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"to fe the Kinge, who vsed my mother and my "aunt very gratiouflie; but we all faw a great

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chaunge betweene the fashion of the Court as "it was now, and of y' in y Queene's, for we "were all lowzy by fittinge in St Thomas Erfkin's " chamber.


A difpute be tween Geo, E:

of Cumber

land & the L Burleigh, about carrying

the fword before the King at York, ad

judged in fa

vour of the (4


"As the Kinge came out of "Scotland, when he lay at Yeorke, ther was a ftriffe betweene "father and my Lord Burleighe, "who was then Prefident, who "fhould carie the fword; but it "was adiudged one my father's "fide, because it was his office "by inheritance, and fo is lineally descended on me. "From Tibballs the Kinge went to Charter" house, wher my Lo: Tho: Howard was created "Earle of Suffolke, and my Lo: Montioy Earle " of Deuonshire, and reftored my Lo: of Southampton and Effex who ftood attainted; like"wife he created many Barrons, amongst wch my " vnkle Ruffel was made Lo: Ruffell of Thorney; "and for Knights, they weare innumerable.

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"All this Springe I had my health verie well.

My father vsed to come fome tymes to vs at " Clerken well, but not often; for he had at this tyme, as it weare, whollie left my mother; yet "the house was kept still at his charge..

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" About

"About this tyme my aunt of Bath and hir "Lord came to London, and brought w them "my Lo: Fitzwaren and my cozen Fraunces "Bourcher, whom I mett at Bagfhot, wher I lay

all night wth my cozen Fraunces Bourcher and "Mrs. Marie Carie, wch was the first beginnings "of the greatnes betweene vs. About i5 mile " from London ther mett them my mother, my "Lo: of Bedford and his La: my unckle Ruffelk " and much other companie, foe that we weare «in number about 300, wh did all accompanie "them to Bath House, wher they continued most "of that fommer, whether I went dailie and "vifited them, and grew more inward w my cozen Fraunces and Mrs. Cary.

"About this tyme my aunt of Warwick went "to meete the Queene, haueinge Mrs. Bridges thir, and my [coufin] Ann Vauifor; my


mother and L. fhould have gone w them, but "that hir horses, wh the borrowed of Mr. Elmes

and old Mr. Hickley, weare not ready; yet I "went the fame night and ouertooke my aunt at "Ditten Hanger, my Lady Blunt's house, wher

"my mother came the next day to me about

noone, my aunt being gone before. Then my "mother and I went on o' iorney to ouertake hir, "and kild 3 horfes that day wth extreamitie of 23

beate, and came to Wreft, my Lord of Kent's,

« house,

" house*; where we found the dores fhutt, and none in the house but one servaunt, who only had the keyes of the hall, fo that we weare en"forced to lie in the hall all night, till towards "morneinge, at w tyme came a man and lett "vs into the higher roomes, wher we flept 3 or 4 "howers.

"This morneinge we hafted away betyme, and "came that night to Rockingham Castle, wher "we ouertooke my aunt of Warwick and hir com

panie, wher we continued a day or two with old "S Edward Watson and his Lady. Then we

went to my La: Nedums, who once ferued my "aunt of Warwick, and from thence to a fifter "of hirs whofe name I haue forgotten. Thither "came my La: of Bedford, who was then fo great "a woman wh the Queene as cuerie body much "refpected hir, the haueinge attended the Queene " from out of Scotland.

"The next day we went to M. Griffin of "Dinglies, wh was the first tyme I euer faw the "Queene and Prince Henrie, wher fhe kiffed vs "all, and vfed vs kindly. Thither came my "La: of Suffolk, my yeonge La; Darby, and "my La: Walfingham, wh 3 Ladies wear the " great fauorits of S'. Robert Sicill, That night "we went alonge with the Queene's traine, ther

* In Hertfordshire, the feat at this time of Lady Hard. wicke, the reprefentative of the Kent family.

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beinge an infinit companie of coaches; and, "as I take it, my aunt and my mother and I

lay at S'. Ritchard Knightlies, wher my La: "Eliz. Knightly made exceedinglie much of vs. "The fame night my mother and I, and my "coz. Ann Vauifor rid on horseback throw

Couentrie, and went to a gentleman's house "wher y La: Eliz. hir grace lay, wh was the "first tyme I ever faw hir, my La: Kildare and " ye La: Harington being hir gouerneffes. The "fame night we returned to S. Ritchard * Knightlies.

The Queene
and Prince
came to Al-
thorpe the 23
of June,beinge
Saterday, but
as I remember
my aunt of
Warwick, my
mother and I,
came not thi
ther till the.
next day, wch
kept wth great
ther beinge an
infinit number
of Lords and
Ladies. Heere
we faw my
coz. Clifford
frit. Heere
we saw the
fauore to my
La: Hatton


"The next day, as I take it, we "went alonge with the Queene to

Althroppe, my Lo: Spencers "house, wher my mother and I faw

my cozen Henrie Clifford, my "unckle's fon, wch was the first "tyme we euer faw him.

"From thence y° 27, beinge Mun"day, the Queene went to Hatton

Fermers, wher the Kinge mett "hir, wher ther wear an infinit " companie of Lords and La: and "other people, that the countrie "could fcarfe lodge them.

"From thence the Court re"moued and wear banquetted with

great royaltie by my father at "Grafton,

Grafton, wher the King and and my La:

Queene weare entertayned wh fpeeches and delicat presents, at

"wth tyme my Lord and the Al"lexanders did run a courfe at ye

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Cicill; for the
fhewed noe
fauore to the
elderly La:but


my La: Rich and fuch

like companie.

"feild, wher he hurt Hen: Allexander verie dangerouflie. Where the Court lay this night I “ am vncertaine.

"At this tyme of the King's being at Graf"ton, my mother was ther, but not heald as "Mrs. of the house, by reafon of ye difference "betweene my Lo: and hir, wch was growen to "a great height.

"The night after, my aunt of Warwick, my "mother, and I, as I take it, lay at Doctor "Challeners, (wher my aunt of Bath and my "unckle Ruffel mett vs, wh houfe my grand"father of Bedford vfed to lie much at,) being " in Amerfom.


"The next day the Queene went to [a] "gentlemans house (whose name I can not re" memb') wher ther mett hir many great Ladies "to kiss her hands; as, the Marquefs of Wincheft, my La: of Northumberland, my La: of Southampton, &c.

"From thence the Court re"moued to Windsor, wher the "Feaft of St. George was folem"nised, thoughe it should haue bin

At Windfor

ther was such an infinit

number of La

dies fworne of

the Q. privy " don

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