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These after came the stony shallow Lone,
That to old Loncaster his name doth lend;
And following Dee, which Britons long ygone
Did call divine, that doth by Chester tend;
And Conway, which out of his streame doth send
Plenty of pearles to decke his dames withall;
And Lindus, that his pikes doth most commend,
Of which the auncient Lincolne men doe call:
All these together marched toward Proteus hall.


Ne thence the Irishe rivers absent were :
Sith no lesse famous then the rest they bee,
And ioyne in neighbourhood of kingdome nere,
Why should they not likewise in love agree,
And ioy likewise this solemne day to see?
They saw it all, and present were in place :
Though I them all, according their degree,
Cannot recount, nor tell their hidden race,



Then came the bride, the lovely Medua came,
Clad in a vesture of unknowen geare
And uncouth fashion, yet her well became,
That seem'd like silver sprinckled here and theare
With glittering spangs that did like starres appeare,
And wav'd upon, like water chamelot,

To hide the metall, which yet every where
Bewrayd itselfe, to let men plainely wot

It was no mortall worke, that seem'd and yet was not.


Her goodly lockes adowne her backe did flow
Unto her waste, with flowres bescattered,
The which ambrosiall odours forth did throw
To all about, and all her shoulders spred
As a new spring; and likewise on her hed
A chapelet of sundry flowers she wore,
From under which the deawy humour shed
Did tricle downe her haire like to the hore

Nor read the salvage countries thorough which they Congealed litle drops which doe the morne adore. pace.

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