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Made An. 1502, by John Fisher, Justice of the Common Pleas, Humphry Coningesby & Tho. Frowyche, Serjants at Law, chosen by Consent of Partys for that Purpose, at the Instance of Margaret Countess of Richmond & Derby, & Mother to King Hen. 7th.

Art. 1. THAT no Person taken to be a Pensioner or Privileged Per-
Contributor in any College or Hall, who was

never brought up in Study nor Learning in the
University, shall have the Privilege of Scholar.



2. That every menial Servant dwelling & reteyned Privileged Per-
with any Scholer in Wages, & every Person re-
teyned with any Scholer, or Scholer's Servant, with-
out Fraud, Craft, or Collusion, to go or ride with
him, or to do him Service for any certain Time, shall
for the same Time of his Service only be reputed as
the Servant of a Scholer.

3. That all Bedells of the University, & all Manci- Privileged Per

ples, Cooks, Buttlers, & Launderers of every Col- sons.

lege and Hall; also, all Apothecarys, Stationers,


Lymners, Scriveners, Parchment Makers, Bookbinders, Physitians, Sargeons & Barbers in the said University, brought up principally in the Learning of any of the said Occupations, or at his or their first Dwelling in the Town set up in any of the said Occupations, shall have the Privilege of Scholars Servant, as long as they use any such Occupation. Privileged Per- Art. 4. That of all such Scholers, Scholer's Servants, &


Proof of Privilege by Certificate of the V. Chan.

By Oath of the

Privileged Person, if required, must prove his Privilege in 3 Daies.

common Ministers of the University as use Mer-
chandize in the Town, only those Servants shall have
the Privilege of Scholers Servants, who live with
them in their House in the said Town, and not those
also who live elsewhere.

5. That, if any one attached, arrested, or distrained
by the Mayor or any other Officer of the Town,
within seven Daies bring a Certificate under the
Hand of the Chancellor or Vicechancellor that he is
a Scholer, he shall be discharg'd immediately.
6. That, if any Person attached, arrested, or dis-
trained by the Mayor or any other Officer of the
Town, will publickly make solemn Oath, that at the
Time of such Attachment he was a Scholar's Servant,
common Minister of the University, Servant of such
common Minister, or Servant of a Scholer's Servant,
he shall be discharged immediately without Fees.
7. That, if any Burgess or Dweller in the Town, ar-
rested or distrained before the Commissary or other
Officer of the University, alledge, that the Party at
whose Suit he is so arrested or distrained, is not a
Scholer, Scholer's Servant, common Minister of the
University, nor any of their Servants; then Proof
shall be made to the contrary within 3 Daies, ac-
cording to Art 5 & 6; & on Failure thereof the
Party so arrested or distrained shall be discharged im-
mediately without fees.


cution of privileged Persons

before the

Mayor, to be

Art. 8. That if any privileged Person, attached, arrested, Wilful Proseor distrained by the Mayor or any Officer of the Town, & discharged as a privileged Person, as aforesaid, do alledge, that the Party, at whose Suit punish'd. he was prosecuted, knew he was a privileged Person; then that Party shall either make publick Oath, that

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he did not know this, or else make the Person ag

greived Satisfaction at the Discretion of the Vice-
chancellor. Also, if any Burgess or Dweller in the
Town, arrested or distrained before the Commissary
or other Officer of the University, shall be discharged
as aforesaid, Art. 7. Satisfaction shall be made him in
like Manner.

9. That the Mayor shall have all Pleas of Victuall be.
tween Burgess & Burgess, & between Burgess & Fo-
reigner, where the Burgess is Plaintiff: And that the
Chancellor shall have all such Pleas between Foreign-
er & Foreigner & between Foreigner & Burgess
when the Foreigner is Plaintiff. By Victualls are
here meant such only as are bought or sold to be
spent in the University, or Town, or other Places,
not such as are for Merchandize.

Wilful Prosegesses before the Commis

cution of Bur

sary, to be pu uish'd.

10. That all Pleas of Victual bought to sell by Way of Pleas of VicMerchandize shall be before the Mayor, unless

where any privileged Person is Party.


11. That the University shall have the Punishment & Affrays.
Correction of all Affrays made in the Town or Uni-

versity, & also the Amercements for them according
to their old Charters & Grants.

sons commit

12. That any privileged Person committing Murder or Privileged PerFelony shall be attached & arrested, according to the ting Murder: common Law of the Land, as well before his Banishment out of the University as after.

13. That the Keepers of the Town Prisons shall keep Keepers of Pri

sons, & their

such Prisoners, as are committed by the Chancellor Fees.
in convenient & secure Places; & shall take no Fees

of a privileged Person; & of every other Person committed by the Chancellor, they shall take for the first Day 4, for 3 Daies 8, for a Week or longer 12d, & no more. Toll, Pickage, Art. 14. That neither the & Stallage.


Toll for Victuals on Horseback.

In Carts.

For Droves of Cattle & Flocks of Sheep.

The Taxor's

Mayor nor any other Officer of the Town shall take any Thing of any one for Toll, Pickage, Stallage, or other Imposition for standing in the Markett, except of Butchers, one halfpenny a Week, or 12a a Year, or unless they provide a Butcher with a Stall Board 6 Foot long & 4 wide; in that Case they may each Week take one Penny of him.

15. That no Fisherman who is a Foreigner shall pay the Mayor for his Standing, Pickage, & Stallage, more than gd for a Quarter of the Year or one halfpenny a Week.

16. That for Oysters, Herring, Sperling, or other fresh Fish or any other Victual, that comes to Town on Horseback, only one halfpenny a Horse Load shall be paid for Pickage and Stallage.

17. That for every Cart Load of Oysters sold out of the Cart only one Penny be paid.

18. That for every Cart Load of Wood only one half

penny be paid; & for every Cart Load of Coals a Penny. Wood & Coals bought by Scholars shall pay nothing.

19. That for every Horse Load of Fish, Victuals, or other Merchandize, passing thrô the Town, the Mayor shall take a Penny; & for every Cart Load 24. For Beasts, Droves of Cattle, & Flocks of Sheep, they shall take according to the Custom of the Town

20. That every Burgess & Dweller in the Town shall have all his Corn, Grain, Coal, & other Things measured at the Water Side by the Taxor's Bushell;

Art. 21.

or with their own, sealed by the Taxors, for 4a only,
for a whole Year.

Baker's & Brew

er's Fee to the

Taxors or Proc

That neither Proctors nor Taxors shall take of any
one for setting up Baking or Brewing in the Town
more than 3. 4. And if any Baker or Brewer tors.
leave off Trade for 3 Months, & then set up again,

his Fine shall be at the Discretion of the Vicechan

cellor, so it do not exceed 6. 8d.

22. That the Mayor & Bailiffs shall have Presentment, Annoyances. Punishment, Correction, and Reformation of all common Annoyances in the Town at their Leets, to be held within 6 Weeks after Mich'. and Easter. But upon their Negligence at any Time, the Chancellor shall for that Time have the Punishment, Correction, & Amercements of all that inake such Annoyance, & see the Correction thereof.

23. That all Seges made over the common Ditches of By Seges.
the Town shall be removed, except the common

Sege of the Town, which shall by the Mayor be
cleansed every third Year, so as to be as little An-

noyance as possible.

24. That the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Burgesses, shall By Butchers. take Care, that no Butcher kill any Beast in any Street of the Town, & that they convey away the Gutts, Paunches, Filth, & Entrails of their Beasts in such Manner, that they be no Annoyance to the University or Town.


25. That the Mayor, Bailiffs, & Burgesses shall have Search of Leathe sole Search and Correction of Leather, & the Forfeitures & Amercements of the same, paying yearly to the University 3'. 4. And that the Mayor shall swear all Persons appointed to search Leather, to make true Search, & certify their Names to the Vicechancellor, before whom they shall make like Oath.

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