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[BEDA'S deuotus lector ingrediar. In the liber retractationum in actus apostolorum he adds to and corrects (sometimes with reference to the Greek) the commentary composed some years before rogatu uenerabilis episcopi Acca (ibid 995). In the 'explanatio apocalypsis' he follows mainly Tychonius, except where that author was misled by Donatist leanings 5 (ibid XCIII 133a seq) plura uero, quae illi utpote uiro ingenioso ... aperta nec quaesitu digna uidebantur, quantum uel magistrorum traditione uel memoria lectionis uel etiam captu nostri sensus attingere potuimus, superadicere curauimus.... nostrae siquidem, id est Anglorum, gentis inertiae consulendum ratus, 10 quae et non dudum, id est temporibus beati Gregorii papae, semen accepit fidei et idem quantum ad lectionem tepide satis excoluit, non solum dilucidare sensus uerum sententias quoque stringere disposui. The reputation of these commentaries was great and enduring. Thus Seruatus_Lupus de tribus quaestionibus (ed Baluze Par 1664) 289 Beda 15 diuinis litteris impense doctus. id ep 62 p 104 begs the abbat Alsig an Englishman to lend him Quintilian, certain commentaries of Jerome and Bedae quoque uestri similiter quaestiones in utrumque testamentum. The monk of St Gall (cent IX in Jaffé monum Carol Berl 1867 632) doctissimi Bedae presbiteri, peritissimi quidem post 20 sanctum Gregorium in scripturis tractatoris. Walafrid Strabo often cites him in the glossa ordinaria, Smaragdus (cent Ix in Migne CII) consulted him for his collections on the epistles and gospels for the year. and some 25 lessons from him are still read in the Roman breviary (enumerated by J A Ginzel kirchenhistorische Schriften Wien 1872 25 II 13). Christianus Druthmar (cent IX? in Migne CVI 1263 ab) expos in Matt prol in Marco non est necessarium manum mittere post beatum Bedam in Luca quoque audio post sanctum Ambrosium eundem Bedam manum misisse, sed non potui inuenire adhuc nisi quasdam eius homelias (cf his citations of a 'rhythmus' of Beda 1464a, 1465a). Pas- 30 chasius Radbert cites Hier Ambr Aug Greg IoChrys 'eorumque ultimum Bedam presbyterum' as sources of his exposition on Matt; he also (likewise to no purpose) adopted Beda's mode of citation by the initials of his authors' names (Migne cxx 35o). Dom Pitra's promise (Ceillier 19 b) 'de donner dans le spicilegium Solesmense les véritables commentaires de Bède sur le Psautier et sur saint Paul, tirés des manuscrits en caractères anglo-saxons', has not been fulfilled.

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P 3 8 HISTORIA ECCLESIASTICA principal editions: Lat-Sax by Abr Wheloc, Cambridge Rog Daniel 1643 fol with an interesting





preface and notes mainly polemical, containing many extracts from Anglo-Saxon homilies (cf Fuller's dedication to Sir Tho Adams of his church hist cent 8).-P F Chifflet s J Paris 1681 4to.-*Lat-Sax by John Smith Cambridge 1722 fol. Thomas Gale, dean of York, 5 had made collections which he made over to Smith, who founded his text on the famous MS of bp Moore. This edition, published by the author's son George, contains all the historical works of Beda, with learned notes (reprinted in Hussey's edition Oxford 1846) and an appendix of documents.-Lat by Petrie in the monum hist Brit 1848 10 fol.-See Abr Cronholm Bedae h e critice examinata Lund 1841. English translations (1) by the famous controversialist Tho Stapleton Antw 1565 4to (dedicated to qu Elizabeth and followed by 'a fortresse of the faith dedicated to the deceived protestants of England'), St Omers for Iohn Heigham 1622 (dedication to king James signed T S, 15 though Stapleton died 1598). The style of this version is admirable and even Cave pauses to commend the beauty of the type. (2) by Ja Stevens London 1723. (3) by L Gidley Oxford 1870. The English bishops writing to pope Leo III (795-816) quote Beda (Migne CII 1033°): scribente Beda historiographo et laudabili scriptore 20 nostro. Lanfranc writing to pope Alexander II gives an account of a council held at Winchester (ep III p 301° ed Par 1648) where the history of Beda Anglorum doctor was consulted on a question of precedence.

P 4 26 MISSIONS TO GERMANY eg of Wilfrid, the two Hewalds, Suidbert, Willebrord (Clement) first bp of Utrecht, Lebwin, Winfrid 25 (Boniface), Werenfrid, Willibald and his brother Wunibald, Burchard, Lull, Witta, Adalbert, Sola, Deocharus, Willibald's sister Walpurgis abbess of Heidenheim, Kundruth and her daughter Berthgith relations of Lull and zealous teachers in the nunneries of Thuringia, Thecla abbess of Kissingen, Lioba or Leobgytha who had learnt the art of 30 poetry from the abbess Eadburg. Later the Northumbrian Willehad, Alcuin's pupil, first bishop of Bremen. See Aug Werner: Bonifacius der Apostel der Deutschen und die Romanisierung von Mitteleuropa Leipzig 1875. Willibald uita Bonif c 6 p 454 Jaffé.


P 5 I COLD IS PAIRED WITH HEAT measure for measure III I 118-123

ay, but to die, and go we know not where;

to lie in cold obstruction and to rot;

this sensible warm motion to become

a kneaded clod; and the delighted spirit



to bathe in fiery floods, or to reside

in thrilling regions of thick-ribbed ice.


See bp Fisher's English works E ETS 1876 423—4, 426. Caedmon has the same thought Sharon Turner A S 1117 280. On the return of the dead to life and their reports of the other world see Aug ciu 5 dei XXII 28, epist 158, 159, 162, de cura pro mortuis 12=15 (VI 879 Gaume), Greg dial 1 10 fin, 12, IV 26 (412o), 31, Bonif ep 20=10 Jaffé (cf ep 112 Jaffé), where he relates to the abbess Eadburg a story which he had from the abbess Hildelild (Migne LXXXIX 713 with the note), the monks Maximus and Bonellus and the young mason Baldarius 10 (dicta beati Valerii ad Donadeum, in Migne LXXXVII 431—6). Arber's reprint of the monk of Evesham'. For the current notions of purgatory see Greg dial IV 25, 39, 40 fin, 41. Notes and Qu. 58. x 83.

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P 5 10 ANOTHER VISION cf Greg dial IV 38.

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21 YEARS AFTER THE INCARNATION Jo Wilh Jani historia 15 aerae Dionysianae Viteb 1715 4to. Julian bp of Toledo contra Iudaeos III fin in bibl max patr XII 630a iam uero residuus annorum numerus a tempore natiuitatis Christi usque in praesens in promptu est unicuique et scire si uolet et supputare si placet, assumptis uidelicet annis secundum eram ab ipsa domini incarnatione. era enim inuenta 20 est ante triginta et octo annos quam Christus nasceretur. nunc autem acclamatur era esse dccxxiu. detractis igitur triginta et octo annis, ex quo era inuenta est usque ad natiuitatem Christi, residui sunt dclxxxui anni. The preface to the conc German 742 was suspected by Mansi (XII 355) on account of its date; but Binterim and Hefele (Concilien- 25 gesch 1112 498) reply that Boniface may well have brought this mode of computation (afterwards occasionally used by Charlemagne) from England. See Jaffé's Bonif p 127 (= Haddan-Stubbs III 384) in nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi ego Carlmannus dux et princeps Francorum anno ab incarnatione Christi septingentesimo quadragesimo 30 secundo. Pagi 604 11-12, 664 13-14 (he accepts the spurious charter, n 984 of Kemble, dated 664; see Haddan-Stubbs III 100), 686 10, 695 4, 701 I. The letter of Honorius (Bed h e II 18) is dated II June 634, but the words id est anno dominicae incarnationis sexcentesimo tricesimo quarto are probably Beda's gloss. The earliest genuine 35 document bearing date AD in Haddan-Stubbs is of the year 680 (III 164, cf. 300). In or after 736 (ibid 336) Boniface (ep. 30 Jaffé, 40 Würdtwein) asks Nothelm in quoto anno ab incarnatione Christi praedicatores primi missi a sancto Gregorio in gentem Anglorum uenissent.




Willibald (uita Bonif c 8 p 469 Jaffé) gives 755 A D as the year of Boniface's death. From the beginning of the ninth century at latest the reckoning A D is general in England. Several of Beda's errors are noticed by G Oppert über die Entstehung der Aera Dionysiana in 5 Jahrbb f Philologie XCI (1865) 809—27.

P 5 27 NAMES HIS AUTHORITIES Albinus the abbat (Bed he praef and ep ad Albinum), Nothelmus presbyter of London (praef), Daniel bp of Wessex (praef), the monks of Lastingham (ibid), the abbat Esi for East Anglia (ibid), Cyniberct 4th bp of Lindsey (†732 10 ibid), Acca bp of Hexham (he III 13, IV 14), Deda abbat of Peartaneu in Lindsey (11 16), the abbess Aedilhild (111 11), Cynimund 'fidelissimus nostrae ecclesiae presbyter' (111 15 fin, uit Cuthb 36 fin), the monk Trumberct (IV 3), bp Wilfrid and the physician Cynifrid (IV 19), Gudfrid abbat of Lindisfarne (v 1), Bercthun abbat of Beverley 15 (V 2, 3, 4, 5 fin hoc autem miraculum memoratus abbas non se praesente factum, sed ab his qui praesentes fuere sibi perhibet esse relatum), Aedgils presbyter of Coldingham (IV 25 fin), Alduulf king of East Anglia (1115), the presbyter Haemgils (V 12), the abbat Herebald (IV 6), ‘a monk' (III 12, 19 superest adhuc frater quidam senior monasterii nostri, 20 qui narrare solet dixisse sibi quendam multum ueracem ac religiosum hominem, quod ipsum Furseum uiderit in prouincia Orientalium Anglorum illasque uisiones ex ipsius ore audierit; uit Cuthb 35 fin, 46 fin), bp Pecthelm of Whithern (v 13 fin, 18), Herefrid abbat of Lindisfarne (uit Cuthb 23, 37), Aediluald abbat of Melrose (ibid 30), Baldhelm 25 presbyter of Lindisfarne (ibid 25), the hermit Feldgeld (ibid 46), a presbyter (h e III 27 Ecgberct, sicut mihi referebat quidam ueracissimus et uenerandae canitiei presbyter, qui se haec ab ipso audisse perhibebat), another (ibid 30 iuxta quod mihi presbyter, qui comes itineris illi et cooperator uerbi extiterat, referebat). Sometimes he suppresses a name 30 from delicacy (v 14). Of written documents he cites the legend of Fursey (III 19 bis), the Barking miracles (1V 7—10) which contained also the life of Sebbi king of the East Saxons (IV 11). The account of Germanus (1 17—21) is from Constantius Lugdunensis (acta ss July VII 213). The letters to and from the bishops of Rome (1 23, 24, 27 35-32, II 8, 10, 11, 17-19) were transcribed at Rome by Nothelm

(praef), the letter of Laurentius and his fellow-bishops on Easter (II 4), that of Ceolfrid to king Naiton (v 21), and the acts of the councils of Hertford (IV 5) and Hatfield (IV 17) may have been derived from the archives of his monastery. See Stevenson's translation pref xxiii—vi,




An abridged extract from Adamnan (v 15—17). Caedualla's epitaph (v 7), Theodore's (v 8), Wilfrid's (v 19).

P7 17 GREAT STORE OF BOOKS see Alcuin's account of Aelbehrt de sanctis Ebor 1453-6 non semel externas peregrino tramite terras | iam peragrauit ouans, sophiae deductus amore: | si quid forte noui li- 5 brorum seu studiorum, | quod secum ferret, terris reperiret in illis.

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25 IMPORTED GLAZIERS Beda's pupil Cuthbert writes to Lull (Bonif ep 134 Jaffé) si aliquis homo in tua sit parrochia qui uitrea uasa bene possit facere, cum tempus adrideat mihi mittere digneris. 10 aut si fortasse ultra fines est in potestate cuiusdam alterius sine tua parrochia, rogo ut fraternitas tua illi suadeat ut ad nos usque perueniat, quia eiusdem artis ignari et inopes sumus. et si hoc fortasse contingit ut aliquis de uitri factoribus cum tua diligentia deo uolente ad nos usque uenire permittatur, cum benigna mansuetudine 15 uita comite illum suscipio. Eddius uita Wilfridi 14 fin Wilfrid introduced masons (caementarios) into his diocese; 16 York cathedral was dilapidated, the roof leaked, the windows were open; he roofed it with lead and glazed the windows, per fenestras introitum auium et imbrium uitro prohibuit, per quod tamen intro lumen radiabat: his works 20 at Hexham 22 23.


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10 DE VITA CVTHBERTI Alcuin de sanctis Ebor 645—749.

18 HIS MANUSCRIPT Willibald in like manner wrote the life of Boniface on waxen tablets, and submitted it to Lull and another bishop, 25 copying it on vellum after they had approved it (pp 422. 481 Jaffé). P 12 n 2 the banishment of Archelaus to torical (Ios ant XVII 13 2. DCass LIV 9 § 6). doubt a fable, but is related by Eus h e II 7. VII 5. cf Druthmar in Migne CVI 1497. See Leyrer in Herzog 30 Real-Encycl x1 663 664 for later legends.

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Vienne A D 6 is hisPilate's suicide is no chron. AD 40. Oros

n 19 Greg dial III 37 (Ven 1744 II 365o). ib 38 the martyr Eutychius appeared to Redemptus saying 'Redempte, uigilas?' cui respondit: uigilo'. qui ait: 'finis uenit uniuersae carnis, finis uenit uniuersae carnis, finis uenit uniuersae carnis'..... 35 et quid in aliis mundi partibus agatur, ignoro. nam in hac terra, in qua nos uiuimus, finem suam mundus iam non nuntiat, sed ostendit. IV 41 'Why are the secrets of departed spirits, hitherto concealed, now made known? Because this age is drawing to a

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