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serae fontanne ines 154 1. Se q
# 142. Symm paneg ad Valent
13 Palat Aart 1 f Ang
conf 1 16.
neneration: babit. 70 4. the word
smento Pila ep II 14 3- VIII 24
6. pan 10. 13 92 Pain Con
as a tie Baron 646 25. Aug ep
221 12 223 2.

Beneror pais 30 2. 120 26. V 19
P 204 32. Greg dial iv 4 fn

Benit quarter 134 6. Hygin fab 27

innam patria exterül
serrentibens nasem fluctibus 47 23.
uersifico plectro 184 23. Adamn loc
sanct 1 17.

uerum etiam (after non solum) 163

7. exz from Pin ep in Doring on
1 16 8. several in C Arch.
uestigiis eius prouolutus 156 25.
Greg Tur glmart 1 28 resupinis
-is crucifigi. 48. Baron 601 11.
629 10. Bonif p 65 f.
ueteranis odiis 38 26.

uexillum crucis 21 29. Paulin Pe-
trocor uit Martini It 234. IV 598.
V 152. Hier ep 1 ad Heliodor.
uiaticum 119 3 dominici corporis et
sanguinis. 139 32. 144 29. V 14
salutis. Hence viaggio, voyage.
Paulin uit Ambr 47. Ambr de
Cain 117. sensu propr Sen ind.
id rem fort 3 2. de moribus 18.
uicani 37 23. 78 20. V 10 p 193 7

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-an of ecclesis 11 = 48 m
23 23-

154 30 sacridinim de sal stars.
dcorem ine an 0 27-
Solis 49 14 142 11. ep ad Eggb z
Her in Nahum 1 1.
aglantine 154 3 Ang coof I

tigas pro salute animae eius 21 21.
Paulin sit Ambr 13 £
uirecta herbarum 36 29
Lrgeorum parietum 45 15.
uirtas miraclious power, miracle
sing 35 4 111 1. pi miracles 21
4- 33 27 opera -um et signa mira-
culorum. 36 2 13 43 15- 57 22-
74 25-75 13 30. 103 6 16. 151 12.
Ang trin I § 22. Iren II 32 5. V
17 2. Greg Tur gi mart 1 54 uir
-um. Tert ind.

uituli marini insula Selæseu 117 13.
Ambr hexaem v § 5 cf 6 f. Cal-
purn VII 66 aequoreus.
uiua uoce 164 21. 165 24.
uixdum 66 26. Stat s 1 2 229. Plin
ep VII 33 7. VF IV 508.
ullatenus 22 6. 135 1. Paucker mé-
langes 1872 P 429 n. spicileg P
276 n.


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[blocks in formation]


deothdaege (n dat sing) from deothdaeg the day of death. The West
Saxon orthography of the first syllable is deað.

doemid (pp of deman to doom) = decreed, doomed, adjudged.


southern dialects write the form demed. See Collations p 403.
fore (prep c dat) before (of time). In the Southern dialects the form

is usually for. See Collations p 403.

gastae=gaste (n dat sing) from gúst = spirit, soul.

godaes = godes (n gen sing) from gód=good. huaet godes=what of

him dat sing of the personal pronoun hé, heb, hit.

hin contracted form of the adv heonan hence. See Collations p 403.
It is mostly found in compounds. So hin-gang=hence-going,
death. See iongae.

his gen sing of hé.

huact=hwat (acc neut sing of the indefinite pronoun hwd)=what.
hycggannae hycganne, gerund of hyegan to think,

preposition to. to hycggannae to think.

dative after the



iongae gonge or gange.

Dat sing mas from gang, a going, a journey.
hin is in composition with this noun.

naenig (neg pron) no one=ne ænig.

neidfaerae = neódfære, (dat sing) from neódfær=a necessary journey,
a journey one must needs take. On the form see Bouterwek die
vier Evangelien CXXXI.

sie (pres conj 3 sing) from com, I am.

snotturra (adj comparat nom) from snottor=wise, prudent. The word
is compounded with thone, and the compound = more wise in
thought, more careful.


than þanne (adv) following the comparative than.
tharf-pearf (n fem) = need.


Than he is forced to be.


Than him tharf sie=Than he need be.

thám (dat m sing) of the definite article. In the collations (see
P 403) the form is pán which is not uncommon. See Grein
Bibliothek s v þät.

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thone thane (n masc)=thought. Here it is compounded with snotturra
q v.

to (prep) preceding the gerundive dative ymbhycggannae.

uiuurthit=weorðeð (3rd sing pres ind) from weorðan to become, to be.
uueorthae=weorde, wurde, (3rd pers sing conj pres), from the same.
yflaes=yfles (n gen sing) from yfel = evil. Here the genitive is governed
by huaet.

ymb (prep) about. It is much used in composition both in its strictly
local signification, and so most frequently as in ymbclippan, to
clasp about, to embrace; and also as here (=concerning) with
verbs which signify to speak, think, or take trouble; here it belongs
to hycggannae. So ymbs précanto speak about.


ALCUIN, his testimony concerning

Beda, 183.

ALDHELM, bp of Sherborne, 201.
ANATOLIUS, an authority on Easter
question, 220.

ANCHORITES, lives of, 382.
cells of, 382.
ANDREW, Saint, churches dedicated
to, 245.

ANGELS, visions of, 235. 247. 320.
333. 366. 395.

BAPTISM, deferring of, 336.
BARKING, monastery of, 316.
BATHS, rare use of, 348.
BEDA, lives of, 200.

bibliography of, ibid.

his sources of information, 203.
pupils of, 204.
burial of, 204.

works of, 205. 206.
authorities of, 209.
date of his death, 401.
mediaeval notices of, 408.

BEDA'S age, 396.

early ordination, 396.

works, 397.

BEDE'S well, 203.
BELLS, use of, 365.

BENEFACTORS, commemoration of,

BERTHA, wife of Ethelbert; free

exercise of her religion, 260.
BIRINUS, missionary bishop, 231.
BISCOP, Benedict, 202.

BISHOP, first of English blood, 245

BISHOPS, native British, 259.
BONDS miraculously loosed, 357.
BONIFACIUS (abbat of Mainz), testi-

mony concerning Beda, 180.
BOOKS, great store of, 210.
BURIAL in churches, 236. 387.

CAEDMON, story of, 368.
works of, 369.

CALENDARS, Anglo-Saxon, 334.
CAMBRIDGE, university of, its foun-
dation, 252.

CANONS, book of, 311.

CANTERBURY, archbishop of, title
first used, 292.

CARLISLE, notice of, 386.
CASAUBON, Isaac, on Beda, 189
CATHOLICITY, tests of, 285.
CATTLE, marvellous cures of, 237
CEADWALLA, the Briton, 214.
CEDD, bishop, particulars of his
life, 263.

CEILLIER, on Beda's writings, 194
CHARLES the Great, his last year of

life, 400.

CHARMS, use of, 379.

CHELLES, nunnery of, 361.

CHILDREN, dedication of, to a re-

ligious life, 265.

CHURCH singing, 299.

music, 341.

CHURCHES built of stone, 222. 269
CLERGY, salutations to, 304.
COFFIN, miraculously enlarged, 324.
COFFINS, wooden, 350.

COINAGE, gold, in France, 235.

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