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each. During the treatment two pieces of the cartilages, and a portion of two ribs with the cancer adhering to them were removed: the length of the portions of the ribs were 1 inches and inch respectively. The last portion was removed on the 18th October, the sore looking very healthy, and which was perfectly healed by the beginning of January, 1857. When I first saw Mrs. Bthere was an enlarged gland in the axilla, which I was anxious to remove, but left it untouched at the time, from the repeated assurance of the family that it had existed there since childhood. Within the last few weeks there has been considerable pain in the gland, and it was considered most prudent to have it removed. This has been done, and the wound has healed. The breast has remained perfectly well since the completion of the first operation (April 20th, 1857).


June 28th, 1856.-Mrs. S-, aged sixty years.-This lady has had a small hard tumour, the size of a small pea, on the bridge of the nose, accompanied with the peculiar lancinating pain. Commenced treatment this day, and in three days all disease was removed.

June 30th, 1856.-Sore healed and quite well.


February 19th, 1857.-Mrs. C-, aged thirty-four years. -For the last four months this lady has been suffering from epithelial cancer in the nose. I commenced treatment this morning. On the 22nd all disease was destroyed, and on the 8th March she was dismissed quite well.


January 21st, 1857.-Miss S-, aged twenty-six years.She has been afflicted with this disease for the last six years, and latterly it had become very troublesome. It is about the size of a sixpence, and situated immediately over the dorsal artery of the foot, where any attempt to remove it by the knife would endanger the vessel. I commenced treatment this forenoon; the disease was speedily destroyed and removed, and by the 12th February the sore had healed, and she was quite well.


July 22nd, 1856.-Miss C, aged forty-five years.— About twelve years ago she observed a small lump in the right breast, which gave her no uneasiness or anxiety until about three-and-a-half years ago, when it became painful. She suffered from sharp darting pains, which were much

aggravated at the catamenial periods. The nipple also was drawn in. She consulted Dr. Taylor, of Pau, who applied the tincture of iodine for three months without any benefit. Dr. Taylor sent her to Mr. Walshe, who also used iodine externally. Two years afterwards she consulted Dr. Chadwick, of Bolton, who sent her to Dr. Wilson, of Manchester, and the same treatment was continued, without any benefit. She then consulted Mr. Baines, of Carlisle, who recommended morphia internally, and extract of conium externally. Dr. Padeson, of Lancaster, recommended an operation, to which she refused to submit. Mr. Dumville, of Manchester, also recommended an operation. A consultation of eight surgeons was then held, who decided that an operation was inadmissible. On the 28th of May, 1854, she consulted Mr. Marsden, who gave her lotions, which were of no benefit. The glands of the axilla now began to be enlarged. By the advice of Lady D she applied to

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me on the 22nd July, 1856, and by the end of September she was quite well, and continues so to the present time.


August 21st, 1856.-Miss T-, aged sixty-seven years. -Miss T- made the following statement of her case to me:-"In October, 1853, being on the Continent, I discovered a small lump on the chest side of the right breast, the size of a bean. It was pronounced by a medical gentleman to be only a small moveable tumour, of no conse


quence unless it enlarged, when it would be easily taken out, but I recoiled at an operation. At the expiration of two years the gland had enlarged, and a small white spot had assumed a pink colour. A lady recommended me to a doctor who had done wonders in the cases of tumours for two friends of hers, he being celebrated for curing by absorption. I came to England in October, 1855, to be under his care. The severe applications he used during ten weeks brought the disease into such activity as alarmed me, and I asked the opinion of an excellent medical friend, who pronounced it cancer, and urged the discontinuance of the treatment then pursued. He immediately took me to a gentleman of great eminence, but as I decidedly told him that, owing to the suffering life I had led from irritation of the spinal nerves, I would not undergo an operation, assured that it would be instant death to me, nor would I submit to chloroform, feeling that I should never be roused from it, soothing applications were had recourse to, and my health judiciously attended to for seven months, when I placed myself under Dr. Fell's care."

August 21st, 1856.-I saw Miss T- for the first time this morning, when I commenced treatment. All the tumour was dead by the 12th September, and on the 25th it came out, leaving the sore quite healthy. The diseased mass measured three inches long, two and a half inches broad, and two and three-quarters thick. By the 28th October the wound healed up, and she is now quite well, as the following quotation from her letter, dated 4th February, 1857, will show:-"One advantage in the lapse

of time is, I trust, it makes assurance doubly sure, and affords me the pleasure and satisfaction of informing you that the cure you wrought is perfect, and no appearance of any return. It appears wonderful."


August 19th, 1856.-Mrs. H-, aged forty years.About six years ago she discovered a small lump in her right breast, about the size of a pea. In the spring of 1853 she consulted Mr. Jackson, of Islington, who referred her to Mr. Wormald, who pronounced it to be a benign tumour, and recommended its removal, as the results might be doubtful. This she refused to submit to, but employed iodine externally for some time with no good effects. Indeed, she found herself better, and much freer from pain when she did nothing to it. After this she consulted Dr. Protheroe Smith, who pronounced it to be malignant, and recommended her to Mr. Bateman, of Islington, when arrangements were made for its removal. Drs. Roe and Sleigh recommended her to consult me, and I saw her for the first time on the 19th August, 1856, when I found the tumour to be as large as a goose-egg, and lobulated. There was retraction of the nipple, and the pain was most excruciating, of a stabbing character. I made my first application the same morning. On the 8th September the tumour was destroyed; and on the 28th of the same month

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