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Conamur tenues grandia. Hor.
To feed the Church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

Acts, xx. 28.


Published by L. B. SEELEY, 169, Fleet Street; to whom Communications may bilet

sent (Post PAID), addressed « To the Editor of the Christian Guardian."
*** This Work may be procured regularly of any Bookseller or Newsman in the

United Kingdom


23 MAR 1916 OXFORD


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At the close of the sixth year of our labours we feel particular pleasure in addressing our numerous readers on the bright prospect now opened before them. We anticipated this the last year, and we rejoice that we have not been disappointed.. ...

That the cause of vital religion is much on the increase in our Establishment, is a fact that is incontrovertible; and we sincerely hope that nothing may be permitted to arise among pious Churchimen to destroy the unity of the Spirit. We have been always happy in receiving communications from those who do not think exactly as we do; nor have we had occasion to reject more than one paper for its doctrinal tendency, though many have been witliheld as leading to unprofitable disputation. It has been our endeavour to recommend the formularies of our Church, to show their spirituality, and to explain their meaning: we therefore claim the warm support of our Brethren in the Ministry. " . .

Sympathizing with the Moravians, we have excited the benevolent attention of our readers in their behalf; and we have been happy in recording the libérality of a British Public towards those patient servants of Christ, whose work of faith and labour of love will not be forgotten by their Master.

; The Church Missionary Society has gained considerable accessions : 'to its pecuniary resources in the course of this year; and its pro

spects of usefulness were never so cheering. To record the progress and success of this Society will always form a part of our plan : at the same time we shall gladly insert Missionary Intelligence from any other quarter.

To our numerous Correspondents we return our best thanks, not only for the valuable communications already inserted, but for the supply we have in hand, which enables us to promise our readers an increased variety of useful and interesting articles. We earnestly solicit a continuance of their support. May we, without dictating to our Brethren, request them to transmit to us more Obituaries These are always read with interest. .

We have endeavoured to prove ourselves “ The Poor Man's Friend,” not only in that portion written more immediately for his instruction, but in the general tendency of our little work.

Our Youth's Remembrancer, we can promise, will possess addisional value in the next year, as we have in our possession some most admirable papers, more immediately adapted to our juvemle readers.

By the advice of several of our friends we have been induced to mispend for the present the Reviewing of Books; instead of which we shall continue to give Short Characters of Religious Publicas tions. This plan will enable us to notice a much greater puniber yaf works : our opinions, not hastily but deliberately and impartially formed, will serve as a guide in directing the judgment of our plain readers ; and we shall have more room for the increasing mass of - Missionary and Religious Intelligence. ii

It has afforded us heartfelt satisfaction to find that many of out judicious friends have considered our work to be improved ; and it shall be our endeavour to render it yet more interesting. We feel the responsibility we are under for the right conduct of it; and having no other object than the glory of God, and the promotion of his; cause upon earth, we commit it to His protection who can bleps. the weakest instrument to the promotion of his own causen

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them who die in thee; I, a wretch

ed sinner, do submit myself'wholly THOMAS CROMWELL, Earl of to thy blessed will; and, being Essex, affords a striking instance sure that that thing cannot perish, of the mutability of human affairs: which is committed to thy mercy, he was the son of a blacksmith at willingly now do I leave this trail Putney, where he was born in the and wicked flesh, in sure hope that vear 1498. From the confined thou wilt in better wise restore it circumstances of his father, he to me again at the last day, in the was deprived of the advantages re- resurrection of the just. I be. sulting from a liberal education; seech thee, most merciful Lord but, being endowed with an un- Jesus Christ, that thou wilt, by commonly strong natural genius, thy grace, make strong my soul he regarded travelling as the pro- against all temptations, and defend per means of improving his under-' me with the buckler of thy mercy standing: in fact, it was the ex- against all the assaults of the des perience which he had acquired in vil. I see, and know, that there is the course of his travels through in myself no hope of salvation ; the chief countries of Europe, that but all my confidence, hope, and raised him to the elevated situa- trust, are in thy most merciful tion which he afterwards occupied. goodness. I have no merits or By degrees, he became the confi- good works that I may allege bedential favourite and prime minis- fore thee. Of sins and evil works, ter of Henry VIII. and had the alas! I see a great hear. But earldom of Essex conferred upon yet, through thy mercy, I trust to him. Being zealous in promoting be in the number of them to whom the Reformation, he availed him- thou wilt not impute their sins, but self of all his power and influence wilt take and accept me for righte. to remove error from the minds of ous and just, and make me an inhis countrymen ; a measure which heritor of thy everlasting kingirritated the Catholics against him, dom. Thou, merciful Lord, wert to such a degree, as ultimately born for my sake, didst suffer huncaused his ruin : he was attainted ger and thirst for my sake, didst of heresy, convicted unheard, and fast and pray for my sake; all thy condemned to be beheaded. holy actions and works, thoil

On his arrival at the scaffold on wrouglitest for my sake; thou sufTower Hil, he kneeled down, and feredst most grievous pains and uttered the following prayer with torrients for 'mv sake; finally, great fervour :-"O Lord Jesus, thou gavest thy most precious who art the only health of all men blood to be shed upon the cross Living, and the everlasting life of for my sake. Now, most merciful


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