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This praise may be exaggerated: but we know not whether we have ever seen so just a description of what a pastoral ought to be. The following is one of the most pleasing poems in this collection: Lines on a little Miss bursting into Tears upon reading the Story of the Babes in the Wood.

6 As the sad tale, with accents sweet,
The little ruby lips repeat,

Soft pity feels the tender breast
For infant innocence distress'd:

The bosom heaves with rising woe,
Short and confus'd the pauses grow;
Brimful the pretty eye appears,
And-bursts at last a flood of tears.

Sweet softness! still, O still retain
This social heart, this sense humane:
Still kindly for the wretched bleed,
And no returns of pity need.

In plenty flow thy days, and ease,
Soft pleasures all conspire to please;
Long may a Sire's affection bless,
And long a mother's tenderness.

And thou, O Bard! whose artless tongue,

The sadly pleasing story sung,

With pride a power of moving own,

No tragic Muse has ever known.

Compleat is thy success at last;

The throng admir'd in ages past;
Prais'd lately Addison thy lays,

And Nature's self now deigus to praise.'

To those who love epigrams, the following may not be displeasing:
To DEAN SWIFT, on his intention of leaving his fortune to build an
Hospital for ideots.

Rather thy Wit, good Dean, than Wealth devise,
"Twill make at least a thousand Ideots wise.'

Mr. Relph's poetry is easy and natural, such as might be expected in a cultivated mind fond of the beauties of nature: but it does not abound either with tow'ring flights of fancy, or with originality of thought. If the rhimes sometimes appear careless, we should consider that the poet died in the year 1740, when so much attention was not generally paid to the harmony of numbers as at present.

Art. 23. Pizarro. The Spaniards in Peru; or, the Death of Rolla
A Tragedy, in Five Acts: by Augustus Von Kotzebue. Trans
Iated from the German by Anne Plumptre. 8vo. pp. 93. 2s. 6d.
Phillips, &c. 1799.

This is a translation of the original play from which the splendid and popular tragedy of Pizarro, lately in representation at Drury-lane, is taken. Having already laid before our readers a view of the altera



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tions which have given this drama such celebrity on our stage, (see the Review for July,) we shall not detain them with any remarks on the play in its primeval state.

Art. 24. Pizarro in Peru: or, the Death of Rolla; being the Original of the New Tragedy, now performing at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. Translated from the German Edition of Aug. Von Kotzebue. With Notes, &c. By Thomas Dutton, A. M. Svo. 2s. 6d. West. 1799.

Mr. Dutton has decorated his translation of Kotzebue's play with a variety of notes and illustrations, and also with criticisms on the other versions by Mr. Lewis and by Miss Plumptre: in order, no doubt, that his readers may infer the superiority of HIS performance; and, to do him justice, we think that he has succeeded. He has likewise extended his strictures to Mr. Sheridan's celebrated Pizarro; and not only to the play, as given to the public from the pen of that gentleman, but to many circumstances in the conduct and manage. ment of the exhibition. The present critic has thrown out many remarks, serious, ludicrous, and satiric, that merit the attention of those who cater for the public in the dramatic line.

Should Mr. D. proceed in exercising the office of censor of the stage, he certainly may become as formidable to our playwrights and actors, of the present age, as Parson Collier was to those of the last century. Collier did some good; and so may his successor.

We must not forget to observe that, in his General Remarks,' printed at the end of this miscellaneous publication, Mr. D. has thrown out some harsh strictures on Mrs. H. MORE, in retaliation of her severe censure of the German Novels, German Dramas, and German Philosophy, in her late work on Female Education. *

Art. 25. The Virgin of the Sun; a Play, in Five Acts; translated from the Gerinan of Kotzebue. By James Lawrence, Esq. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 1799.

As we have already given our opinion of this play in the Review for Junct, we have only to observe that the present translation is respectably executed.

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D: Art. 26. The Votary of Wealth; a Comedy, in Five Acts; as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By J. G. Holman, Author of " Abroad and at Home." 8vo. 28. Longman and Rees. 1799.

Considering the present state of the drama, this is a comedy rather of the superior class: the plot has no glaring defects, and the lan guage is easy and simple. It appears, indeed, more calculated to be acted than for perusal: but the facility of the public must be allowed to furnish an excuse for productions of this kind. The author's friend has very justly observed, in the prologue, that

To please the town is not a task severe.'

*This work has not yet passed under our Review, but it has not been overlooked; and we shall shortly pay that attention to it which its importance requires.

Vid. Miss Plumptre's translation.



What is She? A Comedy, in Five Acts, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. 8vo.



Longman and

Rees. The chief merit of this piece consists in its ridicule on fashionable folliés. Absurdities, like those which the author attacks, can only be preserved to memory at the expence of much wit, like carcases embalmed in the most precious spices: but when they are exposed in their own jargon, as in this play, we laugh at them one moment, and almost disbelieve them the next.-This piece, in the Green-Room phrase, is well cast for the stage; and, while the modish style of some of the characters remains intelligible, it will bear a perusal.


Art. 28. The Coal Viewer, and Engine Builder's Practical Companion. By John Curr, of Sheffield. 4to. 21. 12s. 6d. Boards. I. and J. Taylor, &c.

This work contains practical remarks on the conveyance of coals
under ground, with descriptions of machines and rail roads, con-
trived by the author for those situations; proportions of the dif-
ferent materials used in constructing fire engines; tables of their
several powers and expences; tables of the quantity and weight of
coal in a statute acre; and general estimates of opening
with descriptive plates. The whole is detailed with great minuteness;
collieries: :-
and, being professedly the result of much experience in conducting
works in the neighbourhood of Sheffield, the publication is likely to
prove of considerable utility to those who are concerned in similar

Art. 29. The Artist's Repository, and Drawing Magazine, exhibiting
the Principles of the Polite Arts in their various Branches. 7th
Edition. 4to. 5 Parts, 10s. 6d. each, C. Taylor, Hatton-Street.
The same Work in 8vo. in Numbers, at 1s. cach.

Few publications, intended for instruction in the art of design,
treat of more than one of the various branches; and thus it is diffi
cult for a student to obtain considerable information, without much
expence and labour in collecting what he requires from a number of
distinct works. By the little care, also, that is taken to distinguish sub-
jects of the imagination from those which strictly relate to the practice
of the art, his attention is confused, and his progress is retarded. These
evils appear to be carefully avoided in the present undertaking;
which affords an extensive supply of information on the operative
of the art: first by way of precept in the form of lectures, with
illustrative plates which serve as examples for imitation of almost
every requisite, from the commencement to the completion of the
pupil; and then by a dictionary of terms, including, under separate
heads, directions for chusing and applying the different articles ap-
plicable to the art; with their price, &c.

The execution of this performance entitles it to every commendation, and fully justifies the great demand which it has experienced in the sale of so many editions.

Art. 30. Thoughts on Outline, Sculpture, and the System that guided the ancient Artists in composing their Figures and Groupes; accompanied with free. Remarks on the Practice of the Moderns, and liberal



Hints cordially intended for their Advantage. To which are annexed 24 Designs of classical Subjects invented on the Prin ciples recommended in the Essay. By George Cumberland. 4to. 158. Boards. Robinsons. 1796.

That there were certain principles, at present unknown, which in the best times guided the antient works of statuary, cannot be doubted; when we consider that any one, who is at all accustomed to the view of them, can almost with certainty decide immediately what is of that school, and that even the most laboured copies may be detected by good judges.

Writers on antique works have usually confined their observations to the subjects; which, generally being of fabulous and mysterious representation, have opened to them an extensive field of inquiry: but few have attempted to describe the principles of the operative part, by which so much beauty and excellence were produced. Into this inquiry, Mr. Cumberland has entered with all the enthusiasm of a real amateur, and with the advantage of being well acquainted with the practice of the art. In the attempt, he has undoubtedly made some advances in the developement of antient principles; and we hope, from the specimen which he has given, to see the subject pursued with increased effect; for we must regard the present performance as only furnishing hints for that purpose. We are particularly sorry, therefore, that a variety of circumstances have so long delayed our notice of this work.


Art. 31. Facts and Observations relative to the Nature and Origin of the Pestilential Fever, which prevailed in the City of Philadelphia, in 1793, 1797, and 1798. By the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 8vo. 9d. Printed at Philadelphia; London, reprinted for Phillips. 1799.

After the various and contradictory accounts of these epidemics which have reached us, we are happy to receive some official information, on which we can safely depend. The facts stated in this short memoir ascertain two important points: 1st, that the Philadelphia fever was imported from the West Indies, not generated in the city; 2d, that it was highly contagious. This seems to have been the disease prevalent among the seamen, noticed by Mr. Lempriere *, and distinguished by him from the endemic tropical fever of the islands. The College, we thought, had adverted to this distinction they observe;

It may not be improper here to remark, that very erroneous opinions on this subject have arisen, from confounding this pestilential fever with the malignant remittents of the West Indies and America. The difference still holds good, that these last are not contagious, if we may give credit to the writings and observations of physicians who have practised in the West Indies, added to our own. But the maliguant fever which prevailed in this city in 1793, 1797, and 1798, was always more or less so, according to circumstances.

In his work On the Diseases of Jamaica: of which we have prepared an account, but have not yet been able to make room for it.

A striking


A striking peculiarity, which does not occur in any other disease, attends the yellow fever in the West Indies. The natives and persons who have resided long in those islands, are very seldom seized. with this fever. It was likewise remarked, and it is a circumstance that deserves particular attention, that very few, if any, of the Creole French in this city, suffered from the contagious malignaut fever which prevailed here in 1793, 1797, and 1798, though the disease was introduced into their families; and children born in this country of Creole parents, died with it last autumn, while the parents and the children born in the West Indies, were entirely exempt from it. To European French, Irish, and other strangers, the disease was remarkably fatal. It is an observation founded in long and extensive experience, and which admits not of an exception, that strangers are the greatest sufferers from the diseases of the country into which they migrate were the yellow fever a disease of our country, the Creoles would probably have been among the first to experience its fatal effects; but as it is of West Indian origin, and their constitutions are assimilated to it, they escaped it here as they do in their native country. The natives of the West Indies being so seldom affected with the yellow fever, has given rise and currency to the opinion, that it is not contagious in that country, and with respect to them the observation is well founded; but then it is as highly contagious to Europeans and Americans in the sea-ports of the West Indies, as it is in this city when introduced here.'

This opinion, however, is not quite so clear as might be wished: for our army physicians, if we rightly understand them, assert that the tropical continued [or proper yellow] fever is not contagious, when it affects our troops, but that it arises from a particular state of the atmosphere. The Philadelphian College seem to exempt only the remittent fever of the islands from the suspicion of contagion. The question is no trifling subtlety, for the means of prevention must depend, in a great measure, on its solution; as the College declare the Philadelphian fever (p. 20.) to be essentially the same as the yellow fever. The rise of the last epidemic is clearly and satisfactorily traced to the clandestine landing of some sick persons out of a vessel from St. Domingo.

The measures recommended, in consequence of this opinion respecting the origin of the disease, seem well calculated to ensure the city against the farther inflictions of this dreadful scourge.

Let an entire new health-law be made, constituting a Board of Health, to consist of five persons, two of whom to be practitioners of physick. The smallness of the number will ensure responsibility, and a constant residence in the city; and the professional knowledge of the medical characters will be necessary to assist in directing the measures of the board. Let no person whose private interest may be affected by quarantine laws, be a member of this board.

Let a sufficient sum of money, per annum, be subject to the draughts of the board, who shall render to the Assembly a yearly account of their expenditures. Let this board sit daily during the months of July, August, September, and October; and, during these months, let every vessel from the Mediterranean, Coast of


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