FOUR BOOKS On the Eleventh of MATTHEW: VIZ: I. Chrift Inviting Sinners to Come to him II. Christ the Great Teacher of Souls that III. Christ the Humble Teacher of those !!II. The only Easie way to Heaven. By JEREMIAH BURROUGHS, Preacher of the London, Printed by Peter Cole, Printer and Book-feller, and are to be Sold the Royall Exchange. 1659 53009 : W A Testimony to the Reader T HAT we have by way of Preface set before the several Books already published of this Reverend Author, Mr. Feremiah Burroughs, may fufficiently serve for all that are come forth: So that we only need now give Letters Testimonial to the World, that these (viz. The Sermons on Matthew, the 11. Chapter. 28, 29, and 30. verses) We avouch likewife to be the painfull and profitable Labors of the same Author, and published by the best and most Authentick Copies. Thomas Goodwin, 25 Sydrach Sympson, Philip Nye, Fobn Yates, 1 |