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L.. the full finall Sacrifice

on which a res nxt their eyes The mom'i Isack, and his ranime: The manna and the paschal lamb

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Lesy Master, inst and true!

Our food, and faithfull Shephard too

O by Thy self vouchsafe to keep.

As with Thy selfe Thon feel's Thy sheep.

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O let that lone which thus makes Ther

Mix with our low mortality.

Lift our lean soules, and sett vs vp
Con-victors of Thine Own full exp.

Coheirs of saints. That so all may
Drink the same wine; and the same way:

Nor change the pastyre, but the place,

To feed of Thee, in Thine Own face. Amen.


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In 1648, line 3 has thou' for you: line 4 and for to: line 6, ambitious: line 19. 'Lord' is misprinted Law: line 39, names: line 42 spells one as on line 55, our text (1652) misprints shall: line 75, 1648 reads ' mean for 'lean." G.

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that true, Schooles vse to tell,

sand angels in one point can dwell.

e's great artillery

h here contracts it self, and comes to ly

se-couch't in your white bosom; and from thence

As from a snowy fortresse of defence,

Against the ghostly foes to take your part,

And fortify the hold of your chast heart.

It is an armory of light;

Let constant vse but keep it bright,
You'l find it yields

To holy hands and humble hearts

More swords and sheilds

Then sin hath snares, or Hell hath darts.

Only be sure

The hands be pure




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Amorous languishments; luminous trances ;
Sights which are not seen with eyes ;
Spirituall and soul-peircing glances

Whose pure and subtil lightning flyes


Home to the heart, and setts the house on fire,

And melts it down in sweet desire

Yet doth not stay

To ask the windows' leaue, to passe that way;


Delicious deaths; soft exalations

Of soul; dear and diuine annihilations ;

A thousand vnknown rites

Of ioyes and rarefy'd delights;

A hundred thousand goods, glories, and graces :

And many a mystick thing

Which the diuine embraces

Of the deare Spouse of spirits, with them will bring,

For which it is no shame

That dull mortality must not know a name.

Of all this hidden store

Of blessings, and ten thousand more

(If when He come

He find the heart from home)

Doubtlesse He will vnload

Himself some other where,

And poure abroad

His pretious sweets

On the fair soul whom first He meets.

O fair, O fortunate! O riche! O dear!




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