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Willibald (uita Bonif c 8 p 469 Jaffé) gives 755 A D as the year of Boni. face's death. From the beginning of the ninth century at latest the reckoning A D is general in England. Several of Beda's errors are noticed by G Oppert über die Entstehung der Aera Dionysiana in 5 Jahrbb f Philologie XCI (1865) 809—27.

P 5 27 NAMES HIS AUTHORITIES Albinus the abbat (Bed he praef and ep ad Albinum), Nothelmus presbyter of London' (praef); Daniel bp of Wessex (praef), the monks of Lastingham (ibid), the abbat Esi for East Anglia (ibid), Cyniberct 4th bp of Lindsey (+732 10 ibid), Acca bp of Hexham (h e III 13, IV 14), Deda abbat of Peartaneu in Lindsey (II 16), the abbess Aedilhild (III 11), Cynimund fidelissimus nostrae ecclesiae presbyter' (III 15 fin, uit Cuthb 36 fin), the monk Trumberct (IV 3), bp Wilfrid and the physician Cynifrid (IV 19), Gudfrid abbat of Lindisfarne (v 1), Bercthun abbat of Beverley 15 (V 2, 3, 4, 5 fin hoc autem miraculum memoratus abbas non se praesente factum, sed ab his qui praesentes fuere sibi perhibet esse relatum), Aedgils presbyter of Coldingham (IV 25 fin), Alduulf king of East Anglia (I 15), the presbyter Haemgils (v 12), the abbat Herebald (Iv 6), 'a monk' (III 12, 19 superest adhuc frater quidam senior monasterii nostri, 20 qui narrare solet dixisse sibi quendam multum ueracem ac religiosum hominem, quod ipsum Furseum uiderit in prouincia Orientalium Anglorum illasque uisiones ex ipsius ore audierit; uit Cuthb 35 fin, 46 fin), bp Pecthelm of Whithern (v 13 fin, 18), Herefrid abbat of Lindisfarne (uit Cuthb 23, 37), Aediluald abbat of Melrose (ibid 30), Baldhelm 25 presbyter of Lindisfarne (ibid 25), the hermit Feldgeld (ibid 46), a presbyter (h e 111 27 Ecgberct, sicut mihi referebat quidam ueracissimus et uenerandae canitiei presbyter, qui se haec ab ipso audisse perhibebat), another (ibid 30 iuxta quod mihi presbyter, qui comes itineris illi et cooperator uerbi extiterat, referebat). Sometimes he suppresses a name 30 from delicacy (v 14). Of written documents he cites the legend of Fursey (111 19 bis), the Barking miracles (IV 7-10) which contained also the life of Sebbi king of the East Saxons (IV 11). The account of Germanus (1 17-21) is from Constantius Lugdunensis (acta ss July VII 213). The letters to and from the bishops of Rome (1 23, 24, 27 35-32, 11 8, 10, 11, 17-19) were transcribed at Rome by Nothelm

(praef), the letter of Laurentius and his fellow-bishops on Easter (II 4), that of Ceolfrid to king Naiton (V 21), and the acts of the councils of Hertford (IV 5) and Hatfield (Iv 17) may have been derived from the archives of his monastery. See Stevenson's translation pref xxiii-—vi.'




An abridged extract from Adamnan (v 15-17). Caedualla's epitaph (v 7), Theodore's (v 8), Wilfrid's (v 19).

P7 17 GREAT STORE OF BOOKS see Alcuin's account of Aelbehrt de sanctis Ebor 1453-6 non semel externas peregrino tramite terras | iam peragrauit ouans, sophiae deductus amore: | si quid forte noui li- 5 brorum seu studiorum, | quod secum ferret, terris reperiret

in illis.

", 25 IMPORTED GLAZIERS Beda's pupil Cuthbert writes to Lull (Bonif ep 134 Jaffé) si aliquis homo in tua sit parrochia qui uitrea uasa bene possit facere, cum tempus adrideat mihi mittere digneris. 10 aut si fortasse ultra fines est in potestate cuiusdam alterius sine tua parrochia, rogo ut fraternitas tua illi suadeat ut ad nos usque perueniat, quia eiusdem artis ignari et inopes sumus. et si hoc fortasse contingit ut aliquis de uitri factoribus cum tua diligentia deo uolente ad nos usque uenire permittatur, cum benigna mansuetudine 15 uita comite illum suscipio. Eddius uita Wilfridi 14 fin Wilfrid introduced masons (caementarios) into his diocese; 16 York cathedral was dilapidated, the roof leaked, the windows were open; he roofed it with lead and glazed the windows, per fenestras introitum auium et imbrium uitro prohibuit, per quod tamen intro lumen radiabat: his works 20 at Hexham 22 23.


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IO DE VITA CVTHBERTI Alcuin de sanctis Ebor 645-749.

Vienne A D 6 is his

18 HIS MANUSCRIPT Willibald in like manner wrote the life of Boniface on waxen tablets, and submitted it to Lull and another bishop, 25 copying it on vellum after they had approved it (pp 422. 481 Jaffé). P 12 n 2 the banishment of Archelaus to torical (Ios ant XVII 13 2. DCass LIV 9 § 6). doubt a fable, but is related by Eus h e II 7. VII 5. cf Druthmar in Migne CVI 1497. See Leyrer in Herzog 30 Real-Encycl x1 663 664 for later legends.

Pilate's suicide is no chron. AD 40. Oros

,, n 19 Greg dial III 37 (Ven 1744 11 365o). ib 38 the martyr Eutychius appeared to Redemptus saying 'Redempte, uigilas?' cui respondit: uigilo'. qui ait: finis uenit uniuersae carnis, finis uenit uniuersae carnis, finis uenit uniuersae carnis'..... 35 et quid in aliis mundi partibus agatur, ignoro. nam in hac terra, in qua nos uiuimus, finem suam mundus iam non nuntiat, sed endit. IV 41 'Why are the secrets of departed spirits, hitherto ealed, now made known? Because this age is drawing to a




close and the world to come ipsa iam quasi propinquitate tangitur'. A common topic in Gregory's letters; 9 reff in index ed cit under mundus. In Bonif epist 139 P 307 Jaffé quidam writes to his 'most loving sister': adpropinquante iam mundi fine et statua ex qua5 ternis metallorum gencribus quondam fabrefacia ruitura, hydram quoque semper nouis hiantem sibilis et Scyllam cum hereditariis catulis non cessantem latrare. Willibald uita Bonif 8 p 460. Beda 1 32 p 73 208.

P 13 28 METRICAL AND RHYTHMICÁL HYMNS see the extract from Lull above p 181 1 14. Quidam sends to an abbess and nun (Bonif ep IO 95 P 243) uersiculos metrica ratione compositos. 'N' sends to Boniface (ep 99 PP 248 249) hexameters correctionis causa. In his treatise 'de arte metrica' c 24 'de rhythmo' Bede explains that metre is determined by quantity, rhythm by the number of syllables: uidetur autem rhythmus metris esse consimilis, quae est uerborum modulata compositio non 15 metrica ratione, sed numero syllabarum ad iudicium aurium examinata, ut sunt carmina uulgarium poetarum. et quidem rhyth mus sine metro esse potest, metrum uero sine rhythmo esse non potest: quod liquidius ita definitur. metrum est ratio cum modulatione; rhythmus modulatio sine ratione: plerumque tamen casu quodam inuenies etiam 20 rationem in rhythmo non artificis moderatione seruatam, sed sono et ipsa modulatione ducente, quem uulgares poetae necesse est rustice, docti faciant docte; quomodo et ad instar iambici metri pulcherrime factus est hymnus ille praeclarus:


rex aeterne domine,
rerum creator omnium,
qui eras ante saecula

semper cum patre filius:

et alii Ambrosiani non pauci.

Specimens of rhythmical riming verse are in Berthgyth's letters 30 (Bonif 148 149 PP 312—314) to her brother uiue uiuens feliciter, | ut sis sanctus simpliciter, | tibi salus per saecula, | tribuatur per culmina. P 16 II A SHORT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HELP printed p 166. 13 FRIEND AND PUPIL ECGBERT uita Alcuini 2 p 9 Jaffé where is an account of Ecgbert's school. He sent books to Boniface 35 Bonif ep 100 p 250 Jaffé. See the famous catalogue of York library in Alcuin de sanctis Ebor 1525-61.

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,, 14 WRITTEN NOT LONG BEFORE BEDA'S DEATH 30 years after the death of Aldfrid king of Northumbria (ep ad Ecgb in Smith 309 51) ie after 705 AD (he V 24, 19 fin).





FTER the death of Aeduini, his cousin Osric succeeded in the


kingdom of the Deiri, and Eanfrid, son of Aedilfrid, to the throne of Bernicia. Both these monarchs renounced the christian faith, and fell back into idolatry. Ceadualla king of the Brettones was used 5 as the instrument of Heaven's vengeance on them both. He slew Osric first, in a sally from a town which Osric was besieging, and before the end of the year Eanfrid was also slain by him when he had come to sue for peace. For a year the province of Northumbria was ravaged by the tyrant Ceadualla. To obliterate the memory of 10 these apostate kings, and the sufferings of the province during this unhappy year, the names of Osric and Eanfrid are omitted from the records of the province, and that year added to the term of the reign of Oswald, who, succeeding his brother Eanfrid, slew Ceadualla at Denisesburna.


P 19 I INTERFECTO IN PVGNA AEDVINO in the battle of Hathfelth (Hatfield in the W Riding) 12 Oct 633, where he was slain, aet 48, fighting against Ceadualla king of the Britons and Penda the pagan king of the Mercians, after a reign of 17 years over Britons and Saxons (II 20). For the extent of his dominions see II 5 Aeduin rex Nordan- 20 hymbrorum gentis, id est eius quae ad borealem Humbrae fluminis plagam inhabitat, maiore potentia cunctis qui Brittaniam incolunt Anglorum pariter et Brittonum populis praefuit, praeter Cantuariis tantum : necnon et Meuanias Brittonum insulas, quae inter Hiberniam et Brittaniam sitae sunt, Anglorum subiecit imperio. It is added that Oswald 25 maintained the same boundaries. cf 11 9. Varin 197.

2 REGNVM DEIRORVM called in the Saxon version 'Dera rice', which will account for the orthography Deri, as well as Deiri, found 30 3.



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P 19 3 AELFRICI brother of Aeduin's father Aella, who was king of Deira, as we see (11 I end) from the legend of pope Gregory and the Saxon slaves.

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5 IN HAS DVAS PROVINCIAS Deira commenced at the Humber and extended to the Tees, and Bernicia stretched from the Tees to the Tweed. The boundaries of the two kingdoms appear to have varied, for 10 some authorities make Deira reach to the Tweed and Bernicia to the Frith of Forth, while others confine Deira to the south of the Tees, but make the northern kingdom extend to the Frith. Smith 103 n. Lappenberg I 117.

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6 GENS NORDANHYMBRORVM defined 11 9 gens Nordanhym15 brorum, hoc est ea natio Anglorum, quae ad aquilonalem Humbrae fluminis plagam habitabat, cum rege suo Aeduino uerbum fidei praedicante Paulino ...suscepit. This was 6 years before Edwin's death (II 20) i. e. A D 627. Eddius uses the term Ultra-Umbrenses 43. 44. 45 bis. 56. 62. 65 end in omnibus regni citra ultraque Umbrensium.


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89 TEMPORE TOTO QVO REGNAVIT AEDVINI line I note. 9 AEDVINI in masc. proper names which in Saxon end with e the scribe in this MS ends the name in the nominative with i, but makes all the oblique cases of the same form as if the noun were a Latin nominative in us. see 1 1.



frid was a terror to the Britons beyond all the kings of the Angles; he utterly routed the Scots at Degsastan A D 603 (the 11th year of his reign of 24 years). The defeat was so complete, that the Scots from that time ceased to invade England (II 5. 111 6. v 23 end. Varin 194).

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II SCOTTOS Beda distinguishes Scots (II 4) qui Hiberniam insulam Brittaniae proximam incolunt, and (v 23 p 219 11 S) Scotti qui

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SIVE 'and'.

EXVLABANT p 22 1 26. p 70 1 13. p 81 1 2. See Fordun 35 chron gent Scot III 33 where concerning the conversion of the exiles, and the religious character of the Scots at that day it is said: doctrina sanctorum patrum et predicationibus quorum assidue gloriosa tunc conuersatione Scotia refulsit, ad Christianam perducti sunt fidem.

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AD DOCTRINAM SCOTTORVM p 24 1 26 seq. p 28 1 5 seq. cf II 4.

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