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323 coffin was too short for it, and in spite of all that they could do by chipping away from the inside it could not be made large enough. But while they pondered what should be done, a miracle was granted, and thereby the coffin was made so long that even a pillow could be put 5 in at the head and there was a space of four fingers breadth at the foot. The bishop Valdheri and Sighard the son of Sebbi and no small company of other men were present when this happened.


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16 SVPRA III 30.


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22 EPISCOPVM MAGIS QVAM REGEM in his letter to Ecgberct 15 Beda betrays a statesmanlike alarm at the growth of ecclesiastical property, exempt from military service; here he is conscious that a king needs qualities other than will suffice for a bishop.

23 ANNOS TRIGINTA 665-694 or 695 III 30. Pagi 672 7: martyrol Angl and Rom 29 Aug. AA SS Aug VI 516. "Stow and Weever 20 speak of his tomb as remaining in their days in St Paul's cathedral' (Stevenson).

29 VALDHERI beginning with this prelate William of Malmesbury gives a list of nineteen bishops of London with the remark, 'adeo sub obscuritatis nubilo iacent ut non eorum sciantur mausolea'. 25 de gest pont II P 236.


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EARCONVALDO C 6. Pagi 693 7 dates his death 693 or at the end of 692, referring to AA SS 30 Apr and monast Angl III 127. 299. In his presence the aged Theodore made his peace with Wilfrid Eddius 42. In the year 693 Beda was ordained deacon according to Flor Vig.

P 112 6 PRAEFATA p 111 1 24.

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8 ALIQUID INDIGNVM So St Kentigern just before his death used a linen bandage round his head; ne mento decidente ex hiatu oris aliquid indecens in ipso appareret. uit S Kent c 42.

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28 PRAEPARAVERANT SARCOFAGVM v 5 pr John of Beverley summoned by count Addi ad unum de pueris eius qui acerrima aegritu dine premebatur, ita ut deficiente penitus omni membrorum officio iam 5 iamque moriturus esse uideretur. cui etiam loculus iam tunc erat praeparatus in quo defunctus condi deberet... intrauit ergo illo episcopus et uidit eum maestis omnibus iam morti proximum positumque loculum iuxta eum in quo sepeliendus poni deberet. The abbat Cudda made Cuthbert a present of a sarcophagus, which he kept IO (uita Cuthb 37 § 60) terrae caespite abditum.

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30 LONGIVS SARCOFAGO the very same difficulty, solved in like miraculous fashion, in Alcuin uita Willibrordi 1 25 conditum est uenerabile corpus in sarcofago marmoreo, quod primum toto dei famuli corpori quasi dimidium pedis breuius inuentum est, 15 fratribusque ob hoc ualde contristatis et consilio suspensis quid agerent et saepius tractantibus ubi aptum sancto corpori inuenissent locellum,..miro modo diuina donante pietate inuentum est subito sarcofagum tanto dei uiri corpori longius, quanto breuius ante apparuit. ib II 25. An oak, sacred to Iuppiter, falls 20 into four pieces after a few strokes from Boniface (Willibald uita Bonif c 6 p 452 Jaffé). Greg dial III 23 a 'sepulcrum' prepared by a presbyter for himself, was first occupied by his abbat, whose corpse turns on its side to make room for the presbyter, when he is brought for burial. P 113 5 EPISCOPO Valdheri p 1 1 29.

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II DOCTORIS GENTIVM St Paul's, where it was shewn till the great fire of 1666.



EUTHERIUS was the fourth bishop of the West Saxons, his pre


decessors having been Birinus, Agilberct and Vini. When the 30 king Coinualch was dead the petty kings held the government of the West Saxons among them for ten years. In this time bishop Haeddi succeeded Leutherius. In his episcopate Caedualla conquered the petty kings, and ruled for two years but then left his kingdom and went to Rome, where he died.

In 676 AD Aedilred king of Mercia invaded and ravaged Kent and destroyed the city of Rochester. Bishop Putta, who was then absent, made no effort to return and restore the bishopric, but retired to bishop





Sexwulf and there ended his life, being devoted to church services and singing. Theodore consecrated Cuichelm to be bishop of Rochester in his stead, but he soon retired and Gebmund was put into his place.

In 678 A D a comet appeared in the month of August and continued 5 to be seen for three months. In this same year began the dispute between king Ecgfrid and bishop Wilfrid. Wilfrid was driven from his see and Bosa was made bishop in Deira, and Eata in Bernicia. The seat of the former was at York and of the latter at Hagustald and Lindisfarne. At the same time Eadhaed was made bishop in the province of 10 the Lindisfari which Ecgfrid had lately conquered. After Eadhaed Ediluini was bishop there, then Eadgar, and fourthly Cyniberct who was bishop when Beda wrote. Before the time of Eadhaed, Sexwulf who was at the same time bishop of the Mercians and Middle Angles had also exercised the episcopal office among the Lindisfari. Eadhaed, 15 Bosa and Eata were consecrated at York by archbishop Theodore, who three years after Wilfrid's departure added two more prelates to their number, viz Tunberct at Hagustald and Trumuini among the Picts who were then subject to the Angles. Eadhaed, who withdrew from Lindsey because Aedilred had recovered the province, was placed 20 over the church at Ripon.

P 113 14 OCCIDENTALIVM SAXONVM ANTISTES on the bps of Wessex and king Coinualch see III 7.

16 MORTVVS COINVALCH h a 4 of Benedict Biscop A D 672 ingressus Brittaniam ad regem Occidentalium Saxonum nomine 25 Coinualch conferendum putauit, cuius et ante non semel amicitiis usus et beneficiis erat adiutus. sed ipso eodem tempore inmatura morte praerepto.

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18 SVBREGVLI P 31 II n. The two here alluded to are Escwin and Kentwin. Escwin's great-great-grandfather Ceolwulf had an elder 30 brother named Ceolric whose grandson was Kentwin.

19 DEFVNCTVS Leutherius died 676 chron Sax. Flor Vig.

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24 RELIQVIT p 101 1 7 n. Resignation of the Spanish king 35 Wamba Baronius 680 56. So Theodosius abdicated and turned monk AD 716.

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25 ROMAM AD 688 p 170 1 12. uita Wlmari in Surius 20 July. Paulus Diac ví 15, who calls him Theodoald. On pilgrimages to Rome see v 19. Wilibald, a monk of Waltham, with his father and brother


COMETS AND their porteNTS.


Wunibald went on a pilgrimage to Rome in 722 (Werner's Bonif 194). Wunibald went a second time and made the acquaintance of Boniface (ib 195). Theudo duke of Bavaria went to Rome to the footsteps of the apostles AD 726 Paul Diac VI 13=44. The Saxon abbess Bugge went to Rome to pray at the holy places (Bonif ep 103 Jaffé. cf ep 14 5 pp 68-70). Wiethburga found rest at the threshold of St Peter (ib ep 88). Ina was induced to make the pilgrimage by Ethelburga, who accompanied him (Will Malmesb I 2). AD 746 Karloman went to Rome and became a monk (Eginhard in Migne CIV 101 102).



28 AEDILRED P 170 1 1 and 19. A patron of Wilfrid's Eddius 42 end. 44 end.


P 114 IPVTTA c 2 end. p 101 1 30. Haddan-Stubbs III 130 'although he may for a few years have administered the diocese of Hecana, or Hereford, as the deputy of Sexulf, it does not follow that his 15 presence there constituted it a separate see'.

4 SEXVVLFVM p 104 1 27. Eddius end.

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9 ILLA ECCLESIA Hereford v 23 (p 218 1 23 S) eis populis qui ultra amnem Sabrinam ad occidentem habitant. Flor Vig in MHB 20 621c.

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13 GEBMVNDVM he died 693 and was succeeded by Tobias v 8 end. chron Sax. Flor Vig. Yet he is said to have taken part in the council of Berghamstead 696.

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16 ANNVS ECGFRIDI OCTAVVS cf p 101 1 1 and 11.



17 COMETA P 170 1 2 (cf 1 30). v 23 p 217 1 45 S. Beda de natura rerum c 24 'de cometis': cometae sunt stellae flammis crinitae, repente nascentes, regni mutationem aut pestilentiam aut bella uel uentos aestus ue portendentes. Pagi 677 9 seq, who places 30 this comet in 677. Luc 1 529 terris mutantem regna cometen. Iuvenal VI 407 instantem regi Armenio Parthoque cometen. Ios bell Iud vi 5 3. Tac XV 47. Serv Aen x 272. ind to Sen and DCass. A comet in 632 portended the invasion of the Saracens (Baronius n 1); another in 673 the murder of Childeric (Pagi n 8 9). The comet 35 of 678 is recorded also by Anastasius (Baronius n 15). The comet of 1066. Balthazar Bekker, the minister of Amsterdam, the famous author of the world bewitched' (against the belief in witches) in his 'ondersoek van de betekening der cometen, bij gelegenheid van de




gene, die in de jaren 1680, 1681 en 1682 geschenen hebben, Leeuwaarden 1683' and Pierre Bayle in 'pensées diverses sur les comètes' overthrew the superstition.

P 114 21 DISSENSIONE p 170 1 2. Pagi 677 12 seq. Smith append 5 xviii. Thomas Eliensis uita Etheldredae 11 Ecgfrid was irritated against Wilfrid for encouraging Etheldred to desert him, and was further incited (Eddius 24) by his second wife Elmenburga, who envied Wilfrid's wealth. The king and queen bribe Theodore to divide Wilfrid's diocese. Wilfrid pronounces a curse, which is fulfilled exactly a year 10 after, the corpse of king Aelfwin being brought to York; his brother Ecgfrid survived, but never afterwards won a victory.

22 DVO IN LOCVM EIVS SUBSTITVTI EPISCOPI P 103 1 18. Haddan-Stubbs III 125 126. Wilfrid in his petition to the Roman council of 679 (Haddan-Stubbs III 137 from Eddius 29) quidam mei 15 episcopatus inuasores inlicita praesumtione contra sacrorum canonum normas ac diffinitiones, in conuentu Theodori sanctissimi archiepiscopi Cantuariorum ecclesiae aliorumque tunc temporis antistitum cum eo conuenientium, sedem, quam per decem et eo amplius annos cum dei clementia dispensabam, raptorum more inuadere atque eripere moliti sunt et in 20 eadem sede subsidere, et non solum unum sed tres in mea ecclesia sese promouerunt episcopos, licet canonica non sit eorum promotio. Lingard I 120 121.

24 HIC Bosa: a metrical martyrology of Bosa, ascribed to Beda, in D'achery spicileg x. AA SS 9 Mar. Eddius 52 p 82. Pagi 705 13. 25 Alcuin sanct Ebor 846–874.

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25 ILLE Eata p 77 1 17-25. SIVE 'and' p 151 1 1.

26 DE MONACHORVM COLLEGIO p 138 1 2. Eddius 24 of Theodore tres episcopos aliunde inuentos et non de subiectis illius parrochiae in absentia pontificis nostri in sua propria 30 loca episcopatus sui nouiter inordinate solus ordinauit. Bosa was of Whitby, Trumwin contributed to the election of Cuthbert (IV 27. uita Cuthb 6) and when forced to resign his diocese retired to Whitby; Tunberct was almost immediately deposed (IV 28) and succeeded by Cuthbert, who had been educated at Melrose and Lindisfarne, and was 35 Eata's favorite pupil. Even after they had adopted the Roman Easter and tonsure, the three Scottish monasteries, 'étaient parvenus & repousser la jurisdiction de l'évêque romain' (Varin V 1 220).

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28 EADHAED IN PROVINCIA LINDISFARORVM p81130. HaddanStubbs III 125 in Lindsey, but whether at Stow (Sidenacester) does not 40 appear',

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