suis-je ? qu'ai-je fait? que dois-je faire encore?-Grand Dieu, souverain maître de l'univers, quel lieu de la terre pourrai-je parcourir où je ne trouve partout sur mes pas les marques sensibles de votre présence? MASSILLON.-Sur le bord du lac on arrêtait le mort: "Qui que tu sois, rends compte de tes actions. Qu'as-tu fait du temps et de la vie? La loi t'interroge, la patrie t'écoute, la vérité te juge." THOMAS.-Aglaure s'écriait: “Ô temps, je te déteste ! Tout vieillit: grâce, esprit, attraits." Sa mère lui répond: "Un seul charme nous reste; le bon cœur ne vieillit jamais." MOLlevaut.


I am always happy when I do my duty. We are friends. They are ungrateful. Remember1 it. Ought I to say it? May I know it? Am I going thither? Will he believe? Do not scold him. Do not condemn them. Let us not disturb 5 them. Do you not believe me? Do not give it them. Vice often deceives us under the shape of virtue. I am not so learned as your brother, but he is older than I (95.). You and I (315.) agree.-I (319.) betrays the best of my friends! Never. My sister and I were walking by moonlight. You and your friend will go to the museum. I will show them to you. They lend 10 it to me. They do not lend it to me. Do they lend it to me? Do they not lend it to me? I will write to him. I will not send it to them thither. Have I not sent them any of it? Would he not have brought 12 it to us thither?

I shall bring you some of it.

You must not leave 13 so much


of it there for him. Have they not promised it to you? You have plenty of money, give me some. I shall not give him any. Where is the petition? Bring it and show it me (323.). Read it and sign it.-Who did that? I.-Whom have they seen? Me.-Does he speak of me or of him? Charles, he, and I spoke to him. I give myself up to thee1 (324.) and them. You have seen him, but I* have spoken to him. and I are learning Italian. May you live long! My friends! cried he, let us do our duty. Perhaps he is gone. He will write to me and my brother.-Have those men applied15 (324.) to you? Yes, they have.-The wounded soldier surrendered to us (324.). Do not trust yourselves (324.) to them. Remember 16 me. Remember it.-Have they complained17 of you? No, they have not (332.).—We have complained of them.

Le, la, les.

325. Quand le pronom le se rapporte à un substantif, il s'accorde avec ce substantif en genre et en nombre :

[blocks in formation]

326. Le pronom le signifiant cela est invariable quand il rappelle soit un adjectif, soit un mot pris adjectivement, soit une phrase:

Si vous obligez quelqu'un, faites-le sans intérêt. Qu'appelez-vous douze hommes de bonne volonté ? nous le sommes tous.

If you oblige any one, do it

without interested motives. What do you mean by twelve men of good will? we are all so.

* See the second subdivision of rule 95.

†The pronoun, though omitted in this and similar instances in English,

must always be used in French (331.).

Vous n'avez qu'à vous croire heureux, et vous le serez. Mesdemoiselles, êtes-vous françaises ?-Oui, nous le


You need only think yourself
happy, and you will be so.
Young ladies, are you French?
Yes, we are.

Dictée et analyse.

Êtes-vous malade, madame? Je le suis.-Êtes-vous la malade? Je la suis.-Messieurs, êtes-vous médecins? Nous le sommes.-Messieurs, êtes-vous les médecins ? Nous les sommes.-Mademoiselle, êtes-vous plus âgée que votre cousine? Non, je ne le suis pas.-" Miracle!" criait-on : venez voir dans les rues passer la reine des tortues." "La reine! vraiment oui; je la suis en effet." LA FONTAINE.



Are you sorry? No, I am not. Is he rich? Yes, he is.Are you lord Byron's relative? Yes, I am.-Are those ladies sisters? No, they are not.-Are your friends pleased at that event? Yes, they are. Because she is pretty she must not imagine that she will always be so. They have been rich, but are not so at present. I thought they were busy 2, but they are not. You have found me amiable: why have I ceased to appear so to you?—Are you still my friend? Yes, I am.

Soi; lui, leur, y.

327. Le pronom soi s'emploie : 1o Dans un sens indéfini; 2o En relation avec un substantif déterminé, soit pour mieux préciser ce rapport, soit par raison de clarté :

Il dépend toujours de soi

It always depends upon our

d'agir honorablement. Idoménée revenant à soi, remercia ses amis. FÉNELON. 328. Comme compléments disent en général des objets qui signifie à cela, des objets Chargez-vous de cet élève;

donnez-lui vos soins. Chargez-vous de cette affaire; donnez-y vos soins.

selves to act honourably. Idomeneus recovering himself thanked his friends.

indirects lui et leur se animés, et le pronom y, inanimés :

Take charge of that pupil; devote your care to him. Take charge of that affair; devote your care to it.

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