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July 692 Victred and Suæbhard were
Apr 725 after a reign of 34 years ib 23

P 150 25 VICTRED V 8 reigning in Kent. He died 22 pr; ie he began to reign Oct 690 Pagi 692 22. ID EST explains legitimus. 26 EXTRANEA 1 20.

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N the year in which king Ecgfrid died Cudberct was ordained bishop

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little island of Farne. This man from his earliest youth had a desire for the religious life and first entered the monastery of Mailros, over which 10 a priest of great virtue and prophetic powers named Boisil was then provost under abbat Eata. At Boisil's death Cudberct succeeded him as provost and laboured much to convert the common people from their evil works. For many of them led foolish lives and in a time of plague had recourse to idolatrous remedies as though they could obtain health 15 through incantations or spells. Cudberct laboured hard against this error and had great influence both through his skill in speaking and because of the grace of his countenance. He feared not to travel in the most inaccessible districts and frequently tarried away from the monastery two or three weeks, dwelling among the mountaineers and teaching them both 20 by word and work. After many years Cudberct was removed to Lindisfarne where from old times had resided a bishop with his clergy and an abbat with his monks. This institution had existed since the time of bishop Aidan who in the beginning thereof had followed the instructions received from pope Gregory by Augustine.


P 150 29 FINEM VITAE p 149 1 14.

30 DIXIMVS p 149

1. LINDISFARNENSIVM charters in Raine's N Durham append dcxcvi-dccxxv. uita Cuthb 17.

P 151 I FARNE p 48 1 20. the Fern or Farne islands, 17 islands and rocks lying from 1 to 5 m off the coast opposite Bamborough; famous 30 for the rescue of nine persons from the 'Forfarshire' in 1838 by Grace Darling and her father the lighthouse keeper. uita Cuthb 17 Farne dicitur insula medio in mari posita... aliquot milibus pas. suum ab hac [Lindisfarnensium] semiinsula ad eurum secreta et hinc altissimo et inde infinito clauditur oceano [observe the pentameter]. 5 PVERITIAE a boy of three rebuked him for joining in boyish sports, saying by divine inspiration uita Cuthb 1 § 4 quid haec, sanctissime


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antistes et presbyter Cudbercte, et naturae tuae et gradui tuo contraria geris? From that time forth he lived a staid and sober life.

P 1517 MAILROS P 77 1 18 n. uita Cuthb 6 fama praeuentus Boisili sublimium uirtutum monachi et sacerdotis Mailros petere maluit. This was in 651, and the resolution to enter a monastery was formed one 5 night, when, as he watched his flock, he saw Aedan's soul ascend to heaven (ibid 4). The Bannatyne club issued chronica de Mailros 1835; liber sancte Marie de Melros 1837.

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II SVPRA P 77 1 17 n. BOISIL 1 7 n. mirac Cuthb 20 end. W Stubbs in DCB.

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13 SCIENTIAM ET EXEMPLA 1 18 p 27 1 2 n. uita Cuthb 8 diligentissime iuxta quod et ante facere consueuerat, beati Boisili dictis pariter auscultabat et actis.

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15 MIGRAVIT W Stubbs in DCB 1 323 b 'the exact date of Boisil's death is uncertain; it was after the expulsion of the Scottish 15 monks from Ripon (cir 662) and some years before Cuthbert's promotion to Lindisfarne, possibly in the great sickness of 664, which he is said to have foretold'. EIDEM 17. V 9.

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23 MORTALITATIS P 79 1 4 n.


25-26 INCANTATIONES VEL FYLACTERIA VEL ALIA QUAELIBET DAEMONIACAE ARTIS ARCANA P 134 1 14 n. uita Cuthb c 9 (from which this whole passage, from line 15 to p 152 1 19 is taken almost word for word) has alligaturas for fylacteria. Greg dial I 10 (col I 193o) a Christian woman was possessed by the devil: cumque hanc antiquus 25 hostis uexatione continua uehementer attereret, propinqui sui cam carnaliter amantes et amando persequentes ad obtinendum salutis remedium maleficis tradiderunt, ut eius animam funditus extinguerent, cuius carni magicis artibus ad tempus prodesse conarentur. ducta est itaque ad fluuium atque in aquam mersa; ibique diutius incantationibus 30 agere malefici moliebantur, ut is qui eam inuaserat diabolus exiret. Instead of one fiend a legion invades her; she is taken to bp Fortuna. tus, who restores her by earnest prayer continued through many days and nights. Cf Baronius 713 7 and 9. Crosses worn about the neck were called phylacteria by Gregory (Baronius 604 4. Ruinart on Greg 35 Tur glor mart I II end, where such a cross, fortified with relics, stays a conflagration cf Baronius 711 7). Pope Gregory III writes to the Germans (about 737-739 in Jaffé's Bonif ep 36 p 102) uos autem, karissimi, qui in nomine Christi baptizati estis, Christum induistis, abstinete et pro




hibete uosmetipsos ab omni cultu paganorum.. diuinos uel sortilegos sacrificia mortuorum seu lucorum uel fontium auguria uel filacteria et incantatores et ueneficos, id est maleficos, et obseruationes sacrilegas, quae in uestris finibus fieri 5 solebant, omnino respuentes atque abicientes tota mentis intentione ad deum conuertimini. ib ep 42 p 115 (Boniface to pope Zachary) Franks and Bavarians and Alamanni defend the usages which we condemn by the pagan ceremonies seen at Rome on 1 Jan. dicunt quoque se uidisse ibi mulieres pagano ritu filacteria et ligaturas et in brac10 chiis et in cruribus ligatas habere et publice ad uendendum uenales ad comparandum aliis offerre. Zachary replies ib 43 p 120 end (1 Apr 743) de kalendis uero Ianuariis uel ceteris auguriis filacteriis et incantationibus uel aliis diuersis obseruationibus, quae gentili more obseruari dixisti apud beatum Petrum apostolum 15 uel in urbe Roma, . . . ilico omnia haec amputauimus. ib 47 p 128 (ir. a council heid 21 Apr 742) every bp must take heed ut populus dei paganias non faciat, sed ut omnes spurcitias gentilitatis abiciat et respuat. siue sacrificia mortuorum siue sortilegos uel diuinos siue filacteria et auguria siue incantationes siue hostias 20 immolaticias.....siue illos sacrilegos ignes, quos niedfeor uocant, siue omnes, quaecumque sunt, paganorum obseruationes diligenter prohibeant. ib 70 p 202 (748 after May, Boniface to abp Cuthbert) statuimus ut singulis annis unusquisque episcopus parrochiam suam sollicite circumeat, populum confirmare et plebes docere et inuestigare et pro25 hibere paganas obseruationes diuinos uel sortilegos auguria filacteria incantationes uel omnes spurcitias gentilium. cf Willibald uita Bonif 6 (p 452 Jaffé, Boniface cutting down the 'robur Iouis'). Bonif serm 6 (Migne LXXXIX 855) enumerates auguria and phylacteria among sacrileges. Aug Werner Bonifacius (Leipz 1875) 169.' 30 224. 239. 260. 431 (end). conc Trull 692 c 61 (Bruns I 55. Hefele Conciliengesch III 338) condemns those who lead about bears or other creatures [whose hair was sold as medicine or amulets] also the so-called νεφοδιώκτας καὶ γοητευτὰς καὶ φυλακτηρίους καὶ μάντεις. HaddanStubbs III 385 n 5. 424 Ecgberct's penitential 7 6 mulier si diuinationes 35 fecerit uel incantationes diabolicas, unum annum uel ii quadragesimas uel quadraginta dies iuxta qualitatem culpae. chapter 8 is 'de auguriis uel diuinationibus' and sect 4 is directed against diuinos praecantatores, filacteria etiam diabolica. Roskoff Gesch des Teu-. fels (Leipz 1869) 293. 298 (where he cites Caroli Magni capitular




AD 769 C 7. AD 789 C 4). 299 Agobard abp of Lyon +841 'liber contra insulsam uulgi opinionem de grandine et tonitruis c .' Siegel Handb d kirchl Alterthümer (Leipz 1836) 'Amulete'. DCA 'amulets'. Relapse into idolatry in time of trouble Beda h e III 30. so in Tertullian's time and later all public calamities were set down to the Chris- 5 tians. Sharon Turner AS bk vii c 13.

P 151 27 VTRORVMQVE 1 21 multi. 1 22 aliqui.

28 DE MONASTERIO EGRESSVS p 49 16. Lingard 1 142.

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paid to missionaries cf p 78 1 12. uita Cuthb 16 § 25 circumquaque morantem uulgi multitudinem more suo crebra uisitatione ad caelestia quaerenda et promouenda succendebat.


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II IN ARDVIS ASPERISQUE MONTIBVS in his ep ad Ecgb 4 pr Beda laments the decay of missionary zeal attende quid grauissimi sceleris illi commiserint qui et terrena ab auditoribus suis lucra diligentissime requirere et pro eorum salute acterna nihil omnino praedicando uel ex- 20 hortando uel increpando laboris inpendere contendunt. sollicite atque intentione curiosa, antistes dilectissime, perpende. audiuimus enim, et fama est, quia multae uillae ac uiculi nostrae gentis in montibus sint inaccessis ac saltibus dumosis positi, ubi numquam multis transeuntibus annis sit uisus antistes, qui ibidem 25 aliquid ministerii aut gratiae caelestis exhibuerit. quorum tamen nec unus quidem a tributis antistiti reddendis esse possit immunis; nec solum talibus locis desit antistes qui manus inpositione baptizatos confirmet, uerum etiam omnis doctor qui eos uel fidei ueritatem uel discretionem bonae ac malae actionis 30 edoceat absit. uita Cuthb 32 pr quodam quoque tempore dum sanctissimus gregis dominici pastor sua lustrando circuiret ouilia, deuenit in montana et agrestia loca, ubi multi erant de circumpositis late uillulis congregati, quibus manus erat inponenda. nec tamen in montibus ecclesia uel locus inueniri potuit aptus qui ponti- 35 ficem cum suo comitatu susciperet. tetenderunt ergo ei tentoria in uia et caesis de uicina silua ramusculis sibi quique tabernacula ad manendum, qualia potuere, fixerunt. ubi dum confluentibus ad se turbis uir dei uerbum biduo praedicaret ac spiritus sancti gratiam nuper regeneratis

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in Christo per manus impositionem ministraret, he healed a dying youth.

P 152 18 19 VERBO ET OPERE p 27 1 2 n.

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20 from this point to the end of the chapter is in substance from 5 uita Cuthb 16.


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22 EATA P 151 18 n. Cuthberct became provost of Lindisfarne

27 28 EPISCOPVS CVM CLERO ET ABBAS CVM MONACHIS P 25 1 21-26. cf p 149 1 29.

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32 AVGVSTINVs he and Gregory were invoked together in the litany conc Clovesho A D 747 c 17 (Haddan-Stubbs III 368).

P 153 2 GREGORIO Gregory I 'the great'. SVPRA I 27 (p б2 1 30 -34 S).

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UDBERCT entered on the life of an anchorite. Beda does not

it before. It was Cudberct's resolve to live in his retirement if he could support himself by his own labour. The place was without water, corn 20 or trees, and was the haunt of evil spirits. But by his prayers these spirits fled and the saint built himself a small dwelling, in which work the brethren helped him. A spring of water was found when they had dug into the hard and stony earth. At first he sowed some wheat but this did not grow; afterwards however some barley, though sown long 25 after the due time, produced a plentiful crop. He had a mound round his dwelling so high that he could only see heaven, and there he lived many years. When the synod of Adtuifyrdi was assembled, he was unanimously elected bishop of Lindisfarne, but declined to quit his monastery. At last king Ecgfrid and bishop Trumuini and many other 30 influential people went to the island and entreated him to undertake the office. When at last he consented, he was ordained at York in the presence of the king, seven bishops being gathered at the solemnity. At first it was proposed that he should be bishop of Hagustald, but in deference to his wish bishop Eata went to Hagustald and Cudberct was 35 made bishop of Lindisfarne. By precept and example he taught love to both God and man. He was remarkable for his frequent fastings and

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