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P 93 4 EPISCOPOS Haddan-Stubbs III 118. Bisi for E Anglia (p 101 126) probably consecrated 669 (Flor Vig), for his predecessor Bonifacius consecrated 652 (p 58 1 2) held the see 17 years (p 104 1 16); Wilfrid at York for Northumbria, including the Picts under the rule of Oswy (p 94 511-4. V 19 p 206 29 S. Eddius 15); Chad (1 5—13. IV 3) at Lichfield for Mercia and the Lindisfari 669; Putta at Rochester (1 14-25) 669; Leutherius for Wessex (III 7 end) 670 (AS chron); on Chad's death Winfrid for Lichfield (IV 3 end) 672.

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6 NON RITE CONSECRATVM p 82 18 n. Eddius 15 after three 10 years abp Theodore came de regione Cantuaria to the king of the Deiri and Bernicii,... and brought with him the statutes of the apostolic see, by which he had been sent. primoque ingressu illius regionis rem contra canones male gestam a ueris testibus audiuit, quod praedonis more episcopus alterius episcopi sedem praeripere ausus sit; in15 digneque ferens Ceaddam episcopum de aliena sede iussit deponi. ille uero seruus dei uerus et mitissimus tunc peccatum ordinandi a quartadecimanis in sedem alterius plene intellegens paenitentia humili secundum iudicium episcoporum confessus emendauit et cum consensu eius in propriam sedem Eboracae ciuitatis sanctum Wilfridum episcopum consti20 tuit. tunc sanctus pontifex noster secundum praeceptum domini non malum pro maio, sed bonum ut Dauid Saulo pro malo reddens, qui dixit: 'non mittam manum meam in christum domini,' sciebat sub Wlfario rege Merciorum fidelissimo amico suo locum donatum sibi in Licetfelda et ad episcopalem sedem aut sibi aut alii cuicumque uoluisset dare paratum. 25 ideoque pacifice inito consilio cum uero seruo dei Ceadda in omnibus rebus episcopis oboediente, per omnes gradus ecclesiasticos ad sedem praedictam plene eum ordinauerunt et honorifice rege suscipiente eum in locum praedictum constituerunt. ibique benedicte in uita sua multa bona perficiens tempore 30 oportuno in uiam patrum exegit, expectans diem domini in iudicio uenturo, ut credimus sibi mitissimum, sicut dignum est. Theodore's penitential II 9 I (Haddan-Stubbs III 197) enjoins the reordination of such as have only Scotch (Irish) or British orders.

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16 ante theodORVM ie before 27 May 669 p 92 1 3.

17 IPSE Wilfrid. Eddius 14 Ecgbertus quoque rex Cantuariorum religiosus pontificem nostrum ad se accersiuit et illic presbyteros




multos (ex quibus unus erat Puta. .) et non paucos diaconos ordinauit.

P 93 19 IPSE Theodorus, VENIENS IN CIVITATE P 53 1 32. HROFI Rochester.

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20 DAMIANO p 58 1 13.

23 PVTTA 17 n. same character of him p 114 1 1—10.

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MODVLANDI P 92 1 26 n. the Mercians he served a Mercian

of church music p 114 1.10.

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After the devastation of Kent by church and went about as a teacher

24 DISCIPVLIS P 92 1 26 n. conc Clovesho 747 c 17 (Haddan- 10 Stubbs III 368) festivals of Gregory and of Augustine kept in the English church.



N the death of bishop Iaruman, Vulfheri king of the Mercians asked archbishop Theodore to consecrate another bishop for 15 Mercia, but the archbishop brought Ceadda from Læstingaeu, and left Wilfrid as bishop of all the northern kingdom of Oswy. Ceadda's custom was to walk from place to place in the labours of his episcopate, but the archbishop insisted that he should ride and on one occasion lifted him on to his horse. He was an exemplary bishop among the Mercians 20 and Lindisfari, and Vulfheri gave him a site for a monastery at Adbaruæ, but his episcopal see was at Lichfield. He had also a retired mansion for prayer and private study, where he lived with seven or eight of the brethren. After he had been bishop of Mercia for two years and a half when many of the church were taken from life and he among the rest, 25 the approach of his death was miraculously made known to him, and the manner of the revelation was related by one of the brethren named Ouini. He was a monk of great merit and had come to Laestingaeu from East Anglia. He entered the monastery as a labouring monk, for he was not able to study. On one occasion while he was at outdoor 30 work and the brethren had gone to the church, he heard a sound of joy and singing come down from heaven and enter and fill the room where Ceadda was, and after about half an hour the same sound went up back into heaven. Not long after the bishop looking forth from a window sent Ouini to church to summon the brethren, whom Ceadda exhorted 35 to regularity of discipline and holiness of life and told them that his death was not far distant. When Ouini was afterwards alone with the

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303 bishop he asked the meaning of those heavenly voices which he had heard, and learnt that they were the angelic spirits who had been sent to tell Ceadda that he should be called to his heavenly reward in seven days. And so it came to pass. Beda then narrates how the life of Ceadda 5 was conspicuous for many merits but especially for his great sense of the close presence of God, which made him earnest in his prayers in all times of storm and tempest.

A discourse of the reverend father Ecgberct supports the evidence of Ouini. Ecgberct had been a companion of Ceadda in Ireland but he I never returned to England. He was however visited by a holy man named Hygbald, and to him he said, "I know a person who at the time of Ceadda's death saw the soul of Cedd his brother come from heaven with angels to escort the dying bishop to the heavenly kingdom." Whether he spake of himself is not known. Ceadda's body was first 15 buried close to St Mary's church, but was afterwards translated into the church of St Peter. In both places miracles were wrought for a token of his virtue. A frenzied man by accident sleeping on the place was found to be cured in the morning. Also the dust of the ground there when mixed with water has effected wondrous cures. As a successor to 20 Ceadda, Theodore ordained Vynfrid who had been a deacon under Ceadda for a considerable time.


P 93 27 VVLFHERI son of Penda (p 68 1 15) died 675 after a reign of 17 years p 169 1 31.

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28 IARVMANNO p 68 1 22. III 30 end.

31 CEADDA 1 4 n. v 19 (p 206 26 S) while Wilfrid was in Gaul consecratus est in episcopatum Eburaci iubente rege Osuio Ceadda uir sanctus, ut supra memoratum est, et tribus annis ecclesiam sublimiter regens, dehinc ad monasterii sui, quod est in Laestingaei, curam secessit, accipiente Vilfrido episcopatum totius Nordanhymbrorum 30 prouinciae.

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68 14.

P 94 I LÆSTINGAE p 64 1 15 and 28. p 81 1 29. p 95 1 15. Dugdale 1 342 343. So John of Beverley retired to a monastery v 19 end. 3 NORDANHYMBRORVM P 1916 n. ,, PICTORVM Р Eddius 21 sicut igitur Ecgfrido rege (?-i ?) 35 religioso regnum ad aquilonem et austrum per triumphos augebatur, ita beatae memoriae Wilfrido episcopo ad austrum super Saxones et aquilonem super Britones et Scotos Pictosque regnum ecclesiarum multiplicabatur. ib 51 (near the end: in Haddan-Stubbs III 140) in a Roman council 27 Mar 680 Wilfridus deo amabilis episcopus Eboracae ciuitatis. ... pro




omni aquilonali parte Brittaniae et Hiberniae insulisque, quae ab Anglorum et Britonum necnon Scottorum et Pictorum gentibus colebantur, ueram et catholicam fidem confessus est. (also in Beda h e v 19 P 207 II seq S). Varin 189. 252--4.

P 94 3 REX OSviv p 68 1 2—5.

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5 AMBVLANDO p 27 19 n.

Soames AS church 283. cf 2nd council of Mâcon (585 AD) c 15 'if a layman meets a clerical dignitary, he must bow to him. If a clerk and layman meet, both on horseback, the latter must salute the clerk by taking off his hat. If the clerk is on foot, the layman mounted, the latter must dismount and salute.'

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12 LINDISFARORVM men of Lindsey.

14 DONAVIT P 23 1 16 n. so Caedualla king of Wessex gave the isle of Wight to Wilfrid IV 16.

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FAMILIARVM p 671 1 n. Baronius 15

616 3. 15 ADBARVE cf p 25 1 3. P 591 5 and 11. p 122 1 6 Ad Lapidem. p 154 1 21. h a 12 (p 300 6 S) Ad Villam Sambuce. Baronius 7137 Ad Aquas Saluias. Such names are frequent in itineraries. Inhrypum etc. Stevenson 'qu Barrow, near Goxhill Linc'.

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19 LYCCIDFELTH Eddius 24 Theodoric king of the Francs and Efruin (Ebroin) plundered and stript Wulfrid bp of Liccitfelda, confounding him with Wilfrid.

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DEFVNCTVS Fuller § 84


his death is celebrated in the kalendar March the second, and the dust of his tombe is by papists 25 reported to cure all diseases [alike] in man and beast. I believe it might make the dumb to see and the lame to speak'.

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P 95 I PRAEFATA P 94 1 21.

2 OVINI AA SS Mar 1 312. See add. note p. 429*.

9 AEDILTHRYDE C 19 20, dau of Anna. The royal families of

Northumbria and E Anglia were connected (p 136 1 24), and had a common enemy in Mercia (p 52 1 5. III 24).

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16 AD OTIVM, VT QVIDAM see Beda's letter to Ecgberct.

LABOREM P 57 1 4 n. Martene de ant mon ritibus 1 6.


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P 96 7 SONITVM MANV FACIENS Cic off III § 75. Tibull 1 2 32. Petron 27 digitos concrepuit. Mart III 82 15 digiti crepantis 5 signa nouit eunuchus. XIV 119 1 dum poscor crepitu digitorum. Hier ep 125 (=4 ad Rusticum) 18 duobus digitulis concrepabat, hoc signo ad audiendum discipulos prouocans. id in Osee l III C II Col 123o (ed Ven 1768). Clem Al paed 11 60 (p 204) censures whistling and snapping the fingers as means of calling slaves ποππυσμὸς δὲ καὶ 10 συριγμὸς καὶ οἱ διὰ τῶν δακτύλων ψόφοι τῶν οἰκετῶν οἱ προκλητικοὶ ἄλογοι σημασίαι οὖσαι λογικοῖς ἀνθρώποις ἐκκλιτέοι. (In Cic leg agr II § 82 Baiter reads increpuerint).




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17 HOSPES the angel 1 33. P 341 14 n.

25 IPSE Ouini.

28 CANTICVM p 95 1 26 n.

"" 32 NE HOC CVIQVAM ANTE MEVM OBITVM DICAS cf p. 56 1 10. Matt 17 9. Mk 9 9.

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33 ANGELORVм 1 17 n. p 97 1 8.

P 97 2 VOCARE VENERVNT P 34 1 17 n.

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n Cadmon fortified himself for death with the heavenly uiaticum.

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P 98 9 DISCVSSIS PENETRALIBVS CORDIS searching our inmost hearts.

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1 14.

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27 ANGELORVM p 34 1 14 n. uita Cuthb 4 Cuthbert sees the

angels descend to carry home Aedan's soul.

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32 SEXTO DIE NON MART 2 March 672.

P 99 3 IN EANDEM burial in church p 25 1 2 n. p 39 1 7.

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5 FRENETICVs see the cure of a demoniac nun by means of the relics of Anastasius Baronius 713 5-16.

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