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or they which shall not depart and avoid within the said time of xl. days, according to the true meaning of this act, fhall be judged and deemed according to the laws of this realm of England a felon and felons, and shall suffer therefore pains of death, lofs of lands and goods, as in other cafes of felony, and fhall be tried as is aforefaid, and without having any benefit or privilege of fanctuary or clergy.

licence for

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, The penalty That if any person after the first day of January next coming for fuing of fhall fue for the obtaining of any licence, letter or paffport, for any of the faid perfons called Egyptians to abide or continue tarry in EngEgyptians to within this realm of England or Wales, contrary to the tenor land. of this act, that then every fuch perfon fo fuing shall forfeit and lofe for the fame xl. li. of lawful money of England; (2) and that every fuch licence, letter and pasport, fhall be by virtue of this act void to all intents and purposes; (3) the one moiety of all which fums of money, to be forfeited as is aforefaid, fhall be to the King and Queen our fovereign lord and lady, and the other moiety thereof to be to him or them that will fue for the fame in any court of record, by action of debt, bill, plaint or information, wherein no effoin, wager of law nor protection fhall be admitted and allowed.

VII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority A provifo for aforefaid, That this prefent act, nor any thing therein con- Egyptians

which leave

tained, shall not extend or be hurtful to any of the faid perfons their naughty commonly called Egyptians, which within the faid time of xx. trade. days next after the faid proclamation to be made as is aforefaid, fhall leave that naughty, idle and ungodly life and company, and be placed in the fervice of fome honeft and able inhabitant or inhabitants within this realm, or that shall honestly exercise himself in fome lawful work or occupation, but that he or they fo continuing in fervice, or other lawful work or occupation, fhall (during fuch time as he or they shall fo continue) be discharged of all pains and forfeitures contained in this act.

fons this ftatute doth not extend.

VIII. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the authority To what peraforefaid, That this act fhall not in any wife extend to any child or children, being not above the age of thirteen years, nor to any of the faid perfons being now in prison, so that he or they fo being in prifon do depart out of this realm within fourteen days next after his or their delivery out of prifon; (2) nor shall extend to charge any manner of person or perfons as acceffary to any offence or offences contained or specified in this ftatute.


An alt to restrain carrying of corn, viduals and wood over

the feas.

fhall be tranf

W within this realm, in the time of the Queen's highness most ported out of HEREAS fundry good eftatutes and laws have been made No corn, &c. noble progenitors, That none fhould tranfport, carry or convey out this realm


without licence.

of this realm into any place in the parts beyond the feas any corn, butter, cheese or other victual, (except only for the victualling of the towns of Calais, Hames and Guifnes, and the marches of the fame) upon divers great pains and forfeitures in the fame contained; (2) that notwithstanding many and fundry covetous and unfatiable perfons, fecking their only lucres and gains, have and daily do carry and convey innumerable quantity, as well of corn, cheese, butter and other victual, as of wood out of this realm into the parts beyond the feas, by reafon whereof the faid corn, victual and wood are grown unto a wonderful dearth and extreme prices, to the great detriment of the commonwealth of this your Highness realm, and your faithful subjects of the fame:

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II. For remedy whereof, it may please your Highness that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by your Hignefs, by the affent of the lords fpiritual and temporal, and the commons, in this present parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That no manner of perfon or perfons, after the xx. day of January next coming, fhall carry and transport out of this realm by any fhip, crayer or other veffel whatsoever, into any place in the parts beyond the feas, or into the realm of Scotland, any wheat, rye, barley or other corn or grain growing within this realm, or any malt made within the fame, or any beer, butter, cheese, herring or wood (except only to and for the victualling and furniture of the towns of Calais, Hames and Guifnes, and to the town of Berwick, and the marches of the fame) without fufficient and lawful authority fo to do; (2) upon the pains and penalties hereafter enfuing; that is to fay, the owner and owners of the said ships and other veffels, to forfeit the faid fhips, crayers and other veffels, with all their apparels to them and every of them belonging, wherein the faid corn, butter, cheese, herring, victual or wood fhall be tranfported and carried; (3) and the owner and owners of the faid corn, butter, cheese, herring and wood, to forfeit the double value of the fame fo carried and conveyed: (4) and the mafter and mariners of every of the faid fhips, crayers and veffels, for every fuch offence to forfeit all their goods, and to be imprifoned by the space of one whole year, without bail or mainprise. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if any person or persons after the said twentieth day of January do carry and convey away by boat, crayer or other veffel, or otherwise, any wheat, rye, barley, malt, or other corn or grain, or any beer, butter, cheese, herring or wood, to any ship or veffel being on the feas or within any haven, creek or other place of the border of this realm, to be transported, carried and conveyed into any place in the parts beyond the feas, or into the realm of Scotland, without fufficient authority fo to do, that then every owner of the faid victuals, corn or other things aforefaid fo tranfported or carried, and the owner and owners of every fuch boat or veffel, and the boatman and mariners of the fame, fhall, lose forfeit and suffer all fuch forfeitures, pains and penalties as is above rehearfed: (2) the


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one moiety of all and every which forfeiture and forfeitures to be to the King and Queen's highness, their heirs and fucceffors, and the other moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame, by bill, information, action of debt or otherwise, in any of the King and Queen's highness courts of record, in which action, bill or fuit the defendant fhall not wage his law, nor have any effoin or protection to him allowed.

&c. than the

party is li

IV. And be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That if The penalty any person or perfons fhall obtain of the King and Queen's for transportmajesties their heirs or fucceffors, or any of them, any licence ing more corn, to carry and tranfport any corn, victual or wood into any parts beyond the feas, that if he or they to whom any fuch licence cenced to do fhall be granted, or any other to whom such person or persons having fuch licence fhall give, grant or fell his or their faid licence unto, fhall carry and convey, or cause to be carried and conveyed, any more corn, victual or wood, than fhall be contained in his or their faid licence, he fhall forfeit the treble value of the faid corn, victual or wood fo carried and tranfported without fufficient authority, and shall suffer imprisonment for one whole year in the common gaol where he fhall be apprehended, there to remain without bail or mainprise.

shall lade all at one place.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, They which That no manner of perfon or perfons after the faid twentieth have licence day of January, that fhall obtain or have any fuch licence for tranfporting and carrying any corn, victual or wood into any parts beyond the feas, fhall fhip, lade and fraight the fame, or any part thereof, at fundry places within this realm, but at one place certain (2) upon pain of forfeiture of the said corn, victual and wood and all his goods and chattels; the one moiety thereof to the King and Queen's majesties, their heirs and fucceffors, and the other moiety thereof to him or them that will fue for the fame, by action of debt, bill, plaint, information or otherwife, wherein no wager of law, effoin or protection fhall be to him or them allowed.

VI. And for the better execution of the act, be it further Juftices of enacted by the authority aforefaid, That all and fingular juftices peace may of peace, as well within the liberties as without, within their termine these feveral authorities and commiffions, at any time within three offences. years next after fuch offences committed, thall have full power and authority to inquire, as well by the oaths of twelve lawful men, as alfo to hear and examine the mafter, mafters and mariners of the faid fhips, crayers and other veffels, and all and every person other and perfons of all and fingular the offenders against this prefent act, and to hear and determine the fame offences, as they may and ought to hear and determine any other trefpaffes or offences.

VII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority The prices of aforefaid, That at all time and times hereafter when the com- corn when mon price of corn within this realin is, that wheat shall not they may be tranfported, exceed the price of fix fhillings eight-pence the quarter, (2) and rye four fhillings the quarter, (3) and barley three



Farther provi- fhillings the quarter, (4) it shall be lawful to every person and fions relating perfons to carry and transport over the fea to any place beyond the feas at their pleasure, any of the faid kinds of corn, fo that it be not to the King and Queen's enemies.


13 El. c. 13. and Jac. 1. C. 12. c. 25. f.

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Victualling of a fhip.



26. 21 Jac. 1. c. 28. f. 3. 3 Car. 1. c. 4. 24. I W. & M. feff. 1. c. 12.

VIII. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That this act ne any thing herein contained shall extend to any perfon or perfons for the neceffary victualling of any ship, ships or other veffels, but that they and every of them may victual the faid ships and veffels, as they might have done before the making of this present act; this act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

The admiral's IX. Provided always, and be it enacted by the authority jurifdiction aforefaid, That this act ne any thing therein contained fhall not be prejudicial or hurtful unto the lord great admiral of England for the time being, or to the King and Queen's majesties jurifdiction of the admiralty, but that the faid lord admiral, or his deputy or deputies, may and fhall exercife, use and execute, all kind of jurifdiction belonging to the fea, according to his or their commiffions, as they might lawfully have done heretofore; this act or any thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

No country person shall


A reviver of the ftatute of 5 R. 2. ftat. 2. c. 5. concerning arrefting of heretical preachers, and of the ftatute of 2 H. 4. c. 15. touching repreffing of herefies and punishment of hereticks, and of the statute of 2 H. 5. c. 7. concerning the enormity of herefy and lollardy, and the fuppreffion thereof. Repealed by 1 El. c. 1. f. 15.


An act that perfons dwelling in the country shall not fell divers wares in cities or towns corporate by retail.

WHERE before this time the ancient cities, boroughs, towns

corporate and market-towns within this realm of England fell wares by have been very populous, and chiefly inhabited with merchants, articity or town ficers and handicraftfmen, during which time the children in the faid corporate, but cities, boroughs, towns corporate and market-towns, were civilly in open fairs. brought up and instructed, and alfo the faid cities, boroughs and towns corporate, kept in good order and obeifance, and the inhabiters of the The rich Jame well fet on work, and kept from idleness; (2) by reafon whereeftate where- of, the faid cities, boroughs and towns corporate, did then profper in riches and great wealth, and were as then not only able to ferve and furnish the King and Queen's majesties, and other their noble did heretofore progenitors Kings of this realm, as well with great numbers of good able perfons, and well furnished, meet for the wars, as also then charged, and yet chargeable with great fee-farms, quindifmes, taxes, and divers other payments to the King and Queen's majefties, which at this prefent they be not able to pay and bear, but to their utter undoing, being few in number to pay and bear the same ; but also the

in cities, bo roughs and market-towns,



fame cities, boroughs and towns corporate, are like to come very shortly

roughs and

to utter deftruction, ruin and decay: (3) by reason whereof the oc- The cause of cupiers, linen-drapers, woolen drapers, haberdashers and grocers the decay of dwelling in the countries out of the faid cities, boroughs, towns cities, bocorporate and market-towns, do not only occupy the art and mystery market-towns. of the faid fciences in the places where they dwell and inhabit, but 5 Mod. 149. alfo come unto the faid cities, boroughs, towns corporate and market-towns, and there fell their wares, and take away the relief of the inhabitants of the faid cities, boroughs, towns corporate and market-towns, to the great decay and utter undoing of the inhabitants of the fame, if speedy reformation therein be not had in time convenient: (4) for remedy whereof, and for the better amendment of the faid cities, boroughs, towns corporate and market-towns, and to the end the fame cities, boroughs and towns corporate may be the better able to pay the faid fee-farms, and also to bear the other ordinary charges within the fame cities, boroughs and towns corporate, and to furnish the King and Queen's majesties with numbers of able perfons, like as they heretofore have done in times paft in times of war:

II. Be it therefore enacted by our fovereign lord and lady the King and Queen, the lords fpiritual and temporal, and the commons in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That any perfon or perfons which do now inhabit and dwell, or hereafter fhall inhabit or dwell, in the country any where, or county within this realm of England, out of any of the faid cities, boroughs, towns corporate or market-towns, from and after the feaft of St. Michael the archangel next coming, fhall not fell or caufe to be fold by retail, any woolen cloth, linen cloth, haberdashery wares, grocery wares, mercery wares, at or within any of the faid cities, boroughs, towns corporate, or market-towns, or within the fuburbs or liberties of the faid cities, boroughs, towns corporate and market-towns, within the faid realm of England, (except it be in open fairs); (2) upon pain to forfeit and lofe for every time fo offending, the fum of vj. s. viij. d. and the whole wares fo fold, profered and offered to be fold, contrary to the form intent and effect of this present act, as above is faid; (3) the one moiety of all which forfeitures to be to the use of our faid fovereign lord and lady, the King and Queen's majefties, and the other half to him or them that shall feize and fue for the fame in any of the King and Queen's courts of record, by bill, plaint, action of debt, information or otherwife, wherein no effoin, protection or wager of law fhall be allowed.

III. Provided alway, That this act fhall not in any wife Selling by extend nor be hurtful to any perfon or perfons, that bring any wholesale in of the faid woolen cloth, linen cloth, haberdafh, grocery, grofs, and not mercery ware or wares, to any of the faid cities, boroughs, by retail. towns corporate or market-towns, to be fold, or caused to be fold by wholesale in grofs and not by retail; but that they and every of them may lawfully fell the fame in as large and ample manner form and condition, by wholesale in grofs, and not by VOL. VI.



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