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Lindisfarne or Holy Island lies to N W of Farne. In the latter was the hermitage of St Aedan. On the saints buried in Lindisfarne whence it came to be called Holy Island see Sim Dunelm pp 68 69.

P 23 25 P 461 24. p 71 1 13. The sort of teaching here described 5 is somewhat of the same kind as that described Nehem viii 8 where the law was first read in Hebrew and the sense given in the Chaldee with which the people had become familiar in Babylon.



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26 TAM LONGO EXILII SVI TEMPORE during the whole reign

of Edwin (p 19 19) ie the 17 years before 633 (II 20).

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DE SCOTTORVM REGIONE VENIRE BRITTANIAM I IP 41 1 46 S after the Britons and Picts, the Scots settled in Britain among the Picts, making their way by fair means or by force of arms.

32 CONSTRVEBANTVR ECCLESIAE of wood p 25 1 4 n. P 24 2 DONABANTVR MVNERE REGIO POSSESSIONES P 23 1 16 n. 5 REGVLARIS 'monastic', which explains nam 1 6.

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6 MONACHI Girald Cambr topogr Hibern III 29 P 746 Camden as almost all the Irish prelates have been chosen from monasteries into the clergy, they carefully perform all functions of a 20 monk, but generally neglect whatever belongs to a prelate or clerk'. 8 HII Iona. V 9 (p 191 15 S) Columba was the first teacher of the Christian faith to the transmontane Picts, and the first founder of the monastery, which in the isle of Hii long remained venerable to the nations of the Scots and Picts. Ceollach bp of the Mercians (III 25 21 end) resigned his see and returned to Hii, ubi plurimorum caput et arcem Scotti habuere coenobiorum. For a full account of Hii see Skene's Vita Sancti Columbae, in the preface to which the saint is called monasteriorum pater et fundator and mention is made II 47, as in the text, of the monasteria inter utrorumque populorum [ie Pictorum et Scotorum 30 Britanniae] terminos fundata.



N the year A D 565 St Columba came from Ireland to preach to the Northern Picts in Britain. The Southern Picts had before this been converted to Christianity by St Nynias a British bishop. From 35 Bridius king of the Picts Columba received the island of Hii for the foundation of a monastery. He had previously founded a noble monastery at Dearmach in Ireland. The island of Hii is ruled by an abbat, and to his jurisdiction all the province and the bishops themselves are




subject, for Columba was not a bishop but a presbyter and a monk. The successors of Columba were saintly men, but were in error on the matter of the keeping of Easter, in which error they continued till AD 715, at which date a holy priest from the nation of the Angles, Ecgberct by name, came to them and gave them knowledge of the true 5 and canonical day for keeping the paschal feast.

P 24 19 29 20

IVSTINVS MINOR emperor from A D 565 to 578.

COLVMBA Son of Fedilmith. In the second year after the battle of Culedebrina (fought AD 561) and in the forty-second year of his age St Columba sailed from Scotia (Ireland) into Britain. See 10 Skene's life of Columba.

23 MONTIVM IVGIS monte Grampio, cuius iugum altissimum hodie Drum albin, dorsum Albionis, appellatur (Smith).

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27 NYNIA EPISCOPO much information concerning this saint is to be found in the notes to bp Forbes' Life of St Ninian. That work 15 is a composition of the twelfth century ab Aelredo Rieuallense abbate de Anglico in Latinum translata. In vulgar Scotch St Ninian was called S Ringan. Bellenden speaks of him as Sanct Niniane the first bischop of Galloway quhair he biggit ane kirk in honour of Sanct Martene his eime (ie uncle).

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28 ROMAE Patrick also, whom Beda mentions only in his martyrology, was educated in Rome. About A D 424 pope Celestine is said (Prosper chron 1 5 Labbe) to have sent Palladius as a missionary to the Scots..


P 25 1 2 VBI IPSE REQVIESCIT burial in churches III 23 Cedd, 25 Ceadda (both after translation): kings and archbps at Canterbury 1 33: bp Tobias v 23.


3 AD CANDIDAM CASAM onomast. 'ad'. Whitherne in Galloway, of which Pecthelm († 735) was first English bp (v 23). A miracle at Nynia's tomb Paschas Radb in Martene ampliss coll 1x 436 437. A 30 letter of Alcuin's (n 271 Jaffé pp 838 839) to the brethren of the church of Candida Casa begging them to pray for him in the church of the holy bp Nynia, a poem on whose miracles had been sent to Alcuin by his York pupils; he sends a silk vestment for the saint's body, and begs the brethren to intercede for him with the saint. Haddan-Stubbs 1 14 15. 35

99 4 DE LAPIDE INSOLITO BRETTONIBVS MORE a church of St Martin (1 26), which had stood 200 years, was probably of stone. A temporary wooden church built at York (II 14) for Edwin's baptism (Easterday 12 Apr 627); afterwards a larger church of stone was begun




by Edwin and finished by Oswald. A stone church built at Lastingham III 23. Finan builds a cathedral at Lindisfarne: III 25 pr quam tamen more Scottorum non de lapide sed de robore secto totam composuit atque harundine texit. AD 710 Naiton king of the Picts asks Ceolfrid 5 to send him architects (v 21) qui iuxta morem Romanorum ecclesiam de lapide in gente ipsius facerent. A D 676 Benedict Biscop brought from Gaul masons (Beda h a 5) qui lapideam sibi ecclesiam iuxta Romanorum quem semper amabat morem facerent. E A Freeman Norman conquest v 899 900 has 'no doubt whatever that large parts of IO the two churches now standing are the genuine work of Benedict Biscop'. He specifies the porch on which the tower of Wearmouth is raised, and the choir of Jarrow. he1 12 (p 50 12 S) the Britons had no architect capable of building a great wall of stone. Wilfrid also was eminent as a builder Eddius 14 end. 16. 17. 22. Turner AS 1117 401. 15 Stevenson cites Reginald de mirac Cuthberti 68; O'Connor rerum Hibern scriptt II 86. G A Poole churches, their structure, arrangement and decoration 20 21.


P 25 5 VENIT BRITTANIAM COLVMBA 150 years before 715 A D (p 26 1 6) ie 565 A D. Colgan trias thaumaturg 465 seq.

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COLVMBA The battle of Cooldrevny (Culedebrina) was fought in 561 A D and it is believed to have been in a great measure brought about by St Columba's instigation. Adamnan (III 4) states that a synod was assembled at Teltown in Meath to excommunicate him, and it seems likely that the censure expressed against him by the clergy was 25 the chief cause for his departure from Ireland. Yet all that Adamnan records of his motive is pro Christo peregrinari uolens enauigauit.


6 NONO ANNO Bridius died 584 A D and had then reigned 30 years so the ninth year of his reign is 563 A D. See note on King Brude Reeves' Life of St Columba, notes p 276.

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8 IN POSSESSIONEM MONASTERII on endowments see p 23 1 16 n. p 24 1 2. IV 13 end. h a 4 where Benedict Biscop receives from Ecgfrid king of the Transhumbrian district terram septuaginta famili


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Eddius 8.

12 CVM ESSET ANNORVM LXXVII 597 A D, 32 years after his 35 coming in 565 A D. This gives 520 AD as the date of his birth. Stevenson 'according to the better authority of Adamnan uita Columb III 22 23 and Cumian uita Columb III 5 Columba died AD 596'. See Ussher antiq (1687) 362 363.

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the Irish name as Dairmag. It was the earliest and most important of St Columba's foundations in Ireland. The most interesting relic of the Abbey is the beautiful Evangeliarium, known as the book of Durrow, now preserved in the library of Trin Coll Dublin.

P 25 17 PLVRIMA-MONASTERIA in the Introduction to Reeves' 5 edition of Adamnan's Vita Sancti Columbae a list is given of 37 churches founded by the Saint in Ireland, 32 among the Scots, and 21 among the Picts.

20 PRINCIPATVм p 24 1 10 n. v 15.

"" 21-23 ABBATEM PRESBYTERVM, CVIVS IVRI...IPSI ETIAM IO EPISCOPI DEBEANT ESSE SVBIECTI uita Cuthb c 16 § 25. Pagi 728 3 cites Hidulph and Erkenbodo as bps who remained abbats after consecration. A Werner Bonifacius (Leipzig 1875 159. 163) abbat-priests in the Bavarian church; the abbats of St Emmeran in Ratisbon, of St Peter in Salzburg and of St Stephen in Freisingen, exercised episcopal functions 15 and thereby incurred the wrath of Boniface.

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26 FERVNTVR this expression shews that Beda was, when writing this, unacquainted with the life of Columba by Adamnan, of whose works he gave so full an account afterwards v 15 and 21 in the former of which passages he says de cuius scriptis aliqua decerpere ac 20 nostrae huic historiae inserere commodum fore legentibus reor.

30 DVBIOS CIRCVLOS the cycle of 84 years, attributed to, but far older than, Sulpicius Severus (A D 410), supplanted successively at Rome by the 532 years' cycle of Victorius Aquitan (A D 457) and the 19 years' Metonic cycle of Dionysius Exiguus (A D 525). See v 21 end.


31 VLTRA ORBEM POSITIS after the retirement of the Romans in the 5th century the British for about a century had very little intercourse with Rome. They were perpetually taunted with the provincialism of their education V 15 Adamnan abbat of Hii, when at king Alfrid's court, being urged by the learned, ne contra uniuersalem ecclesiae 30 morem uel in obseruantia paschali uel in aliis quibusque decretis cum suis paucissimis et in extremo mundi angulo positis uiuere praesumeret, mutatus mente est. cf II 19 pr. III 25 p 72 6—16 n. Irish and Scots (of Scotland) and Britons all agreed in these peculiar usages II 4. 19. III 4. 25—28. IV 26. V 10. 16. 22 23. Eddius uita Wilfridi 35 5-7. 10. 14. 24 bis. etc. Aldhelm in Bonif ep 1 Jafïé pp 27 28. SYNODALIA of the councils of Arles A D 314 and Nicaea AD 325 Haddan-Stubbs 1 7 8.

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TERIS see Haddan-Stubbs I 170-198 'Latin version of the holy scriptures in use in the Scoto-Britannic churches'.

P 26 4 OBSERVANTIA PASCHALIS the technical term p 25 1 31. JI 19 p 100 36 S. v 15 pr. 21 end.

99 5 AD ANNVM DOMINICAE INCARNATIONIS DCCXV V 22 Ecgbert is said to have prevailed on the monks of Hii (Iona) to adopt the Roman Easter AD 716; so also in the chronological summary V 24 (p 170 1 26), and de sex aetatibus mundi (under a D 719).

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9 EXVLAVERAT V 9. The two missionaries Hewald were also exiles in Ireland v 10; so Willebrord p 42 1 18. Ecgbert himself first designed the German mission v 10. ef Lingard II 302.

" 9 IO


FECTIONE EXIMIVS p 27 1 1--3 n.

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12 NON SEMPER IN LVNA XIIII CVM IVDAEIS, VT QVIDAM REBANTVR P 51 1 8-19. Aldhelm ep ad Geruntium (Bonif p 28 Jaffé) secundum decennem nouennemque Anatolii computatum aut potius iuxta Sulpicii Seueri regulam, qui lxxxiv annorum cursum descripsit, quarta decima luna cum Iudaeis paschale sacramentum 20 celebrant. erat namque genus quoddam haereticorum aput orientales, quod tessareskaedecatitae uocatur, id est quartadecimani, eo quod quarta decima luna cum Iudaeis Christum blasphemantibus et margaritas euangelii ritu porcorum calcantibus paschae sollemnitatem peragunt. Wilfrid in Eddius 12 'there are in Britain many bps, none 25 of whom is it for me to accuse, though I know truly, that aut quartadecimani sunt ut Britones, ut Scotti'. Beda himself speaks of the error of the quartadecimans as existing among the Scots (de sex aetatibus AD 640 end). Ussher antiq 487.

16 PRIMA SABBATI P 51 1 16. Beda de temporum ratione c 8 30 the Jewish week was thus reckoned prima sabbati uel una sabbati siue sabbatorum etc. The heathen dedicated primam . . . diem soli.

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24 The whole of chapter IV is omitted from the Saxon transla





ROM the monastic college in the island of Hii, Aedan was sent to instruct the Angles; the president of which monastery at that time

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