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The first of them by name Gardantè hight,
A iolly person, and of comely vew;
The second was Parlantè, a bold knight;
And next to him locantè did ensew;
Basciantè did himselfe most courteous shew;
But fierce Bacchantè seemd too fell and keene;
And yett in armes Noctantè greater grew:
All were faire knights, and goodly well beseene;

And Cupid still emongest them kindled lustfull fyres | But to faire Britomart they all but shadowes beene.


And all the while sweet musicke did divide
Het looser notes with Lydian harmony;
And all the while sweete birdes thereto applide
Their daintie layes and dulcet melody,
Ay caroling of love and iollity,

That wonder was to heare their trim consórt. [eye
Which when those knights beheld, with scornefull
They sdeigned such lascivious disport,

And loath'd the loose demeanure of that wanton sort.


For shee was full of amiable grace
And manly terror mixed therewithall;
That as the one stird up affections bace,
So th' other did mens rash desires apall,

And hold them backe that would in error fall ·
As hee that hath espide a vermeill rose,

To which sharp thornes and breres the way forstall,
Dare not for dread his hardy hand expose,
But, wishing it far off, his ydle wish doth lose.


Whom when the lady saw so faire a wight,
All ignorant of her contráry sex,

(For shee her weend a fresh and lusty knight,)
Shee greatly gan enamoured to wex,

And with vaine thoughts her falsed fancy vex:
Her fickle hart conceived hasty fyre,
Like sparkes of fire which fall in sclender flex,
That shortly brent into extreme desyre,
And ransackt all her veines with passion entyre.


Eftsoones shee grew to great impatience,
And into termes of open outrage brust,
That plaine discovered her incontinence;
Ne reckt shee who her meaning did mistrust;
For she was given all to fleshly lust,
And poured forth in sensuall delight,
That all regard of shame she had discust,
And meet respect of honor put to flight:

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Full easy was for her to have beliefe,
Who by self-feeling of her feeble sexe,
And by long triall of the inward griefe
Wherewith imperious love her hart did vexe,
Could iudge what paines doe loving harts perplexe,
Who means no guile, be guiled soonest shall,
And to faire semblaunce doth light faith annexe:
The bird, that knowes not the false fowlers call,

So shamelesse beauty soone becomes a loathly sight. Into his hidden nett full easely doth fall.

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