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When blazing spirit is poured upon a piece of wire gauze (fig. 90) the flame will remain upon the gauze, and the extinguished spirit will pass through. A little benzole or turpentine may be added to the spirit

so that its flame may be more visible at a distance.

The safety lamp is an oil lamp, the flame of which is surrounded by a cage of iron wire gauze, having 700 or 800 meshes in the square inch, and made double at the top where the heat of the flame chiefly plays. This cage is protected by stout iron wires attached to a ring for suspending the lamp. A brass tube passes up through the oil reservoir, and in this there slides, with con

Fig. 90.

siderable friction, a wire bent at the top, so that the wick may be trimmed without taking off the cage.

If this lamp be suspended in a large jar, closed at the top with a perforated wooden cover (A, fig. 91), and having an aperture (B) below, through which coalgas may be admitted, the lamp will burn, of course, in

the ordinary way; but if the gas be allowed to pass slowly into the jar, the flame will be seen to waver, to elongate itself very considerably, and will be ultimately extinguished, when the wire cage will be seen to be filled with a mixture of coal-gas and air burning tranquilly within the gauze, which prevents the flame from passing to ignite the explosive atmosphere surrounding the lamp; that an explosive mixture really fills the jar may be readily ascertained by introducing, through an aperture (C) in the cover, the unprotected flame of a taper, when an explosion will take place.

Fig. 91.

This experiment illustrates the action of the Davy lamp in a mine which contains fire-damp, and makes it evident that this lamp would afford complete protection if carefully used. It would obviously be unsafe to allow the lamp to remain in the explosive mixture when the cage is filled with flame, for the gauze would either become sufficiently heated to kindle the surrounding gas, or would be oxidised and eaten into holes, which would allow the passage of the flame. Nor should the lamp be exposed to a very strong current, which might possibly be able to carry the flame through the meshes.

The great defect of the Davy lamp is that it does not afford more than a glimmering light, so that even if the miners were prohibited from employing any candles, they would (and experience has proved that they do) remove the wire cage at all risks. The lamp has been modified so as partially to remove this defect, by substituting glass or talc for some portions of the wire gauze. It is now usual, however, to employ the Davy lamp merely in order to test the state of the air in the different parts of the mine; for this purpose the firemen descend before the commencement of work every morning, and examine with their safety lamps every portion of the mine, giving warning to the miners not to approach those parts in which any accumulation of fire-damp (or technically, "sulphur") is perceived. The miners then work with naked candles, and it appears to be not unusual to see a blue flame (or corpse light) playing around the candles, so that the miners may become accustomed to regard with little concern the very indication which shows that the quantity of fire-damp is only a little below that required to form an explosive mixture. Whenever naked flames are used in the mine there must always be great risk;



in most seams of coal there are considerable accumulations of fire-damp; when a fissure is made, the gas escapes very rapidly from the blower, and the air in its vicinity may soon become converted into an explosive mixture. In mines where small quantities of fire-damp are known to be continually escaping from the coal, ventilation is depended upon in order to dilute the gas with so large a volume of air that it is no longer explosive, and finally to sweep it out of the mine; but it has occasionally happened that the ventilation has been interfered with by a door having been left open in one of the galleries, or by a passage having been obstructed through the accidental falling in of a portion of the coal, and an explosive mixture has then been formed.


74. The consideration of the structure and properties of ordinary flames is necessarily connected with the history of olefiant gas and marshgas. Flame may be defined as gaseous matter, heated to the temperature at which it becomes visible, or emits light. Solid particles begin, for the most part, to emit light when heated to about 1000° F.; but gases, on account of their greater expansibility, must be raised to a far higher temperature, and hence the point of visibility is seldom attained, except by gases which are themselves combustible, and therefore capable of producing, by their own combination with atmospheric oxygen, the requisite degree of heat. The presence of a combustible gas (or vapour), therefore, is one of the conditions of the existence of flame; a diamond, or a piece of thoroughly carbonised charcoal, will burn in oxygen with a steady glow, but without flame, since the carbon is not capable of conversion into vapour, while sulphur burns with a voluminous flame, in consequence of the facility with which it assumes the vaporous condition. It will be observed, moreover, that in the case of a non-volatile combustible, the combination with oxygen is confined to the surface of contact, whilst in the flame of a gas or vapour, the combustion extends to a considerable depth, the oxygen intermingling with the gaseous fuel.

Flames may be conveniently spoken of as simple or compound, accordingly as they involve one or more phenomena of combustion; thus, for example, the flames of hydrogen and carbonic oxide are simple, whilst those of marsh-gas and olefiant gas are compound, since they involve both the conversion of hydrogen into water and of carbon into carbonic acid.

It is obvious that simple flames must be hollow in ordinary cases, such as that of a gas issuing from a tube into the air, the hollow being occupied by the combustible gas to which the oxygen does not penetrate.

All the flames which are ordinarily turned to useful account are compound flames, and involve several distinct phenomena. Before examining these more particularly, it will be advantageous to point out the conditions which regulate the luminosity of flames.

Just as gaseous matter is essential to the existence of flame, the presence of solid particles suspended in the flame is essential to its luminosity.

It has been seen that, when sulphur burns in oxygen, it emits a pale lurid light, whilst phosphorus, under similar circumstances, yields an intolerable blaze; this is easily explained, for the product of the combustion of sulphur, sulphurous acid, is gaseous at this temperature, but the solid phosphoric acid, formed from the phosphorus, is suspended in the flame, in a state of very minute division, and becomes heated to so high

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a degree as to emit a beautiful white light. That this is a true account of the matter is seen by introducing the phosphorus into a jar of chlorine gas, when it burns with a flame which is even paler than that of sulphur in oxygen, since the chloride of phosphorus which is formed is a vapour at the temperature of the combustion.

It is not necessary that the suspended solid matter should be a product of the combustion; any extraneous solid in a finely divided state will confer illuminating power upon a flame. Thus, the flame of hydrogen may be rendered highly luminous by burning a piece of phosphorus in its vicinity, so that the clouds of phosphoric acid may pass through the flame, or by blowing a little very fine charcoal powder into it, from the bottle represented in fig. 92.

The luminosity of all ordinary flames is due to the presence of highly heated carbon in a state of very minute division, and it remains to consider the changes by which this finely divided carbon is separated in the flame.

Fig. 92.

A candle, a lamp, and a gas-burner, exhibit contrivances for procuring light artifically in different degrees of complexity, the candle being the most complex of the three. When a new candle is lighted, the first portion of the wick is burnt away until the heat reaches that part which is saturated with the wax or tallow of which the candle is composed; this wax or tallow then undergoes destructive distillation, yielding a variety of products, among which olefiant gas is found in abundance. The flame furnished by the combustion of these products melts the fuel around the base of the wick, through which it then mounts by capillary attraction, to be decomposed in its turn, and to furnish fresh gases for the maintenance of the flame. In a lamp, the fuel being liquid at the commencement, the process of fusion is dispensed with; and in a gas-burner, where the fuel is supplied in a gaseous form, the process of destructive distillation has been already carried on at a distance. It will be seen, however, that the final result is similar in all three cases, the flame being maintained by such gases as acetylene, marsh-gas, and olefiant gas, arising from the destructive distillation of wax, tallow, oil, coal, &c.

Fig. 93.

On examining an ordinary flame, that of a candle, for instance, it is seen to consist of three concentric cones (fig. 93), the innermost, around the wick, appearing almost black, the

next emitting a bright white light, and the outermost being so pale as to be scarcely visible in broad daylight.

The dark innermost cone consists merely of the gaseous combustible to which the air does not penetrate, and which is therefore not in a state of combustion.

The nature of this cone is easily shown by experiment: a strip of cardboard held across the flame near its base will not burn in the centre where it traverses the innermost cone; a piece of wire gauze depressed upon the flame near the wick (fig. 94) will allow the passage of

Fig. 94.

the combustible gas, which may be kindled above it. The gas may be conveyed out



of the flame by means of a glass tube inserted into the innermost cone, and may be kindled at the other extremity of the tube, which should be inclined downwards (fig. 95).

A piece of phosphorus in a small spoon held in the interior of the flame of a spirit

Fig. 95.

lamp, will melt and boil, but will not burn unless it be removed from the flame, and may then be extinguished by replacing it in the flame.

The combustible gas from the interior of a flame may be collected in a flask (fig. 96) furnished with two tubes, one of which (A) is drawn out to a point for


Fig. 96.

insertion into the flame, whilst the other (B), which passes to the bottom of the flask, is bent over and prolonged by a piece of vulcanised tubing, so that it may act as a siphon. The flask is filled up with water, the jet inserted into the interior of a flame, and the siphon set running by exhausting it with the mouth. As the water flows out through the siphon, the gas is drawn into the flask, and after removing the tube from the flame, the gas may be expelled by blowing down the siphon tube, and may be burnt at the jet. When a candle is used for this experiment, some solid products of destructive distillation will be found condensed in the flask.

In the second or luminous cone, combustion is taking place, but it is by no means perfect, being attended by the separation of a quantity of carbon, which confers luminosity upon this part of the flame. The presence of free carbon is shown by depressing a piece of porcelain upon this cone, when a black film of soot is deposited. The liberation of the carbon is due to the decomposition of the olefiant gas and similar hydrocarbons by the heat, which separates the carbon from the hydrogen, and this latter, undergoing combustion, evolves sufficient heat to raise the separated carbon to a white heat, the supply of air which penetrates into this portion of the flame being insufficient to effect the combustion of the whole of the carbon.

Some very simple experiments will illustrate the nature of the luminous portion of flame.

Over an ordinary candle flame (fig. 97) a tube may be adjusted so as to convey the finely-divided carbon from the luminous part of the flame into the flame of hydrogen, which will thus be rendered as luminous as the candle flame, the dark colour of the carbon being apparent in its passage through the tube.

A bottle furnished with two straight tubes (fig. 98) is connected with a reservoir of hydrogen. One of the tubes is provided with a small piece of wider tube containing a tuft of cotton wool. On kindling the gas at the orifice of each tube, no difference will be seen in the flames until a drop of benzole (C12H) is placed upon the cotton, when its vapour, mingling with the hydrogen, will furnish enough carbon to render the flame brilliantly luminous.

The pale outermost cone, or mantle, of the flame, in which the separated carbon is finally consumed, may be termed the cone of perfect combustion, and



is much thinner than the luminous cone, the supply of air to this external shell of flame being unlimited, and the combustion therefore speedily effected.

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The mantle of the flame may be rendered more visible by burning a little sodium near the flame, when the mantle is tinged strongly yellow.

By means of a siphon about one-third of an inch in diameter (fig. 99), the nature of the different portions of an ordinary candle flame may be very elegantly shown. If the orifice of the siphon be brought just over the extremity of the wick, the combustible gases and vapours will pass through it, and

may be collected in a small flask, where they can be kindled by a taper. On raising the orifice into the luminous portion of the flame, voluminous clouds of black smoke will pour over into the flask, and if the siphon be now raised a little above the point of the flame, carbonic acid can be collected in the flask, and may be recognised by shaking with lime-water.

The reciprocal nature of the relation between the combustible gas and the air which supports its combustion may be illustrated in a striking manner by burning a jet of air in an atmosphere of coal-gas.

Fig. 99.

A quart glass globe with three necks is connected at A (fig. 100) with the gas-pipe by a vulcanised tube. The second neck (B), at the upper part of the globe, is connected by a short piece of vulcanised tube with a piece of glass tube about inch wide, from which the gas may be burnt. Into the third and lowermost neck is inserted, by means of a cork, a thin brass tube, C (an old cork-borer), about inch in diameter. When the gas is turned on, it may be lighted at the upper neck; and if a lighted match be then quickly thrust up the tube C, the air which enters it will take fire and burn inside the globe.

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A very inexpensive apparatus for this purpose may be constructed from a common Florence oil-flask. By applying a blowpipe flame at A (fig. 101), so as to heat to

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