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Appleby, bishop of Carlisle, 1374 AD granted an indulgence of forty days to pilgrims who visited it.

P 156 12 STAGNI Derwentwater or Keswick lake: the Derwent rises in Borrowdale, flows N through Derwentwater and Bassenthwaitewater, thence WSW past Cockermouth into the Irish sea at Work- 5 ington.

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16 LVGVBALIAM Carlisle uita Cuthb 27 Lugubaliam ciuitatem, quae a populis Anglorum corrupte Luel uocatur. anon uita Cuthb § 37 (Beda 11 p 279 22 Stev). Sim Dunelm de Dunelm eccl 19 (p 5 a 57) king Ecgfrid gave to Cuthbert Lugubaliam quae Luel uocatur in 10 circuitu quindecim miliaria habentem. A copy of the charter conveying this city to Cuthbert is given by Smith app XXII.

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18 ALTERVTRVM adverbial 'mutually' p 133 17.

22 CARNIS OBTVTIBVS uita Cuthb 28 carneis oculis. sol 25 VESTIGIIS for the simpler pedibus.

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26 NE ME DESERAS Greg dial IV 13 (col 392d) St Peter appearing to the nun Galla, she asked: 'quid est, domine mi, dimissa sunt mihi peccata mea?' cui ille, benignissimi ut est uultus, inclinato capite annuit dicens: 'dimissa, ueni.' She begs that her friend Benedicta may come with her. He replies: 'non, sed illa talis ueniat tecum; 20 haec uero, quam petis, die erit trigesimo secutura.' Alcuin sanct Ebor 1601-1628.

P 157 4 GAVDIO GAVDE cognate abl or 'etymological figure' Benecke on Iustin XXXVII 4 § 5. Lobeck paralipom 523-527. Winer-Moulton grammar of NT pp 283. 584.

9 XIII KAL APR 20 March 687. On an island in Derwentwater a church of St Hereberct was built and received privileges 1374 by a charter of Thomas Appleby bp of Carlisle, who appoints 13 Apr (by mistake) for the commemoration of Cuthbert and his friend.


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18 MERVISSET uita Cuthb 28 (end) more correctly mereretur. The plup subj is often used for the imperf in low Latin.

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20 DEPRECATVS Herefrid abbat of Lindisfarne reports (in uita Cuthb 37 § 63 pr) interea rediens domum narrabam fratribus, quia uenera- 35 bilis pater in sua se insula [Farne] sepeliri iuberet. et uidetur' inquam mihi iustius esse multo et dignius impetrare ab eo, quatenus huc [to Lindisfarne] transferri corpus suum et iuxta honorem congruum in ecclesia condi permittat.'

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29 30]



P 157 22 ASSENSVM uita Cuthb 37 end.

23 IN ECCLESIA P 3513 n. Bingham XXIII I §§ 4—9. Greg dial II 23 (II 253a) two nuns, threatened with excommunication by Bene. dict for their violent language, were buried in a church. When mass 5 was next celebrated, and the deacon according to custom cried 'if any one does not communicate, let him give place', their nurse saw them rise from their graves and go forth. The Benedictine editor cites ib Iv 50 seq. Ambr de Abr 1 9 § 80. Stevenson adds Frantzenius de funeribus uet Christ IV 2 § 2 Helm 1709. Hefele Conciliengesch 1112 19. 10 45. 105. 752. 763 cites canons of councils prohibiting burial in a church or baptistery.

27 POST HAEC ie after the year during which Wilfrid had acted as bp of Lindisfarne, in succession to Cuthbert who died 20 March 687. EADBERCT p 69 14. p 158 1 11. p 159 l 11. mirac Cuthb 37 (II 15 36 18 Stev). 39. uita Cuthb 40 (11 126 7—10) post annum ordinato in episcopatum Eadbercto magnarum uirtutum uíro et in scripturis nobiliter erudito maximeque eleemosynarum operibus dedito. Alcuin carm 280 (Migne CI 809a and note). 30 DECIMAM Lingard 1 248. The same proportion was de20 voted to charitable uses by Hammond and many others Autobiogr of Matt Robinson Cambr 1856 55 n 1. 112. 184.

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FTER Cudberct's body had been buried eleven years it was taken up to be placed in a new coffin. Bishop Eadberct charged that 25 this should be done on the day of the anniversary of his burial. The body was found all entire, more like one asleep than one dead. The vestments too, in which the body was wrapt, were of wonderful freshness. News of this was brought to bishop Eadberct in a solitude to which he had retired for devotion. They brought him also some of 30 the vestments, which he kissed with affection, and commanded them to put new vestments on the body, saying that the place of Cudberct's burial would not be long empty. They did as he had bidden, and laid the new coffin on the pavement of the sanctuary. Soon after Eadberct fell sick, and when he died was laid in the grave of St Cudberct, and 35 over it was placed the new coffin of the saint. At that place many miracles were wrought.

cf Cuthb mirac 38. uita Cuthb 42 and 43 from which this chapter is



[IV taken almost word for word. Beda de sex aetatibus AD 701 end reuerentissimus ecclesiae Lindisfarnensis in Brittania ex anachorita antistes Cuthberctus totam ab infantia usque ad senium uitam miraculorum signis inclitam duxit; cuius dum XI annos maneret corpus humatum, incorruptum post haec, quasi eadem hora defuncti, 5 simul cum ueste qua tegebatur inuentum est; sicut in libro de eius uita et uirtutibus et prosa nuper et hexametris uersibus scripto ante aliquot annos ipsi signauimus. Lingard 11


P 158 5 SEPVLTVRAE EIVS ANNIS XI P 57 1 29 n. AD 698.


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9 LOCVLO p 1281 24. p 130 1 14.

II ANTISTITI SVo uita Cuthb 42 adds medio ferme quadragesimae tempore. EADBERCTO C 29 end.

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12 DIE DEPOSITIONIS EIVS ibid quae est tertia decima kalendarum Aprilium. ie 20 March 698, the Wednesday after the S in Lent. 14 INTEGRVM p 57 1 17 n. p 110 l 17 n. p 161 1 17.

1 24.

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15 FLEXILIBVS uita Cuthb 42 flexibilibus. DORMIENTI P 129

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19 TIMORE uita Cuthb 42 adds sunt et tremore perculsi, adeo ut uix aliquid loqui, uix auderent intueri miraculum quod patebat, uix ipsi quid agerent nossent, extremam autem indumentorum eius partem pro ostendendo incorruptionis signo tolientes,‚—nam quae carni illius proxima 25 aderant prorsus tangere timebant,—festinarunt cet.

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25 PRAEDECESSOR uita Cuthb 42 praecessor.

26 SECRETVS p 48 1 22 n.

27 INDVMENTORVM p 160 1 29 n. Ecclesiastical vestments imported by Benedict Beda h a 5. Lingard II 66—73 on the opening 30 of Cuthbert's tomb in 1104, when the body and cerecloth were still incorrupt, and again on 17 May 1827. The linen cloth in which the body was wrapt had been sent to him by the abbess Verca, and reserved by him for that use (uita Cuthb c 37 § 60, where Stevenson quotes I E Franzenius de funeribus uet Christianorum, Helm 1709, p 85). Eddius 35 63. Boniface (Willibald uita Bonif 8 p 463 Jaffé) charged Lull sed et linteum, quo meum decrepitum inuoluatur corpus, in theca librorum meorum repone.

P 159 3 SCIO C 29 n.

30 31]



P 159 11-17 DEO DILECTVS.... LOCAVERANT from uita Cuthb 43. cf mirac Cuthb 39.

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14 DOMINVM uita Cuthb 43 adds: impetrato ab eo munere 5 quod diligentissime petierat, uidelicet ut non repentina morte sed longa excoctus aegritudine transiret e corpore.

17 SANITATVM III 2. 9-13.

18 ALIQVA Beda preface to the presbyter John (before his mirac Cuthb) scire autem debes, quod nequaquam omnia gesta 10 illius exponere potui; quotidie namque et noua per reliquias eius aguntur et uetera nouiter ab his qui scire poterant indicantur. ex quibus unum est quod in me ipso, sicut iam tibi dixi, per linguae curationem, dum miracula eius canerem, expertus sum. uita Cuthb pref to bp Eanfrid and the 15 brethren of Lindisfarne: when I spent two days in reading this book to you, you found nothing to change, nothing which might not be lent to any who wished to take a copy. sed et alia multa nec minora his quae scripsimus praesentibus nobis ad inuicem conferentes superintulistis, quae prorsus memoriae digna uidebantur, si non deliberato ac 20 perfecto operi noua interserere uel superadicere minus congruum atque indecorum esse constaret.

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N the same monastery dwelt a brother named Badudegn, whose duty was to attend on the guests. One day as he returned from the sea where he had been washing the robes he kept in the guestchamber, he was smitten down with paralysis and with difficulty reached home. When his disorder increased he went to the tomb of the most reverend father Cudberct, and there praying it seemed as 30 though he had fallen into a sleep, during which he felt a large broad hand touch his head and the parts of his body affected by disease. When he awoke he rose up perfectly well and returned with great joy. The garments in which Cudberct's body had been wrapped either in life or death were not destitute of healing powers, as may 35 be learnt from the story of his life and virtues.

P 159 23 EODEM Lindisfarne c 27 end.

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P 160 4 PARALYSIS a palsy healed by Cuthbert's shoes uita Cuthb 45. mirac 43. Greg dial III 25 St Peter appeared to a paralytic girl and charged her to apply to Acontius, by whom she was healed. 18 PRECABATVR p 109 19. Lingard II 88.

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29 INDVMENTA 1 4 n. cf p 99 1 14 n. p 158 1 27 n. Like 5 virtues ascribed to his handkerchief (orarium) mirac 42; to his girdle mirac 21. uita 23; to the skin used to keep out wind and rain mirac 44. uita 46. Greg dial 1 2 a boot (caligula) of Honoratus laid on the breast of a dead boy restores him to life. III 15 (end) the shirt of Eutychius, carried in procession during droughts, brings down rain. 10 IV 40 (cf 41) a demoniac healed by touching the dalmatic on the bier of Paschasius. conc Rom 595 c 4 (Greg opp II 1289d Bened) when a pope died, the people covered his body with dalmatics, which they afterwards tore up and kept in reverence of his sanctity; Gregory forbids this flattery: cum adsint multa a sacris corporibus aposto- 15 lorum martyrumque uelamina, a peccatorum corpore sumitur, quod pro magna reuerentia reseruatur. de qua re praesenti decreto constituo, ut feretrum, quo sepeliendum ducitur, nullo tegmine ueletur.

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Romani pontificis corpus ad
Eddius 63 end.

29-31 SED ET... VACARVNT nearly the same words uita 20 Cuthb 43 end.


EDA will not omit another miracle wrought by the relics of

Best Cuberet, for he learnt it from the very brother on whom

it was wrought. When Suidberct was abbat of the monastery of Dacore, 25 a youth there had an unsightly tumour on one eyelid. Many remedies were tried, but to no purpose, until one of the presbyters named Thruidred, who is now abbat of the monastery, gave to the young man a part of St Cudberct's hair that he might place it in the repository of relics, out of which it had been taken that a part might be sent elsewhere. By a 30 salutary impulse the youth applied the relic to his diseased eyelid before he restored it to its place. This was at the second hour of the day and at the approach of the sixth hour in accordance with his faith he found on touching his eye that the eyelid was as sound as though there had never been a tumour upon it.

P 161 2 ANTE TRIENNIVM AD 728 (cf p 1701 32).


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